Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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back to freezing temperatures latter this week so I'm expecting to slow down, again.
I really shouldn't have said that! made an average speed of 11.something mph on the way in to work! It was very icy this morning and the first time I'd ridden gatorskins in such conditions. I was surprised to see thick ice after the glorious weather we've been having. no incidents, but felt the rear wheel spin on several occasions...not as confidence inspiring as my previous 4seasons tires (which are just too expensive to run on a commute bike!)
Having looked at the weather reports, I knew it was going to be a nice afternoon, so planned to come back through an extended route, which my garmin guffed up...followed by me getting more lost...topped by My garmin800 now being faulty (something wrong with the usb connection, sometimes dosen't connect to computer or cuts out mid transfer) I expected the ice to have melted (sunny all day!) but it had not so slow ride home. Was cross with myself for my bad navigating (which tbf was only round Crowle where I've only cycled twice). It was a good day at work (v good infact) and the scenery was nice but not a good day for my cycling :sad:
Beautiful day here. Started work (from home today) early with a view to sneaking off for a quick ride at lunch. Did a nice 16 mles and noticed I have broken 500 miles since December 4th when I used my Garmin for the first time. I am well chuffed given some of the iffy weather we have had since then. Re-assessed and changed my goals from 1500 miles in a year up to 2000.
You will breeze it at that rate. Well done.

It's surprising how your goals change!
I started 17th Oct and planned to do 1250 miles in my first year.
Have already nearly done that so have changed my goal to do 3000 in 2013 and even with the bad weather at the start of the year am ahead of schedule. Its nice to see the green bar ahead of the red line.
I got some catching up to do.

Managed 20.2 miles this afternoon with an average speed of 13.7 which in hindsight I'm a bit disappointed with. Did a few more hills today which took quite a bit more out of me than it should. Got to practice them and come up with some new rides which will basically be laps of tackling the biggest hills close to me over and over again :sweat:
Dont be it takes time.

Just a quick hard one today. Maybe imagination but legs felt a lot stronger after the weekend.
And doesnt it tell in your p.b's

I am really suffering for those 2 weeks I had off the bike. I'm having to work so much harder just to get my normal average speed. I must make sure I never have that amount of time off again!
It never seems to bother me.
I only got one p.b. today Climb through Sharlston that was on the way to the photo group, 10's better, but the first time i have averaged 12mph up it. Although there was more traffic than usual i still managed a sub 40mins for the 9.5 miles (14.8mph)
My second ride was much slower bringing my average for the day below 14mph (13.89) 28.7 miles @ 13.61mph with 66.62ft per mile climbing compared with the 43.93 miles into Wakefield.In recent rides I have got use to my speeds in segments being more mid teens, but this one was pretty slow @ 7.9mph
Netherton and I am 165th out of 181, it is the initial climb to this Netherton Lane 101 out of 115it didn't improve after that either as this was next. A637 Park Hill Climb 142ft in 0.6 miles 26 out of 29, finally after about 12 miles I had started to get a little faster (though it didn't feel it) for this one
Darton (R.W. Bridge) to staincross

19/2/2013 Lunchtime
19/2/2013 afternoon
Afternoons elevation.

Cycling Wakefield 19-02-2013, Elevation.jpg


  • elev19-2-2013.JPG
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I just thought I'd put an update on showing my 'newbie progress'. It was my 40 tenth birthday last Tuesday and I brought the Giant defy 1 I'd promised myself if I stuck to this lark. I've now done three rides on it and managed to get out tonight for a quick blast on my own. I love the bike, it's a treat to ride and even though I haven't been doing as much as I hoped recently my ave speed tonight was back up to the best I was acheiving at the tail end of last year when I felt much fitter. I'm so looking forward to this year and this bike means even at my age I now feel I can get out with a club or similar and not be too much of a burden. Have to say as well that occasionally reading this thread has made sure I've remained enthusiastic, keen to pile on the miles when I can and happy I decided to give road cycling another go!. Thank you all.
Tonight's quick ride for info


Über Member
Had to drive 250 miles up to Wigan today so no time for a ride, I swear every motorway bridge I drove under had someone cycling on it though just to rub it in!!

Phoenix Lincs

Über Member
Sleaford, Lincs
Having a frustrating wait at the garage for my car to be mended and stressing about my train journey to London tonight. Wishing I was out on my bike blowing the stresses away.

Didn't have time to ride before work this morning and my new padded shorts arrived yesterday, so their test drive will have to wait until Sunday. Hey ho


Well-Known Member
Hi - great thread! Really good to hear how others are progressing.

I got my bike about 3 ish weeks ago and have been steadily growing my miles as I slowly get fitter and stronger. Im loving it! So far ive done 140 miles on the bike. 1st week I did about 30, second I was ill then the weather was terrible, third week I did about 60 and this week ive done 30 already, the rest of the 140 miles are made up of popping to the shops or a meeting, day to day use. I'm aiming to get 50 miles a week in for the first couple of month to get me fit without going too nuts and overdoing it.

Anyway yesterday I went out and did 10 miles after having 2 days off to rest my aching limbs. i did it really quickly (for me) and found it much easier than a week before. So today I decided I was ready for my first 20 miler. Im quite pleased with my self... I feel good too, although my legs are aching, over all I'd say it was easier than I imagined, 30 milers look more realistic now!.. Maybe next month.


Senior Member
Hi - great thread! Really good to hear how others are progressing.

I got my bike about 3 ish weeks ago and have been steadily growing my miles as I slowly get fitter and stronger. Im loving it! So far ive done 140 miles on the bike. 1st week I did about 30, second I was ill then the weather was terrible, third week I did about 60 and this week ive done 30 already, the rest of the 140 miles are made up of popping to the shops or a meeting, day to day use. I'm aiming to get 50 miles a week in for the first couple of month to get me fit without going too nuts and overdoing it.

Anyway yesterday I went out and did 10 miles after having 2 days off to rest my aching limbs. i did it really quickly (for me) and found it much easier than a week before. So today I decided I was ready for my first 20 miler. Im quite pleased with my self... I feel good too, although my legs are aching, over all I'd say it was easier than I imagined, 30 milers look more realistic now!.. Maybe next month.

Well done, you are making great progress! :smile: That 30 miler will be easier than you think with the amount of cycling you've done. You're wise to build up gradually though. As the nights draw out and (hopefully) the weather gets better we should all be able to increase our mileage over the next few weeks & months.


Senior Member
I really didn't want to go for a ride today, even though it wasn't raining. It was cold though and there was a strong easterly wind which is a real pain on my route (every route ends up with me climbing eastwards). I think above all I just didn't want to go for a training ride, I always push myself so hard and I am bored of doing the same routes over and over again.

Part of that is enforced by the fact that where I live is surrounded by rivers with few crossings and narrow, fast, dangerous A-roads but today I realised I wasn't going to force myself out without doing something different. So I decided to do a completely different route, the majority of which I'd never done before. It was slow because I was pootling around villages and the A-roads were unpleasant but not quite as bad as I thought. Some cars didn't move across whatsoever when overtaking me though, missing me by inches! :ohmy:


Legendary Member
I really didn't want to go for a ride today, even though it wasn't raining. It was cold though and there was a strong easterly wind which is a real pain on my route (every route ends up with me climbing eastwards). I think above all I just didn't want to go for a training ride, I always push myself so hard and I am bored of doing the same routes over and over again.

Part of that is enforced by the fact that where I live is surrounded by rivers with few crossings and narrow, fast, dangerous A-roads but today I realised I wasn't going to force myself out without doing something different. So I decided to do a completely different route, the majority of which I'd never done before. It was slow because I was pootling around villages and the A-roads were unpleasant but not quite as bad as I thought. Some cars didn't move across whatsoever when overtaking me though, missing me by inches! :ohmy:

Well done on trying another route though. I'm in a similar position. I have three nice circular routes that I use but they are all just between 13 and 14 miles and I don't know if I really want to go round twice so must try and venture further before long too. Just wish it would warm up a bit.
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