Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Billy Adam

Senior Member
Was, a nice ride today until a certain fairy paid me a visit. Normally she comes with a pin today she turned up with an ice pick. So ended up cutting the ride short and bailing for home. Felt good too.

Billy Adam

Senior Member
On the subject of the p word. When I was stopped at the side of the road (bit of a rant coming) about three cyclists rode past on their bianchi carbonara bikes, not one even acknowledged me. Then I stopped to reinflate said tyre and then an older chap comes past on an old tank (his words) stops rides back "everything ok" he asks. Had nice chat with him, turns out he's 79, recovering from a triple bypass op, and he still had time and concern for others welfare. Some people have a lot to learn. Rant over.


Well-Known Member
King's Lynn
First time out on the bike since last Saturday. Was hoping to get a couple of early morning rides in but the combination of loving my bed and cold weather but paid to that. Ended up doing two hard cardio sessions in the gym instead.

However got out today and had a great ride, managing 37 miles in just over 2.5 hours -

Pretty certain that's the longest ride I've ever done. A couple of tough hills (by my standards as well). Felt a lot more comfortable on the bike as well and got on better with my gears, probably a bit subtle in my changes.

A lot of cyclists out today, think I stumbled across a club ride/event. What was nice for me was that on a big hill from Shernbourne to Bircham I followed some club cyclists up and they didn't leave me for dead. Just a small thing but made me feel better about my efforts on the bike.

Now to spend the rest of the day walking like Tin Man lol


On the subject of the p word. When I was stopped at the side of the road (bit of a rant coming) about three cyclists rode past on their bianchi carbonara bikes, not one even acknowledged me. Then I stopped to reinflate said tyre and then an older chap comes past on an old tank (his words) stops rides back "everything ok" he asks. Had nice chat with him, turns out he's 79, recovering from a triple bypass op, and he still had time and concern for others welfare. Some people have a lot to learn. Rant over.
I always slow down or stop to see if other cyclists are ok. Doesn't hurt to ask now does it.
I always slow down or stop to see if other cyclists are ok. Doesn't hurt to ask now does it.
Same as Reece, just common curtesy.
No it doesn't, but you get that sort in all walks of life.
Nice run Billy..
Well I finally passed the 1,000 miles for the year, it was a little difficult getting going on this route as it was all uphill (nothing major just steady) from 2 1/2 to 7 1/2 miles into a slight N.W breeze, which you wouldn't notice stood still.
quickest run of the wk in terms of avg sp @ 14.62mph over 28.3 miles which is up on yesterday (as it turns out they are almost identical in elev gained over the distances @ 42.73 and 42.8 ft per mile) the biggest difference was the cadence yesterday 82 today 72.
Got this p.b.
I had hoped to get this one just missed it by 3's but I felt much better coming up it. some stupid car driver overtook me then slowed for a speed ramp, so I had to slow, I would have got it I think otherwise.


Nice one Nigel.

I'm out tomorrow, just hope weather is as nice as it was today. Been looking after my lad so couldn't get out. Both club runs tomorrow so speed won't be anything special but will get the miles in. Hopefully do a few extra after to get another metric century in.
As above, I will always stop and ask if I can help.

Lovely day here but still well stiff from the alternate work I am doing. Did manage a 13.29 mile ride around the lanes though with a 15.1 avg. I even got down on the drops for a long fast run peaking at 30mph for about half a mile. :hyper:
Oh and I tackled Saintbury Hill again, only managed about a third of the way up before I turned round.
I need to get a new phone so I can join the "Strava" club.
Nice one Nigel.

I'm out tomorrow, just hope weather is as nice as it was today. Been looking after my lad so couldn't get out. Both club runs tomorrow so speed won't be anything special but will get the miles in. Hopefully do a few extra after to get another metric century in.
Cheers Reece, hope the weather holds for you.
One other thing about today was, I managed to hold my own against someone on a specialized, not sure what model, but it quite large rear gears compared to mine now. He would probably blow me away in a race I guess, but it was nice not being left as usual. Though up to that point I was just really doing the miles, after that I put on a spurt of speed home (well as much as I can do).

I put the original saddle back on last night to see what difference it would make to the comfort of the bike, the bike actually felt a lot bigger as I was sat further back, (I had been getting cramped on the old saddle), ok the saddle wasnt as comfy, but not as bad as I thought it would be, though I wouldn't like to do many more miles than I did on it. I also suppose thats why I wasn't so fast to start with it was a totally different riding position to that which I have become accustomed to.
So I think a new saddle is in order, (and wheels, does this ever stop), I also only had the saddle bag and rack on (couldn't be bothered to take it off) , and the mud guards, so maybe this made a difference to my speed, so many variables this week (not to mention increasing the gearing, 24/11 on the back as opposed to the 26/13 I had) it's difficult to say which has made the most improvement, or maybe it's just that the rides were easier than I have done of late.


Senior Member
Just back from a 35 mile ride. God that was hard work. I hadn't done that route since November because the bridge at Fladbury has been flooded almost continually since then. Before I only did it when I was cycling once or twice a week but this was my 11th ride in 16 days. My heart and lungs could cope fine, it's my legs that can't hack it! They ached from start to finish and I could barely climb the stairs when I got home! Someone please tell me they'll get used to this frequency of cycling because honestly I think I'd rather do 80 miles after a 5 day break than do even 10 miles tomorrow.

I almost got shaken to death as the flooding has deteriorated the roads even more. One good thing though is that the bike looks like I've just washed it as the dried mud on the back of the seat post was shaken off. :laugh:

Anyway apart from that it was a good ride. ;) It's a beautiful day out there.


Legendary Member
Cheers Reece, hope the weather holds for you.
One other thing about today was, I managed to hold my own against someone on a specialized, not sure what model, but it quite large rear gears compared to mine now. He would probably blow me away in a race I guess, but it was nice not being left as usual. Though up to that point I was just really doing the miles, after that I put on a spurt of speed home (well as much as I can do).

I put the original saddle back on last night to see what difference it would make to the comfort of the bike, the bike actually felt a lot bigger as I was sat further back, (I had been getting cramped on the old saddle), ok the saddle wasnt as comfy, but not as bad as I thought it would be, though I wouldn't like to do many more miles than I did on it. I also suppose thats why I wasn't so fast to start with it was a totally different riding position to that which I have become accustomed to.
So I think a new saddle is in order, (and wheels, does this ever stop), I also only had the saddle bag and rack on (couldn't be bothered to take it off) , and the mud guards, so maybe this made a difference to my speed, so many variables this week (not to mention increasing the gearing, 24/11 on the back as opposed to the 26/13 I had) it's difficult to say which has made the most improvement, or maybe it's just that the rides were easier than I have done of late.

Sometimes wonder if your shape changes a bit once you get fitter. I have been having some pretty serious discomfort the last couple of rides and think I have made a mistake in purchasing a selle smp trk. Think it's too wide in the nose and possibly too padded. Can't really afford it but I have just ordered a Specialized Lithia Comp. Normally £50 but found a bargain at Leisure Lakes and got one for £31. Not so plush looking but I really think with saddles the less is more seems to be true, especially once you ride further.
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