Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Billy Adam

Senior Member
You're making great progress. I know what you mean with the gps. Quite often when I get back my Garmin might say 13mph but when uploaded to Strava just says 12.9. That whole tenth of a mph makes me seem so much slower! :laugh:
I'm using a cateye bike comp ( don't know how accurate it is) but strava always comes up a bit slower and shorter.


:laugh:nice one, I bet thats a nice run in the light. Nice pace too, at night.

The first part of the route was a bit grim, seemed a fair bit of traffic about on the A38 for the time of day, the section from st peter's to Powick is mostly cycle path...a thin path running alongside oncoming traffic. Reached powick and it was pitch black...the roads from powick onwards are prime cycling, though there was a bit of traffic about, they were all well behaved. Approaching Upton, the roads were deserted and a blood red moon broke through the clouds. I didn't see any other cyclist's out.
There will always be a difference between gps recorded and distance speed recorded by the rotation of the wheel, which if set up right will be more accurate, thats why I got the speed/cadence sensor, also different sites software read and interpret the data slightly differently, ride with gps is bad for time ridden and actual time this then effects the avg speed.
I thought I had done better than I did on the run to the hospital, must have been the level crossing closed, but I did get one nice p.b. 6's quicker from 14.2 to 15mph.
The ride home I did a 21 mile loop ride I got 3 p.b's I actually did this ride to see if I could improve on this no such luck it was the last mile and 1/2 or so with a northerly head wind, 39's slower than my best set in Sep, must have been a hell of a tailwind back then.
This one I am quite pleased with 7's quicker an increase from 11.6 to 12.4mph ( I think that where the segment ends has a lot to with it, traffic)


Finished February on 866 miles, of which nearly 650 were on the ice tyres.

Started March with a 28 mile commute to work - chasing that 15 hour strava challenge, only need to do another 1hr 10 minutes.

Also broke 15mph per Strava (Strava always shows me being slower than my gps says?)

Well done to all those that hit their monthly targets. :thumbsup:
Nice one in the mileage and also the progress on the 15hour challenge.

Wish I had time to do the 15 hours in a week. I will be attempting the next challenge giro training one. For a sportive within these dates that should knock a few of the hours off.


Legendary Member
Have just stuck my name down for the next Strava challenge. Lol. Doubt if I have a snowball's chance in hell of managing it at my current levels but I will enjoy seeing how close I can get.


Legendary Member
Have just stuck my name down for the next Strava challenge. Lol. Doubt if I have a snowball's chance in hell of managing it at my current levels but I will enjoy seeing how close I can get.

32 hours in 16 days? I've just joined that one, if I repeat this weeks effort then I should get 30 hours commuting, just then need to do 2 hours


Legendary Member
Nice one in the mileage and also the progress on the 15hour challenge.

Wish I had time to do the 15 hours in a week. I will be attempting the next challenge giro training one. For a sportive within these dates that should knock a few of the hours off.

Finished it today. It has helped that the boss has been out 4 days this week so I have been sneaking extra time each morning.


Legendary Member
32 hours in 16 days? I've just joined that one, if I repeat this weeks effort then I should get 30 hours commuting, just then need to do 2 hours

Yes, commuting would be a great way to get most of the hours in. Probably won't manage it but I am hoping it at least gives me a wee incentive to do more miles. :smile:


Legendary Member
Yes, commuting would be a great way to get most of the hours in. Probably won't manage it but I am hoping it at least gives me a wee incentive to do more miles. :smile:

I'll be amazed if I do it, but I am going to give it a crack, like you I am going to use it as an incentive to do extra miles.
No ride for me again today. I have started a newish part time job which involves me standing for ten hours a day at a lathe, no big deal I hear you say but remember I have been a driver for over 25 years. I can hardly stand tonight, my legs ache like hell and my feet are throbbing. Quite a lot of exercise involved which is good.
Once I have got used to the work I will be able to cycle to this job as it is only 7 miles away which will be a first for me!

Weekend off, so lets hope for sunshine.
done it - this is my morning commute!
can you plan routes on it? or should I do that on the garmin site?
you cant route plan on strava, ridewithgps is a better route planner than garmin but it does have a few niggles (which if you dont use virtual partner isn't a problem), just plan the route download as a tcx drop it into the new folder on the garmin unit, unplug turn on let it process the file then look for it in courses, if the 200 allows you to do that, never used one, it also provides turn by turn instructions again not sure on the 200.
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