Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Once again, great progress everyone! The work you do now will pay off in the summer when we can enjoy the sun.
This was today's ride. It was 40 on my comp as I only sarted it once we left my mates, and if you look some corners get jumped.
Great moment when heading down flat/slight decline where some 'pro' in a Waite jersey overtook going through the previous village, for me to only cruise past him once we got on the open roads HA! he overtook me later at some speed but I am choosing to forget that.
All in all a good ride, the first 25 were with my mate, and the second 15 was solo as am trying to train for a 100mile 2 day event in may.


were you in a childen's club? That sounds bizarrely slow? The club ride near me says the 'slow' sunday rides are 10-13mph
First half was the early ride, 14-17mph avg, 2nd half was social ride, 10-12mph. (Usual pace avg)

Unfortunately we had a few newcomers including a father and daughter. The daughter didnt want to be there and was struggling but her father was pushing her to carry on. This has now caused a rethink of the social ride rules.

Social ride was the slow part. The early ride every one was on form and we finished the route half hour early so got some extra miles in.


three wheels on my wagon
The problem is that I don't feel like I have enough time to go out on my bike. I can't really go after school until later in the year because it will start to get dark towards the end of the ride and I have no reflective gear as well as homework to do. I also find that on a sunny day I'm much more motivated to get out there, so I intend to ride a lot more in the summer.

It will come in time because you want it to, do you ride to school? if so extending your route there and back a bit each week will soon tot up the miles, the mornings are much brighter now. Even short rides will help your legs get used to it. The main thing is don't let it worry you and concentrate on your school work. The long holidays will soon be here and hopefully good warm sunny days to bang some miles in.

Good luck and the main thing is ENJOY!


It will come in time because you want it to, do you ride to school? if so extending your route there and back a bit each week will soon tot up the miles, the mornings are much brighter now. Even short rides will help your legs get used to it. The main thing is don't let it worry you and concentrate on your school work. The long holidays will soon be here and hopefully good warm sunny days to bang some miles in.

Good luck and the main thing is ENJOY!

Boon 51

Deal. Kent.
Well done mate :thumbsup:
fancy swapping where we live? Oadby for Malaga :whistle:
Must be amazing riding around there!

Not been riding long so I have plenty of practice on the hilly mountains which I will practice more when the better weather arrives.. so its a magic place for riding as you say.. :thumbsup:


Made it to Saintbury and up the hill, not the best planned day but it all went well apart from needing bolt cutters to get thew the 6 foot gate that was in my way. Most of the 'resting time' was me trying to figure out if I was on the right road and on one cross roads it was third time lucky for getting the way...but other than that fairly well navigated.

With this ride thats 100miles for March and 1000 miles for 2013 :smile:


Senior Member
Made it to Saintbury and up the hill, not the best planned day but it all went well apart from needing bolt cutters to get thew the 6 foot gate that was in my way. Most of the 'resting time' was me trying to figure out if I was on the right road and on one cross roads it was third time lucky for getting the way...but other than that fairly well navigated.

With this ride thats 100miles for March and 1000 miles for 2013 :smile:

Nice one Andy, you got up Saintbury a lot quicker than I did!


Well-Known Member
Congratulations on your progress. I'm also finding roads/hills I use to really dread ridding up are just flying past! :thumbsup:

yep definitely noticed that this morning. Got a bunch of personal bests on hills this ride, really pleased and loving being able to really measure and notice the change. We will be doing 40 milers in no time!


Well-Known Member
When our lass wants to go for a ride, I ride behind her so we go at her pace and I try and keep it flat and on cycle paths so she feels safe. Got her to do 17 miles today, took us two hours, but with the Giro Challenge I ain't complaining.

I had my 10 year old daughter out with me last weekend, we did 7 miles with a cake break in the middle, she loved it and did really well, although we obviously walked up all the hills...
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