Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Just over here
I know I didn't get very far but did my first ride in the rain, was only a few miles down some dirt paths (foot still a bit sore) but was great fun with no dog walkers and lots of puddles and mud (and a wet bum) and I took the time to give the bike a good wash after. Need to get some better lights as I can keep going with the nights drawing in.


Senior Member
Still good though :becool:
Thanks. :smile:

Started training for the London100 2 weeks ago. I've done 150 miles in that time and lost 11lbs.

Just over 300 days to go. Feeling positive. A long way to go though. Did 25 miles on Saturday and being just under 22 st there is a lot of training and healthy eating ahead of me.

I'll get there :smile:

Wow, that's a very long term goal! I have been thinking about entering the Shakespeare 100 in April but nothing that far ahead. Perhaps I should though. Good luck, I'm sure you'll get there. :smile:

I know I didn't get very far but did my first ride in the rain, was only a few miles down some dirt paths (foot still a bit sore) but was great fun with no dog walkers and lots of puddles and mud (and a wet bum) and I took the time to give the bike a good wash after. Need to get some better lights as I can keep going with the nights drawing in.

Sounds like fun! I need to get some decent lights too. I think in four weekends time the clocks go back :sad:


Senior Member
Got home at 6pm and was quite tired but I was determined to get in a quick ride before it went dark. Did 10 miles and broke the 15mph average barrier for the first time so I'm quite pleased.


Über Member
Got home at 6pm and was quite tired but I was determined to get in a quick ride before it went dark. Did 10 miles and broke the 15mph average barrier for the first time so I'm quite pleased.

15mph :eek: that is quite fast.

I don't know wether to feel guilty for only getting 8.5 miles tonight OR proud that I now think of 8 miles as nothing!


Senior Member
15mph :eek: that is quite fast.

I don't know wether to feel guilty for only getting 8.5 miles tonight OR proud that I now think of 8 miles as nothing!

Definitely proud and proud that you got some cycling in today. Any day where you can find the time and motivation to get on the bike is a little victory. :smile:


North Carolina
Got home at 6pm and was quite tired but I was determined to get in a quick ride before it went dark. Did 10 miles and broke the 15mph average barrier for the first time so I'm quite pleased.

15mph very nice! I just did it the first time a few days ago myself.

I just got home from work, going out after the evening rush traffic settles down. I don't think I have the energy to do it again today but I will try. :smile:


Senior Member
15mph very nice! I just did it the first time a few days ago myself.

I just got home from work, going out after the evening rush traffic settles down. I don't think I have the energy to do it again today but I will try. :smile:

Well done. :smile: Any ride you can do is all beneficial, even if it's just a few miles.


Am I the only one not getting any faster??
I still only average 11ish mph. I can go further and cycle for longer, but I still don't go any faster over all.


Am I the only one not getting any faster??
I still only average 11ish mph. I can go further and cycle for longer, but I still don't go any faster over all.

You shouldn't worry about speed. Your distances are getting further. Main thing is enjoy the ride and the scenery.


Legendary Member
Am I the only one not getting any faster??
I still only average 11ish mph. I can go further and cycle for longer, but I still don't go any faster over all.

I'm not much faster myself. Usually between 12 and 12.5mph no matter how much effort I put in. I think I twice managed 13mph. Must have been days I was feeling really good and had a tail wind. Lol.

Had a few days off due to horrible weather and not feeling great but got out this morning and did just over 23 miles. It was barely above freezing here though and my fingers and toes were really cold to start with. Feel good now that I am back in and having brekkie though :smile:


Senior Member
Don't worry about your speed if your distances are increasing. For the first few weeks of riding my distances increased but my speed didn't, now the reverse is true. For me it's mainly because it's hard to fit in a two hour ride during the week so I end up just doing short ten miles runs at an ever increasing pace.

Hopefully on Friday afternoon I can finish early enough to get a decent run in. If I do break my distance record it'll probably be at a slower pace again though!

Stevie Mcluskey

Über Member
East Kilbride
I returned to cycling back in May this year. Had really let my fitness and weight go alarmingly. I'm commuting to work now the 5 days a week and sometimes for the sunday overtime. In to work is around 6 miles mostly downhill and home i take a quieter traffic route working out around 7 miles. Have a Garmin 200 but really only use it for tracking total distances etc.
I'm chuffed to bits lost 2 stone and really enjoying cycling again. Dont even seem to have too many issues with traffic on my East Kilbride to Cathcart in Glasgow commute. Have done a couple of 30-40 mile weekend rides but sometimes struggle for time at weekend especially with heading to winter and the darkness now upon us.
I know i'm getting fitter but dont care much for checking times or worrying about getting passed or trying to catch others when i'm out. I know i feel miles within myself and loving every minute on the bike.
The weight loss was also helped by eating better due to wanting to go out and ride again. Like a lot of guys and girls have said on here enjoy yourself enjoy the scenery where possible and dont get demotivated by what everyone else may or may not be doing


Senior Member
Squeezed in a 9.5 mile ride tonight (different route this time) at 15.3mph average.

The nights are fast drawing in. :sad: Was quite dark when I got home, I need to get some proper lights.


North Carolina
Don't worry about your speed if your distances are increasing. For the first few weeks of riding my distances increased but my speed didn't, now the reverse is true. For me it's mainly because it's hard to fit in a two hour ride during the week so I end up just doing short ten miles runs at an ever increasing pace.

Hopefully on Friday afternoon I can finish early enough to get a decent run in. If I do break my distance record it'll probably be at a slower pace again though!

Exact same for me. When the days were longer I was doing 16 miles at a slower pace. Now I push harder with a 10 mile route that does not have a lot of hills(cheating, I know). I got in 10.19 miles this evening at 15.29 mph. I was pushing hard for me in my current state of conditioning. Increasing the distances I think is a very good thing to do. I will get back to longer distances (at slower pace and with hills lol) on weekends and whenever I get a little more time.
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