Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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It's just a bit of fun for me, I'm fully expecting someone to smash them, all of them have been set on my hybrid, pretty sure some on the ice tyres. The two tonight are on a very popular commuter run and have been done by a lot of people, I fully expect the club boys once they see I have nicked them to do a proper run and take them back, though I did surprise myself on the hill one, I normally do it on the middle front ring and 4th on the back. Tonight I did it on the big ring and the smallest on the back and flew up it, thought the bike was going to disintegrate underneath me, can't wait until I can do that sort of ride on the road bike.
Still nice for a while. I can't wait to get out and try out the new gearing, re-greased rear axle and gears that shift when they should ( I put the original Sora back on instead of the Acera) and a new cable.A quick spin this morning and things seemed fine, from 26/23/21/19/17/15/13 to 24/21/19/17/15/13/11.
Though I will be taking a more arduous ride to the Photo group tomorrow as I wont have much time after, got to go upgrade the OH fathers computer. I also got a saddle bag tonight trim down some of the weight i carry. It's eating into my savings for the new wheels though.


I managed the commute to and from work today. I was slightly faster then my last commute so that was pleasing although on the way home that was probably down to the weather being better than last time .I'm hoping to go in again on my bike either Wednesday or Thursday. :thumbsup:

Ride in:

Ride home :
Hi guys and Gals, I did my first little Sportive yesterday morning and throrougly enjoyed myself. It was a small event run by a local club, there was supposed to be a group of about 7 of us doing it including my two boys and some workmates but all newbies. Somehow it ended up just me and my eldest who has only done half a dozen rides on his old clonker (Student you know) and we elected to do the 28 miler. Pleased we did as he found it reallly tough. There were some nice hills but he didn't like them much and dismounted three times which meant I sat and waited for what added up to a total of 11 minutes or so at the tops while he struggled up, the Strava segments are a bit embarrasing but at least I know the full story!! We did both finish it but it's fair to say I was in far better shape than the 23 year old, whoever said youth was wasted on the young was spot on.
I'm doing another this Sunday with another local club, gonna do it on my own and up the pace a bit! :rolleyes:
Great fun for a fiver, shame it was bloomin bitter. :cold:
Hi guys and Gals, I did my first little Sportive yesterday morning and throrougly enjoyed myself. It was a small event run by a local club, there was supposed to be a group of about 7 of us doing it including my two boys and some workmates but all newbies. Somehow it ended up just me and my eldest who has only done half a dozen rides on his old clonker (Student you know) and we elected to do the 28 miler. Pleased we did as he found it reallly tough. There were some nice hills but he didn't like them much and dismounted three times which meant I sat and waited for what added up to a total of 11 minutes or so at the tops while he struggled up, the Strava segments are a bit embarrasing but at least I know the full story!! We did both finish it but it's fair to say I was in far better shape than the 23 year old, whoever said youth was wasted on the young was spot on.
I'm doing another this Sunday for with another local club, gonna do it on my own and up the pace a bit! :rolleyes:
Great fun for a fiver, shame it was bloomin bitter. :cold:
Well done Andy, it was a little rough out yesterday at times.
I managed the commute to and from work today. I was slightly faster then my last commute so that was pleasing although on the way home that was probably down to the weather being better than last time .I'm hoping to go in again on my bike either Wednesday or Thursday. :thumbsup:

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Ride home :
Excellent rides considering the wind just lately, before I looked I thought your best times would be with the wind, but you managed to get p.b.'s in both directions.


Legendary Member
I managed the commute to and from work today. I was slightly faster then my last commute so that was pleasing although on the way home that was probably down to the weather being better than last time .I'm hoping to go in again on my bike either Wednesday or Thursday. :thumbsup:

Ride in:

Ride home :

Well done, if you are not in it already have a look at mycyclinglog and get the graphic in your sig. It is very motivational seeing your mileage when you post, it won't be long before you will be looking at it and planning longer commutes just to hit a specific level, once you start doing that your mileage will rocket.


North Carolina
I got home in time to do my normal 10 miler. It only shows as 5 on Strava because I though I had started my timer but I guess I hit the wrong button. I hate wearing full finger gloves.:angry:

I did get a surprise when I saw three other riders. It was three teenage girls, all riding single file, on the wrong side of the road. My side. :dry: Since the paved shoulder is too narrow for passing and there were cars coming behind me I did the gentlemanly thing and I rode into the grass which was sloping down into a ditch. What I didn't think about was the grass was wet. I started sliding but was clipped in, that will get your attention if you don't do much dirt riding. I did manage to keep the townie out of the ditch and me off the ground. The girl's eyes just opened wide but they didn't start laughing. I guess I made it look too easy. ;)
I got home in time to do my normal 10 miler. It only shows as 5 on Strava because I though I had started my timer but I guess I hit the wrong button. I hate wearing full finger gloves.:angry:

I did get a surprise when I saw three other riders. It was three teenage girls, all riding single file, on the wrong side of the road. My side. :dry: Since the paved shoulder is too narrow for passing and there were cars coming behind me I did the gentlemanly thing and I rode into the grass which was sloping down into a ditch. What I didn't think about was the grass was wet. I started sliding but was clipped in, that will get your attention if you don't do much dirt riding. I did manage to keep the townie out of the ditch and me off the ground. The girl's eyes just opened wide but they didn't start laughing. I guess I made it look too easy. ;)
is the 500 or did you change it, the 500 has a motion warning option, that can be set to warn you every 30's or so. under settings->bike settings->start notice, the option are off/once repeat the repeat can be 15's 30's 1min 2 mins and 5 mins
Regarding the girls on the wrong side, I once saw a guy on the other side, riding on the pavement hands free drinking and on the phone.


North Carolina
is the 500 or did you change it, the 500 has a motion warning option, that can be set to warn you every 30's or so. under settings->bike settings->start notice, the option are off/once repeat the repeat can be 15's 30's 1min 2 mins and 5 mins
Regarding the girls on the wrong side, I once saw a guy on the other side, riding on the pavement hands free drinking and on the phone.

I returned the 500 and got the 800, I have it set to remind me and thought I had pushed the right button, it is touch screen button. I even thought I saw the timer start. I looked down 4 miles or so later and touched the screen to make it active and the power was off. I had to start it back up. I am HOPING that it was just that I hit the wrong touch screen button. I haven't had any issues with it, besides me forgetting to look down at it and start the timer.
I returned the 500 and got the 800, I have it set to remind me and thought I had pushed the right button, it is touch screen button. I even thought I saw the timer start. I looked down 4 miles or so later and touched the screen to make it active and the power was off. I had to start it back up. I am HOPING that it was just that I hit the wrong touch screen button. I haven't had any issues with it, besides me forgetting to look down at it and start the timer.
I have had a problem with the cadence sensor (nothing wrong just magnet to far away) and I have to check when I set of to make sure its working, I suppose it becomes routine. I also find it much more accurate if I turn it on about 10-15 mins before I set off.


I have had a problem with the cadence sensor (nothing wrong just magnet to far away) and I have to check when I set of to make sure its working, I suppose it becomes routine. I also find it much more accurate if I turn it on about 10-15 mins before I set off.

I've completely given up on my garmin cadence sensor, looking for some alternative or may just go without. Despite my best efforts getting it aligned and checking the zip ties are tight, It doesn't go one ride without failing! If it isn't broke it's sure gonna be heading that way :gun:


North Carolina
I've completely given up on my garmin cadence sensor, looking for some alternative or may just go without. Despite my best efforts getting it aligned and checking the zip ties are tight, It doesn't go one ride without failing! If it isn't broke it's sure gonna be heading that way :gun:

My cadence sensor has stayed in place so far but it does look like a squirrely set up. Maybe you could try adding a third larger tie around the entire unit.

Edit: I misread the post, I thought failing was falling.
I've completely given up on my garmin cadence sensor, looking for some alternative or may just go without. Despite my best efforts getting it aligned and checking the zip ties are tight, It doesn't go one ride without failing! If it isn't broke it's sure gonna be heading that way :gun:
Try changing he battery or the magnet for a stronger one. You could try insulation tape doesn't effect the magnetic field.
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