Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Über Member
Did my first 100km ride today. 63.2 miles in total, takes the year to just over 1,000 miles

Completely shattered now, took just over 4 hours, so I don't think I am ready to do a 100 miler yet.
Well done mate!

See I knew you were setting your sights way too low at just 100 miles for the 4 days;)


Über Member
I would like to do the strava 100 mile job next sat but just worked it out and allowing for a slower average speed of 13mph it would take over 7 3/4 hours non stop, don't think i'm up to that just yet but we will see.


North Carolina
Be nice to get to 50 first.
Is it 24 hrs. Maybe do it in 2 stints. Sleep in between.

It is in 24 hours but it says in one ride. I don't know if two 50 milers in 24 hours would count if you slept then did the next 50. I think they want it in one long ride, taking a break is ok I would think. I think sleeping for any long period during might not be in the spirit of the challenge. Even sleeping, it would be a hell of a day for me. :smile:

I want to do it sometime but hope to be carrying a little less weight when I do.


Legendary Member
Wow, just taken the road bike for its maiden voyage, only 1.55 miles, boy are they different to a hybrid, much more responsive and a hell of a lot lighter, hopefully the weather will be dry tomorrow and I can take it for a longer ride.


Über Member
Wow, just taken the road bike for its maiden voyage, only 1.55 miles, boy are they different to a hybrid, much more responsive and a hell of a lot lighter, hopefully the weather will be dry tomorrow and I can take it for a longer ride.
You will find a huge difference first time I took mine out I did a 12 mile loop 4 minutes quicker than my lads hybrid.
I think I will be slower until I get used to it. On the hybrid I am very confident, on the road bike it feels like I am learning to ride again.
It wont take you long. I have never had a hybrid so I cant compare, mind I have never really had great road bikes (though not sure how the Gitaine fits in, about £150 in 1981/2, apart from it being dangerous as F***, gear shifters on the headstock good idea bad in practise, when you got out of the saddle you would catch the rear lever go from 1 or 2 to 5th with all that chain to take up, well let you guess where i ended up more than once.)


Senior Member
Just did my first ride in two weeks because of the weather & work. Blimey, it was hard work. I had to almost kill myself just to get my normal 15mph average. My average heartbeat was 172!

I enjoyed it though. I finished work early and headed out for my normal training loop at quarter past three, that would have been unthinkable any time in the last 3 months because of the light. It almost felt like Spring already - 10C, sunny and dry (for once!) although some roads are still flooded as they have been since before Xmas round here.

Forecast is good for this weekend so hopefully I can get out more and regain the fitness I've lost!


Über Member
It wont take you long. I have never had a hybrid so I cant compare, mind I have never really had great road bikes (though not sure how the Gitaine fits in, about £150 in 1981/2, apart from it being dangerous as F***, gear shifters on the headstock good idea bad in practise, when you got out of the saddle you would catch the rear lever go from 1 or 2 to 5th with all that chain to take up, well let you guess where i ended up more than once.)
Amazing some of the concepts that have come and gone I remember one of my first bikes as a kid had a pedal back brake, not much use other than for flat spotting the rear tyre.
Amazing some of the concepts that have come and gone I remember one of my first bikes as a kid had a pedal back brake, not much use other than for flat spotting the rear tyre.
It was a good idea, just the placement was bad, for runner in some ways to current gear shifting, I believe there are some cheaper bikes today with a similar set up.
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