Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Morning All -
Signed upto that Strava challange thing! & now just released Im out of the country for 3 days a week for 3 weeks!!! hmmmm might have to get busy on the weekends!! this is getting addictive
Morning, it does a bit, you should see my spread sheet. I enter each ride, it totals for days, wks months years, past 7-14-21 days ect also past 30-60 days and quarters, sums for years, also H.R. cadence, elevation, difficulty (from the climbbybike formula), which in times gone past would have been amazing, then on top you have strava ridewithgps ect...........
edit I forgot weather too.


Legendary Member
Giro challenge well under way, now got three hours in, only another 29 to go!

A nice quiet 32 miles this morning, hardly any traffic on the roads and Strava gave me over 15mph again.


Legendary Member
Giro challenge well under way, now got three hours in, only another 29 to go!

A nice quiet 32 miles this morning, hardly any traffic on the roads and Strava gave me over 15mph again.

Well done. Got out nice and early myself. Love Sunday mornings when the roads are quiet. Much milder up here today too so no cold fingers!

I don't think I have any chance of managing the challenge though as my legs are already feeling a bit tired with the increased mileage. I won't push it. Don't want to put myself off cycling altogether just because of a silly challenge :smile:


my first 12 miles !!!! Well chuffed wanted more sadly the back didn't !!going to switch back to straight pedals damn toe thing nearly killed myself twice
Well done. Got out nice and early myself. Love Sunday mornings when the roads are quiet. Much milder up here today too so no cold fingers!

I don't think I have any chance of managing the challenge though as my legs are already feeling a bit tired with the increased mileage. I won't push it. Don't want to put myself off cycling altogether just because of a silly challenge :smile:
I am taking the day off, though I might nip to evans for a saddle,
my first 12 miles !!!! Well chuffed wanted more sadly the back didn't !!going to switch back to straight pedals damn toe thing nearly killed myself twice View attachment 19921
Well done, perceiver with the pedals, they will stop your feet slipping when its wet,

C Wood

I don't know about everyone else, But I ride a road bike (albeit a very cheap one) and I managed by first over 20 mile ride yesterday but I don't think that I had anything left in my legs afterwards. I can't see myself ever doing anything like the distances that some guys on here do, which is a pain because I'd like to join a cycling club when I go to university later this year.
I don't know about everyone else, But I ride a road bike (albeit a very cheap one) and I managed by first over 20 mile ride yesterday but I don't think that I had anything left in my legs afterwards. I can't see myself ever doing anything like the distances that some guys on here do, which is a pain because I'd like to join a cycling club when I go to university later this year.
Keep pedalling, the mileages will increase with out you realisiing.


I don't know about everyone else, But I ride a road bike (albeit a very cheap one) and I managed by first over 20 mile ride yesterday but I don't think that I had anything left in my legs afterwards. I can't see myself ever doing anything like the distances that some guys on here do, which is a pain because I'd like to join a cycling club when I go to university later this year.

You'll be fine, try and folow the 10% rule (try to add 10% every week/ride) and you'll soon be fine. You won't be the only person at the club who struggles with long rides either


Über Member
Helping my brother move his garage stuff today and while driving the van saw literally about 40 + riders in 5 mile journey in little groups all enjoying themselves, well, except one group who were struggling up a gurt hill and looking like they would rather stop for tea and scones.

No proper ride for me till probably Wednesday besides my commute. :sad:


Über Member
Just back from a club ride, cool but no wind so felt OK.
Ended up in a hedge, I was at the back of the line as we were passing 2 horses, one got spooked and kicked it's rear end round, the guy in front just got by, I had a choice of hitting the horse or bail out into the hedge:B)(couldn't find a smilie with a horse on can we have one added please)
Only going slow so no harm done other than a few scratches.
We did a few hills this time and I must admit I found them very hard :sweat: need to shed another couple of stone if I am going to continue to ride with these racing snakes!
52.6 miles in 3:20:15 at 15.8mph average total elevation 2343ft
Just had a large protein drink and I think the sofa will be my next destination!


Active Member
Wigton Cumbria
I re-started just a little before you in June (back end off), and like you started to tackle hills in sept/oct, last month I climbed more per mile than any previous month, and whilst not really a distance rider I am liking climbing the little hills we have here, now a days, I hated them when I started, the one upto the house, I couldn't stand at all after a 20 mile run let alone nearly 30, today I climbed from the bottom to the first peak out of the saddle. 0.3 of a mile @ 4.1% @8.3mph not fast but not hurtful either in that I thought I was going to die like the first time I did it in Aug, it took nearly two months before I tried it.
Yep same, couldn't even thing about getting out of the saddle a few months ago.
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