Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Senior Member
Well done on trying another route though. I'm in a similar position. I have three nice circular routes that I use but they are all just between 13 and 14 miles and I don't know if I really want to go round twice so must try and venture further before long too. Just wish it would warm up a bit.

Thanks, yeah I have 3 main circular routes I use too. I can vary them slightly by taking or not taking shortcuts but it's the same routes all over again. It's just difficult when many of the main river crossings are A-roads themselves.

It's not much above freezing and my hands and feet were like blocks of ice today so I'm guessing it's even worse up there. At least we don't have the problem of ice, especially not at the times I cycle (late afternoon).

Still, it'll get better though. February is almost over, we're on the home stretch of winter now!


Senior Member
Broke 600 miles for the month, only another 20.6 miles to do to hit the 1000km for the month, should do that tomorrow

Wow, very well done! :bravo:You're easily going to beat your goal for the year. I am miles behind my red line but in the summer I'll catch it up, hopefully.


Legendary Member
I managed my first commute of the year today. ^_^

It's only 12 miles each way and pretty flat but an achievement for me none the less. The ride in is easier and on the ride home I had the wind in my face all the way :sad: I was a little disappointed with my time/speed but I guess there's plenty of time for improvement.

Ride in :

Ride home :

25 mile round trip is a good commute, I wouldn't worry about timing as long as you aren't late for work! If you haven't seen it there is a commuting section to the forum, you will find loads of tips and support in there specific to commuting.


Legendary Member
Wow, very well done! :bravo:You're easily going to beat your goal for the year. I am miles behind my red line but in the summer I'll catch it up, hopefully.

Cheers, I am pretty confident of hitting my target, but am not going to change it, going to have to increase it for next year if I can keep this up.

Billy Adam

Senior Member
cheers typhon, really looking forward to the longer evenings and warmer weather, hopefully less wind as well! I've decided already that my worst piece of weather is the wind. God I hate the wind. Today it almost brought me a stand still at about 18 miles in. Bring on the spring!
I'm the same. But unfortunately the wind is always going to be around somewhere on a ride, just have to get through it. Makes the days when it still all that more special.


Thought I was doing alright, then I checked where I stand next to my 'goal' for the year I've set. I need to do ~9 miles every day. My 2 days of cycling home from work and then a 20mile ride a weekend are going to have to step up
I'm the same. But unfortunately the wind is always going to be around somewhere on a ride, just have to get through it. Makes the days when it still all that more special.
You get use to it Billy, there will come a time it only really bothers you when they start getting 8+mph, and more often than not it does settle a little toward sunset.
I am going on a ride with a young lad tomorrow (Thur) as hes just started cycling, got an easy route planned though there is some distance, though I can shorten it, the only problem is it's flat and I hate the flat these days. Still it will be good to be out with someone, for a change.


Broke 600 miles for the month, only another 20.6 miles to do to hit the 1000km for the month, should do that tomorrow

600? cripes I'll push to make 500 this month...and thats looking to be close (320 at the moment!)... ur living up to your handle for sure!

Still, it'll get better though. February is almost over, we're on the home stretch of winter now!

not wishing to jinx things but there's snow forecast for Saturday, though no weather warnings in place... that said the Met Office is saying early March will see temperatures 'normal' for the time of year. Of course weather prediction beyond a few days is as credible as clairvoyance!

Took the Broomhall Loop, that I randomly scored a time on yesterday (without riding half the roads in the segment!). It takes a lot of roads familiar to me but in reverse...coming down the grades I usually climb was great fun and saw a few regulars out and about. Made one navigational error but to be fair I did the route from memory...something I often lack! Even with that error I made an avg speed of 16.1mph over the 12 miles so fairly chuffed. As little as three months ago I'd have struggled to make 14mph avg.


North Carolina
I have been busy at work the past couple of weeks and today I knew I was going to be there late. I put one of my bikes in the back of the truck and took it with me. I got a little time and did a 7 mile loop out in the country(thought my computer was on and missed a couple of miles at the beginning...again), it was great. I wasn't pushing because I was at work and was wearing regular shoes on my spd sl's, but this would be an area to do it. Besides a stretch of highway in the route, which is about 1 mile, the rest is county roads with some decent small climbs. I only saw 4 cars aside from the highway section. only two stop signs as well. A good area to ride with a little more abandon.

I just read others tried some new routes today as well. :thumbsup: Only problem now is that I want to find another drop bar bike to leave at work. I was on my townie and this route would be much more fun on a race style bike. I can't believe I am actually considering N + 1. I don't really want to be hauling my Trek around in the back of my truck too often. And yes, I know, I could ride it to work, but that just wouldn't be the best thing at this time. :smile:
600? cripes I'll push to make 500 this month...and thats looking to be close (320 at the moment!)... ur living up to your handle for sure!
Took the Broomhall Loop, that I randomly scored a time on yesterday (without riding half the roads in the segment!). It takes a lot of roads familiar to me but in reverse...coming down the grades I usually climb was great fun and saw a few regulars out and about. Made one navigational error but to be fair I did the route from memory...something I often lack! Even with that error I made an avg speed of 16.1mph over the 12 miles so fairly chuffed. As little as three months ago I'd have struggled to make 14mph avg.
I am only just starting to get speeds like that. Navigation doesn't seem a strong point of yours Andy.

Well the young lad bailed, I think he is sore from his ride yesterday.
First time I have given up on a ride, didn't think it was that cold till I got out there and turned into the wind. Ouch. Wouldn't be surprised if it snowed today.
Like all of you I can't wait for the warmer weather and longer days.
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