Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Only thing I have positive to say about this ride is my cadence was up compared to recent rides, but that is because it was so flat and boring, that north wind was a b**** as well,
38.2 miles @13.84mph, guess the extra air pressure didn't help there. and compared with recent ride of a difficulty score of 14-17 per/km this was down at 5.77, and almost half of yesterdays ride @ 35.44 for the ride yesterday was 59.03 (these last two figures are divided by a 100 to give a useful figure) and I only did 25miles yesterday.
Two p.b.'s though one wind assisted
Sunnyside 60ft
This one I am at least little pleased with though I screwed up on the gears.
Leys Rd Climb e-w
Weather3.8C, 5.5mph winds from the north.
Blimey I hope that's not headed our way! No snow so far here. I won't be able to cycle tomorrow so I'm gonna try and get out later, even if it's just for a short ride. I'm gonna aim to cycle or at least use the turbo 4/5 days a week from now on. The only time my fitness improved was when I first started in August/September and I was cycling almost every day. Since then my speeds have just plateau'd
Mine have gone down even on the same sort of run.


Senior Member
Only thing I have positive to say about this ride is my cadence was up compared to recent rides, but that is because it was so flat and boring, that north wind was a b**** as well,
38.2 miles @13.84mph, guess the extra air pressure didn't help there. and compared with recent ride of a difficulty score of 14-17 per/km this was down at 5.77, and almost half of yesterdays ride @ 35.44 for the ride yesterday was 59.03 (these last two figures are divided by a 100 to give a useful figure) and I only did 25miles yesterday.
Two p.b.'s though one wind assisted
Sunnyside 60ft
This one I am at least little pleased with though I screwed up on the gears.
Leys Rd Climb e-w
Weather3.8C, 5.5mph winds from the north.
For the first time I've ridden over 100 miles in a week. 101.7 miles since last Monday.

Tough ride today. My second longest ever, just over 45 miles -

Also had 2 punctures this week. Bought new tyres. The old ones were very worn. Day off the bike tomorrow so I'll fit the tyres tomorrow night.

Very nice rides both. I can sympathise with the punctures and the northernly winds!


Senior Member
Well I just did my training loop and boy was it cold! 1C but the freezing 12mph winds from the NE made it feel like it was a lot colder. They also barrelled down the hills (most of my climbing is in that direction).

Pleased that I've been able to get out 5 days this week though. Tomorrow is a scheduled rest day but after that I need to try and get out Tues & Weds again and keep this up.


Well done to all who got out today :smile: The weather is still bitterly cold like yesterday with strong winds. :dry:

I'm having a day off today because I want to cycle in to work tomorrow and Wednesday or Thursday. :smile:


iv just bought my new hybrid and am doing average 9 miles at 7 mph thats only once a week though just waitng for the weather to get a little better then gonna step up the days and mileage the rides a bit rough with these road tyres dont know if i should pump the tyres up a bit more they say recommend 110 psi just seems a bit much to me??


Über Member
Snow has cleared, finished work for lunch time.
So I went out for a quick training loop ride, after a warm up I do 8.3 miles (fairly level) at about 4 miles the hail started :surrender:
I am trying to keep above 15mph average speed.

15mph seems to be my own personal nemisis I have hovered around this figure for a while so while I still don't have a lot of time I am going to try and do a couple of weeks of the 8.3 mile loop at 15+ mph then a couple of weeks on the 13.1 mile loop, again aim for 15+mph
then hopefully this will help for when I can do the longer rides again.

Well done to those who are still sneaking the miles in :thumbsup:
Pontefract 4miles nearly today found it a bit uncomfortable in the cold today
well done for getting out, likewise anyone else that got out.
15mph seems to be my own personal nemisis I have hovered around this figure for a while so while I still don't have a lot of time I am going to try and do a couple of weeks of the 8.3 mile loop at 15+ mph then a couple of weeks on the 13.1 mile loop, again aim for 15+mph
then hopefully this will help for when I can do the longer rides again.

Well done to those who are still sneaking the miles in :thumbsup:
I am doing this but on hills, climbing more as my speed just isn't increasing, as today proved very easy run and still only 13.8mph.
Though i have just seen that last wk is the second most hight climbed since i started in June 8,358 ft, 16.672ft a day/ride ( I go Sun to Sat)


iv just bought my new hybrid and am doing average 9 miles at 7 mph thats only once a week though just waitng for the weather to get a little better then gonna step up the days and mileage the rides a bit rough with these road tyres dont know if i should pump the tyres up a bit more they say recommend 110 psi just seems a bit much to me??

Congratulations on getting a new bike and hitting the roads. Most road tyres / inner tubes will inflate to well above 120 psi I'm guessing the 110 psi is the maximum recommended by the manufacturer. Pump them up using a track pump to 110 psi! :thumbsup:
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