Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Über Member
Amazing some of the concepts that have come and gone I remember one of my first bikes as a kid had a pedal back brake, not much use other than for flat spotting the rear tyre.

All german bikes had one when I lived over there. We used to ride on the grass between the flats and do some amazingly long slides. I swapped my chopper for a german bike just for this reason!

Haven't been out much because flu was a chest infection and really have no wind. Couple of rides to work have killed me but thankfully it seems to be going. Got some work on my bikes done though and some upgrades installed so not all bad. 2 1/2 weeks with very little riding except essential trips as its my transport and probably at least one more to go.... :sad:


North Carolina
My first bike when I was a little kid was a fixie with I guess maybe 8 or 10 inch wheels. There is this short steep hill in front of my house and...well you can guess what happened. I have some photos of me with some very interesting road rash scars on my forehead and nose, at least they went away as it was smooth surface...for asphalt that is. The neighbor's Chihuahua even came out better than I did on that encounter.

My next two bikes had the rear coaster brakes. They were a step up in the world for me.

I just did my normal 10 miler today again. Forgot to turn on my Garmin until half way thru it.

Billy Adam

Senior Member
What do you early tonight. I'm there already. 8o) feels great though.
See I can't even write properly.


Legendary Member
Just done 10 miles on the road bike, getting a bit more confident on it, averaged 16.4mph and that included getting stuck on a hill as I couldn't get the front ring to change (didn't stop, but was very slow). Took a PB from 42 seconds to 34 seconds towards the end. Legs seemed to hurt pretty quick, but I am putting that down to yesterdays ride. One thing I don't like about the bike is the gear indicator isn't numbered.

Also decided that the front light brackets are either coming off or going below the bars as they are getting in the way.


Senior Member
Well done to everyone who's got out. I had to abort my ride after 15 miles because of knee pain. It must be the clipless pedals, either that or when I took it into Decathlon last week for it's 6 month service they lowered the saddle. It does seem too low now. I'll have a go at adjusting it on the turbo tomorrow, may have to adjust the cleat position too.
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