Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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North Carolina
You should have tried this section those arrows are wind markers at 2mins reading between 6.5 & 8mph.
and for the most part open fields and flat as a pancake.
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I am sure that must have been a work out.

I just did my normal short ride with a couple of extra miles because I forgot to stop at the store, so I turned around and went back. It was nice here today. I wish I had started earlier, I felt strong today even though my times didn't reflect it. I wasn't really pushing, I rarely do. I am starting to see and feel my weight loss more now. I think I will start pushing a little harder this spring, it will be hard not to.

I will be glad when March does it's in like a lion out like a lamb thing. I am ready for some lamb weather. Hopefully the March winds will not be too bad this year.


North Carolina
Just stripped the rear bearing, it's running better, though I think I need a new chain & cassette, I have changed the ratios from 26/23/21/19/17/15/13 to 24/21/19/17/15/13/11, as I never use the 26/26 anymore, even on the climb up through Netherton on Tuesday. I dont think it will want to change smoothly from 17 to 15, though i could put the old 15 back on I wont use 13/11 very much so could cope with that for a few days. What it will do though is give me some extra down hill, when its set up right, for 97.1" to 114.8"

I got my new 11/28 on the wheel today, up from 11/25. I haven't got the bike back together yet. There are some country roads I will be much bolder about riding now. I think I will try the courses for the group ride I found. They are areas I have been wanting to ride anyway. I want to study the canine situation in the area. I already know a couple that like to chase. I want to also try the 100k route but sort of want to make sure my brother is going to be near home when I try it....just in case.
I am sure that must have been a work out.

I just did my normal short ride with a couple of extra miles because I forgot to stop at the store, so I turned around and went back. It was nice here today. I wish I had started earlier, I felt strong today even though my times didn't reflect it. I wasn't really pushing, I rarely do. I am starting to see and feel my weight loss more now. I think I will start pushing a little harder this spring, it will be hard not to.

I will be glad when March does it's in like a lion out like a lamb thing. I am ready for some lamb weather. Hopefully the March winds will not be too bad this year.
It was a bit, didn't really like the ride to flat,
the avg temps on my rides for the last three months have been 5.61,5.16,5.17 C, and wind 5.15, 4.56, 4.72mph and rain total's 2mm, 4.35mm, and this month 0.45mm
I got my new 11/28 on the wheel today, up from 11/25. I haven't got the bike back together yet. There are some country roads I will be much bolder about riding now. I think I will try the courses for the group ride I found. They are areas I have been wanting to ride anyway. I want to study the canine situation in the area. I already know a couple that like to chase. I want to also try the 100k route but sort of want to make sure my brother is going to be near home when I try it....just in case.
I have gone the other way for higher gearing, might be a mistake.


North Carolina
I have gone the other way for higher gearing, might be a mistake.

I don't think it will be a mistake, you are riding stronger and have been working on hills, I think it will be a good move for you. I am going out to areas with a little more grade now to get started working the hills a little more. That is why I am going down some.
I don't think it will be a mistake, you are riding stronger and have been working on hills, I think it will be a good move for you. I am going out to areas with a little more grade now to get started working the hills a little more. That is why I am going down some.
Thats what I did, I went from the 30/40/52 and 13/15/17/19/21/23/26, to 26/38/48 and all sorts of various rear combinations, from a large 34 until I settled back with the road cassette of 13/26 but I always span ot at about 27mph, a 26/23 combination is still lower than the original 30/26, I have also put the original sora back on the rear, though i am not sure it likes the 26/11 combo, not that it would be used so its not a problem.

Boon 51

Deal. Kent.
I got my new 11/28 on the wheel today, up from 11/25. I haven't got the bike back together yet. There are some country roads I will be much bolder about riding now. I think I will try the courses for the group ride I found. They are areas I have been wanting to ride anyway. I want to study the canine situation in the area. I already know a couple that like to chase. I want to also try the 100k route but sort of want to make sure my brother is going to be near home when I try it....just in case.

My first 100k is the plan for next month I have a route sorted which is an honest route just waiting for the weather to break a bit.


Über Member
You should have tried this section those arrows are wind markers at 2mins reading between 6.5 & 8mph.
and for the most part open fields and flat as a pancake.

Eeer, no I shouldn't! ;)

The Spanish are always friendly and if I'm stopped at the road side they always ask if I'm OK.. Its a good feeling. :thumbsup:

Its like that in rural Turkey and if you stop near their houses you usually get a cup of coffee.


Try using ridewithgps export the file as a tcx drag to new files on the garmin, the unit will convert it, it even gives turn by turn directions, though it might suffer from the same thing if you set it to cycle planning, I just use it on road, but modify it should it need be, its very easy to use, the only thing is on the 500 at least it doesnt set the right speed for the V.P. not that I use that.

Cheers! I haven't tried the route yet, but it uploaded you say a dodle to do! I don't use vp, at least not on long journeys...which is a good thing as it set the avg speed to 54mph! The added bonus is the elevation data, which I can read off my Garmin as a graph of upcoming terrain, which I don't get if I use Garmin Connect. Am I right in thinking I could manually add prompts to alert me of features, such as the start and end of strava segments?
Cheers! I haven't tried the route yet, but it uploaded you say a dodle to do! I don't use vp, at least not on long journeys...which is a good thing as it set the avg speed to 54mph! The added bonus is the elevation data, which I can read off my Garmin as a graph of upcoming terrain, which I don't get if I use Garmin Connect. Am I right in thinking I could manually add prompts to alert me of features, such as the start and end of strava segments?
Yea you can do that, or elevation peaks or what you want really, if you upload your data to ridewithgps it analysis better than strava, but you will notice a difference in final elevation, rwgps is usually closer to the unit than strava is, I found that when I got my hrm the calories shot up, so i take them from the unit these days, again strava is much lower so I should really use that data.
I have sporttracks where wth the right plugin you can set it up to do advance warnings of turns at what distance you want and adjust the speed (but thats getting a bit involved just for a run), it also allows you to edit any wayward tracks like the one I showed from last tuesday.
But i like planning on rwgps for the road names, though on the 500 it doesn't show the full name its still useful.
So bad worded towards myself... this ..... was my second attempt on Saintbury Hill... it went the same way as the first time, in that I couldn't find it. Starting to think I should take up track cycling, as I'm less likely to get lost.​
Don't give up Andy if you get lost again give me a call and I'll pop out and be your Saintbury Hill Guide.:angel:
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