Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Billy Adam

Senior Member
I keep getting one of those, there is a flyover over a roundabout that has a segment on it. I get a segment time every time I go around the roundabout, the roundabout route is longer and slower though. Just noticed that Strava thinks I had a maximum speed of 47.8mph today, I wish!
I had a max of 56mph on Saturday (as if) comp only registered 41. ?
I keep getting one of those, there is a flyover over a roundabout that has a segment on it. I get a segment time every time I go around the roundabout, the roundabout route is longer and slower though. Just noticed that Strava thinks I had a maximum speed of 47.8mph today, I wish!
Sometimes the conversion to strava is wrong depends on the format used, but a section in the file will record the max speed and if it's missed a data log it will record incorrectly, the speed/cadence monitor stops this, I used to get on on my phone, also conversion from one file to another sometimes gives false info.
If you look at a gps track you can see how inaccurate they can be.
Trust me they do get better Mandy.
Hello, first time poster today but i've been reading for a while. I haven't read the whole thread as there's 100 pages so i don't know if anyone has said this already but i find it a lot more satisfying when i'm cycling to think in terms of kph rather than mph. It makes you feel like you've gone further faster, lovely.
Hello, first time poster today but i've been reading for a while. I haven't read the whole thread as there's 100 pages so i don't know if anyone has said this already but i find it a lot more satisfying when i'm cycling to think in terms of kph rather than mph. It makes you feel like you've gone further faster, lovely.
It's makes no difference,I try and do round Km's normally 40 or 50Km's, but work everything in imperial.
Sorry :welcome:, was busy


Legendary Member
They are the best ones, when they just appear from an old ride. To be fair there are only 5 riders on it and of the 29 attempts, 24 are mine as it is on my main commute run. My top 21 times are good enough for the KOM. Now I know it is there I will have to push it tomorrow :whistle:

Ice tyres on this morning so I only knocked 2 seconds of the KOM time :tongue:
Beautiful day here. Started work (from home today) early with a view to sneaking off for a quick ride at lunch. Did a nice 16 mles and noticed I have broken 500 miles since December 4th when I used my Garmin for the first time. I am well chuffed given some of the iffy weather we have had since then. Re-assessed and changed my goals from 1500 miles in a year up to 2000.


Über Member
Beautiful day here. Started work (from home today) early with a view to sneaking off for a quick ride at lunch. Did a nice 16 mles and noticed I have broken 500 miles since December 4th when I used my Garmin for the first time. I am well chuffed given some of the iffy weather we have had since then. Re-assessed and changed my goals from 1500 miles in a year up to 2000.
It's surprising how your goals change!
I started 17th Oct and planned to do 1250 miles in my first year.
Have already nearly done that so have changed my goal to do 3000 in 2013 and even with the bad weather at the start of the year am ahead of schedule. Its nice to see the green bar ahead of the red line.


Well-Known Member
King's Lynn
Managed 20.2 miles this afternoon with an average speed of 13.7 which in hindsight I'm a bit disappointed with. Did a few more hills today which took quite a bit more out of me than it should. Got to practice them and come up with some new rides which will basically be laps of tackling the biggest hills close to me over and over again :sweat:

On the plus side, after only two rides in 2013, already up to 20% of the distance I need to cover for the Ride London 100. Once I get my road bike, lose some weight, get better at hills, find world peace and cure cancer, all should be spot on for August ^_^

Even better news, just got an e-mail from Decathlon saying my Triban 3 is ready for shipping. Can't get here soon enough :bicycle:


Senior Member
Lovely day for a ride today - sunny, still and quite warm. Unfortunately though I got a bloody puncture which spoilt my ride somewhat! So much for the gatorskins being bombproof. This was only the third ride using them.

I am really suffering for those 2 weeks I had off the bike. I'm having to work so much harder just to get my normal average speed. I must make sure I never have that amount of time off again!
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