Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Which way did you go up through Fairburn, I went through Selby earlier in the month.
That wind was a bit wicked, doesn't much bother me these days apart from the speed loss, just accept it, but that stretch between Birkin and West Haddlessey always has wind and usually in the opposite direction that i am going,
It wasn't you that passed me near Hillam whilst I was having me mars bar by chance?
I went through Hilliam about 12.30 black top, silver Viking with rear rack and bag. I dont recall seeing anyone though.
Well I am out often, though very rare that way on these days just find it too flat. I usually go south toward Barnsley or if in Wakey or Cas I will go west toward Stanley and Swillington


three wheels on my wagon
Was my first time in that direction, I am favouring Garforth and out to Harewood and the like, Still trying to find some good routes as only been back on a road bike for four weeks now. It's a tad different from the old rail tracks I have been taking the butchers bike and the dog.
Watch Kippax some tough little climbs there and the road off up through Swillington Common. You done Queens Drive yet, I must go and do it again see if I can improve my last time on it.
I have been up through Aberford, Bramham to Taddy, it's nice riding country.


three wheels on my wagon
I am basing my rides on nice places I have put headstones in :tongue:. I have managed to avoid Queens so far it is close to home so too early or late in the ride, I didn't much like going up holywell though. I am going through Aberford on Saturdays on the way back from Harewood I have put some nice stuff in there.
I am basing my rides on nice places I have put headstones in :tongue:. I have managed to avoid Queens so far it is close to home so too early or late in the ride, I didn't much like going up holywell though. I am going through Aberford on Saturdays on the way back from Harewood I have put some nice stuff in there.
Holywell is good to practise none to steep, but enough to work and easy enough if the gears are low, the best advise i can give for hills is do them sooner rather than later that was my mistake, put them off and put them off, for 3 months then decide whilst I was ok on the flat it wasn't much use getting me from Ponty to Cas and back, so I started doing hills and hated it, but I got better, these days I can do North out of Wentbridge (if you know it ) even after 35+miles of moderate hills around Barnsley, and there are some keen inclines if not long.
Dont get me wrong I am by no means fast on them.


Legendary Member
Nice one Chris, wait till youv'e had 7 or 8 broken ones see if you care then.;)

It's just a bit of fun for me, I'm fully expecting someone to smash them, all of them have been set on my hybrid, pretty sure some on the ice tyres. The two tonight are on a very popular commuter run and have been done by a lot of people, I fully expect the club boys once they see I have nicked them to do a proper run and take them back, though I did surprise myself on the hill one, I normally do it on the middle front ring and 4th on the back. Tonight I did it on the big ring and the smallest on the back and flew up it, thought the bike was going to disintegrate underneath me, can't wait until I can do that sort of ride on the road bike.
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