Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Have just stuck my name down for the next Strava challenge. Lol. Doubt if I have a snowball's chance in hell of managing it at my current levels but I will enjoy seeing how close I can get.

I have tried to dissuade myself from doing this! tempted to try do it in 11 days! It will be the equivalent of nearly all of Febuary's effort from me. Yep, goal set (in my head), tis now unbreakable!


North Carolina
No ride for me again today. I have started a newish part time job which involves me standing for ten hours a day at a lathe, no big deal I hear you say but remember I have been a driver for over 25 years. I can hardly stand tonight, my legs ache like hell and my feet are throbbing. Quite a lot of exercise involved which is good.
Once I have got used to the work I will be able to cycle to this job as it is only 7 miles away which will be a first for me!

Weekend off, so lets hope for sunshine.

I know the feeling. I sometimes do sheet metal work in our shop at work. Standing on concrete all day takes it out of you. I am glad I don't have to do it every day anymore, but I have, takes some getting used to but it isn't nearly as bad after you do.

I signed up for the challenge as well. There is a good chance I will not reach the goal but will give it a shot. I should have my drop bar bike back on the road tomorrow. I will probably ride around for 31 hours and 51 minutes in the next 16 days just trying to get my new saddle adjusted. :blink: Looking at the 7 day forecast for here it does not look good but not terrible. Going to be cool for here, highs around 10 c but as long as I try to ride in the afternoon that should be ok. I only see possibility of rain one day next week but I know how that can change. Unless something I am not aware of comes up at work I should be able to spare the time.

Two hours a day for me is going to be a big jump up from just under 1 hour last month, and that was on the days that I did ride last month. I am still trying to lose weight anyway. This means I get to eat better doing it. ^_^


Über Member
I had a spare couple of hours today so decided to do a little bike maintenance.
I decide I would strip, clean and re-grease my hub bearings.
This is a job that is quite fiddly so best done in a well lit area where you can sit comfortably. (the kitchen table works well although my better half took some convincing)
Not done this for over 20 years! is it me or are the balls getting smaller or is it that my fingers are not quite so dexterous?
My front hub had 10 very small balls a side and the rear had nine larger.
Essentially all you have to do is take it to bits clean it grease it and reassemble it.
Other than being generally fiddly the most important bit is to tighten the cones and locking nuts just right so that you have no play but also free movement.
If you are fairly mechanically competent you should be OK but I would say that it's not a job for the complete novice.

Tools I needed were 15mm and 13mm cone spanners (thin spanners)
17mm spanner, cassette lock ring tool, chain wrench and some lithium grease.

If you get stuck Youtube is your friend.
I had a spare couple of hours today so decided to do a little bike maintenance.
I decide I would strip, clean and re-grease my hub bearings.
This is a job that is quite fiddly so best done in a well lit area where you can sit comfortably. (the kitchen table works well although my better half took some convincing)
Not done this for over 20 years! is it me or are the balls getting smaller or is it that my fingers are not quite so dexterous?
My front hub had 10 very small balls a side and the rear had nine larger.
Essentially all you have to do is take it to bits clean it grease it and reassemble it.
Other than being generally fiddly the most important bit is to tighten the cones and locking nuts just right so that you have no play but also free movement.
If you are fairly mechanically competent you should be OK but I would say that it's not a job for the complete novice.

Tools I needed were 15mm and 13mm cone spanners (thin spanners)
17mm spanner, cassette lock ring tool, chain wrench and some lithium grease.

If you get stuck Youtube is your friend.
Did mine Monday,
Got abit lost - But got 3 london parks in!
Well done, I was surprised at your avg speed, so I checked your performance, around Regents Parkstrava gives it as 34.2mpg avg but the performance only shows a max of 21-22mph (which is very good in London), I see whats wrong its' 2.75 miles around but for some reason strava has it as 5.5 miles so the distance is twicw the amount doubling the avg speed. I must say you have loads of segments there, well done on your p.b's
Nice ride. I don't think I have ever seen so many segments in one ride. :laugh: Looks like there must be a segment every block or two in London.
And I thought I have quite a few, your up late/early.
what are all the segments about? get up early so theres no traffic!
Segments are stretches of road that people have marked, when you ride that segment strava will see it and post your best time for it on a leader board, you can also view you best times (or rather all your times) those of the people you follow that have done the same segment, ( i try and follow people around my area with about the same performance) or people from clubs like cyclechat

My p.b. on that segment yesterday, showing the table of the people I follow locally that have done it. This can be set to the default view in settings
And one where Simon and I have done the same stretch
simon kom.JPG


Legendary Member
Up late finishing up my bike fettling except for putting on the new chain, going to get about 6 hours sleep, put on the chain and start my Giro challenge. :thumbsup:
I wanted to have a rest today, but feel like I should kick off the Giro challenge, will probably end up going out for an hour
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