Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Well-Known Member
I did my furthest to date today, 28 mile, And like you Billy I feel fine! :laugh:
I tell you what though I actually feel stronger past 10 miles than i do at the beginning. First couple of hills are a killer but after 5 - 10 miles they start to get easier.
Having a set of rollers has seemed to improve my strength as well, did 3 1 hour session in the week (tues, wed thurs) and felt good today... Apart from feeling totally knackered now ^_^

Billy Adam

Senior Member
I did my furthest to date today, 28 mile, And like you Billy I feel fine! :laugh:
I tell you what though I actually feel stronger past 10 miles than i do at the beginning. First couple of hills are a killer but after 5 - 10 miles they start to get easier.
Having a set of rollers has seemed to improve my strength as well, did 3 hour session in the week and felt good today... Apart from feeling totally knackered now ^_^
Yeah you will do as you've got warmed up and spinning. I started feeling it at about 45 miles the wind seemed to get stronger ( that's my excuse anyway) well done.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you will do as you've got warmed up and spinning. I started feeling it at about 45 miles the wind seemed to get stronger ( that's my excuse anyway) well done.

cheers Billy - I still cant imagine being able to head out on a 50 miler! - hopefully by the summer I'll be up to it.


I managed to get out for a ride today. I chose a different route to what I normally do around quiet roads with a few hills but nothing too major. The weather today is lovely although a bit windy at times with plenty of others out cycling. My first ride over 20 miles and was hoping for 1000ft of climbing but I didn't quiet get there :sad:. O well always next time !
Don't do it Nigel the world might stop turning on it's axis!
Dont know about the world, the wheels maybe.Besides I cant rotate the world all on my own.
Just done 13 days out of the last 15, avg sp 13.97 the last 5 all above 14mph, with an avg elev gained of 1400ft. a distance of 379.7miles avg of 29.2 miles a day/ride.
I found out that rwgps deals with tcx file differently to fit files, the wattage is completely different.
Edit just created a new account and loaded loads of old rides as tcx's no difference, (well some of the times are) so I dont understand why yesterdays was so different in format.


Both club rides today. The social got a bit slow today. Few newcomers were struggling to keep the pace (avg about 5-6mph) so was holding a lot of us back and stopping to wait etc. Was nice sun though and as my mate mentioned, the slower pace actually did us a favour on the current Giro challenge on Strava. The slower we went the more time elapsed :laugh:

Was 8 mile short at the end of the ride so got them in to get my self my 1st century of March for the club challenge. 5th this year and another to do on my first sportive in 2 weeks!


three wheels on my wagon
I don't know about everyone else, But I ride a road bike (albeit a very cheap one) and I managed by first over 20 mile ride yesterday but I don't think that I had anything left in my legs afterwards. I can't see myself ever doing anything like the distances that some guys on here do, which is a pain because I'd like to join a cycling club when I go to university later this year.

5 weeks ago I dug out my old road bike after 25 years of storage on my first ride I was coughing my lungs up at 15 miles, I have done 70 miles in two sessions yesterday and today I will do another thirty tomorrow. It all gets easier the more you are out I still have a long way to go before I am anywhere near my goals but I am confident I will be doing coast rides next month (only if my beloved agrees to pick me up at the other end mind) I am now able to walk the dog straight after a ride and other than a dull ache I feel no real after effects. I was doing some minor rides on the butchers bike before that at a good leisurely pace with the dog in tow. Not too bad for this forty seven year old so it should be a lot easier for you.

So I guess what I am saying is keep getting out on the bike and taking it at your own pace and you will be surprised how soon you will get to a point where 'big' rides are just another ride and club cycling is well within your capability. Good luck and keep cycling


Well-Known Member
quick question.

My legs ache for a day or two after every ride, and im not resting for more than a day or two at a time, meaning my legs constantly ache... is this normal? I'm only 4 weeks and 200 miles in so I know I have a long way to go, just worried im doing something wrong like post ride warm down or food..?



quick question.

My legs ache for a day or two after every ride, and im not resting for more than a day or two at a time, meaning my legs constantly ache... is this normal? I'm only 4 weeks and 200 miles in so I know I have a long way to go, just worried im doing something wrong like post ride warm down or food..?

Should get used to it, may need a rest day every few days depending how far/fast your rides are.

I always have a recovery drink after a ride, usually a protein shake with carb powder (maltodextrin) in. But even a large glass of milk/milkshake will do. Oh and always have a nice relaxing bath after a ride to soothe muscles etc.

C Wood

5 weeks ago I dug out my old road bike after 25 years of storage on my first ride I was coughing my lungs up at 15 miles, I have done 70 miles in two sessions yesterday and today I will do another thirty tomorrow. It all gets easier the more you are out I still have a long way to go before I am anywhere near my goals but I am confident I will be doing coast rides next month (only if my beloved agrees to pick me up at the other end mind) I am now able to walk the dog straight after a ride and other than a dull ache I feel no real after effects. I was doing some minor rides on the butchers bike before that at a good leisurely pace with the dog in tow. Not too bad for this forty seven year old so it should be a lot easier for you.

So I guess what I am saying is keep getting out on the bike and taking it at your own pace and you will be surprised how soon you will get to a point where 'big' rides are just another ride and club cycling is well within your capability. Good luck and keep cycling

The problem is that I don't feel like I have enough time to go out on my bike. I can't really go after school until later in the year because it will start to get dark towards the end of the ride and I have no reflective gear as well as homework to do. I also find that on a sunny day I'm much more motivated to get out there, so I intend to ride a lot more in the summer.


Well-Known Member
Friday 26miles avg 14.5' followed by an 8.2miles avg 15.7

Sunday 26 miles avg 14.8 followed by 8.2 avg 15.7

Friday and Sunday 26 miles - two very different routes but ending at the same cafe.

The 8.2 is the same post coffee route home .

That is 17 rides since starting - 411 miles total so far.

I think the difference now is the pain is expected and in a strange way looked for - climbing gets quicker, a little quicker, a very little quicker, but the pain is always there. Started trying some out of the saddle efforts when the legs were beginning to tire, and this does inject a little pace but does seem to bring its own type of pain.
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