Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Finally my speed seems to be creeping up, today I almost made 14mph avg over 31 miles with 50ft p/mile climb.
I got 4 p.b.'s this morning and like the other day, there were along the same stretch of road, just different segments. 4 2nd's and a 3rd. I have a few ways to the photo group, unless I do a real detour, the biggest difference is at Sharlston ( just East of Wakefield), anyway the way I went today I shaved 1'5" off the best for that route, thats to the turn at Agbrigg. The first time i went that way I managed 8.9mph (Nov 13) today it was 13.6mph. Though the winds in Nov were head on at about 5mph, today no wind. (well a slight tail wind upto about 1.5mph)

The ride home I headed toward Barnsley, turns out I ended up near the dentist our lass was at yesterday. I did ok upto Ackworth about 4 miles from home, and whilst riding was no problem, I couldn't muster any extra. I also felt my right knee give way on a climb at Royston.
I got one p.b (as most of the others were new to me well 6 were) that I wasn't even trying for, a nice improvement too from 15.2 to 15.8 mph, but thats the sort of thing that shows real improvement, when you just ride and are just faster.
Not really progress but I did get out for the shorter 8 mile circuit. Still lots of snow at the side of the road and very cold.


Über Member
Yes! have hit the magic 1000 miles mark in just under 4 months well chuffed:biggrin:
phone 2013 011.jpg

This is my well chuffed face;)

Horrible horrible ride today! only saw one other intrepid explorer (total nutter) and that was early on.
Non stop ice, sleet and snow here in Yorkshire but in my usual perverse kind of way I enjoyed it.
The first 35 anyway, the last 10 or so were bad, legs were so cold I was loosing feeling in them which made turning the pedals a challenge. Wasn't helped by network rail closing a level crossing (and my inability to except this) resulting in a "U" turn and an extra 4 miles on my route.

46.7 miles in 3:21:55 at 13.9mph

Average speed was down again but with the conditions I was more than happy with this.


Legendary Member
Yes! have hit the magic 1000 miles mark in just under 4 months well chuffed:biggrin:
View attachment 19025

This is my well chuffed face;)

Horrible horrible ride today! only saw one other intrepid explorer (total nutter) and that was early on.
Non stop ice, sleet and snow here in Yorkshire but in my usual perverse kind of way I enjoyed it.
The first 35 anyway, the last 10 or so were bad, legs were so cold I was loosing feeling in them which makes turning the pedals a challenge. Wasn't helped by network rail closing a level crossing (and my inability to except this) resulting in a "U" turn and an extra 4 miles on my route.

46.7 miles in 3:21:55 at 13.9mph

Average speed was down again but with the conditions I was more than happy with this.

In this weather that is a great effort

Billy Adam

Senior Member
Yes! have hit the magic 1000 miles mark in just under 4 months well chuffed:biggrin:
View attachment 19025

This is my well chuffed face;)

Horrible horrible ride today! only saw one other intrepid explorer (total nutter) and that was early on.
Non stop ice, sleet and snow here in Yorkshire but in my usual perverse kind of way I enjoyed it.
The first 35 anyway, the last 10 or so were bad, legs were so cold I was loosing feeling in them which made turning the pedals a challenge. Wasn't helped by network rail closing a level crossing (and my inability to except this) resulting in a "U" turn and an extra 4 miles on my route.

46.7 miles in 3:21:55 at 13.9mph

Average speed was down again but with the conditions I was more than happy with this.
Well done simmi


Über Member
The commuting really rack the miles up, I am lucky that I have a shower at work so I can do a good distance in a morning.
Out of the question for me, 25 miles each way and 12 hour shifts.:tired:

I might do it once in the summer though, just to say that I have.

I lift share so my environmental conscience is already eased.


Legendary Member
Out of the question for me, 25 miles each way and 12 hours shifts.:tired:

I might do it once in the summer though, just to say that I have.

I lift share so my environmental conscience is already eased.

I have the perfect commute, I only live just over 5 miles from work, so I can do my extended ride (which is 25 miles at the moment) when the weather/time allows and go direct when it doesn't.
Out of the question for me, 25 miles each way and 12 hour shifts.:tired:

I might do it once in the summer though, just to say that I have.

I lift share so my environmental conscience is already eased.
Your racking the miles up anyway, I got out for a measly 4-5 miles, I dont even dare look at the garmin for the speed.


North Carolina
Some of you guys are making me feel guilty for not going out in the misty rain this evening, it is a little cool too.

Simmi, that was a great job getting out in that weather today, and getting two PR' of them a ten minute climb! very nice.

I have been slack this month so far, only a little over 100 miles. I will be back at it tomorrow. I am waiting on some parts that I ordered to arrive. I miss riding my drop bar bike and I have it on the work stand partially disassembled, hopefully by this weekend I will be back riding it.
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