Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Slightly grateful that the garmin ran out of charge today as although I enjoyed a quick ride today, it was not quick at all!(not an epic ride,forgot to charge it this last week!)
Other Than my short distance loop my speed is on the decline. In part I think it's a conscious decision not to push on my commutes and save myself for better and longer rides. even so my journey to work ( inward route, a merge 5 miles with approx 300ft elevation) is getting ridiculously slow for me. I'm making around 12 mph avg on this, I know I can and have made 15+mph. I have increased my monthly mileage a bit since last year from around 300miles to 400 miles last month (going for 500 this month). I'm feeling physically better for it, good clear lungs and I have alot more energy and appetite (a big problem for me in the past, on my first metric century I struggled to eat half a cheese sandwich!) just feeling a bit disheartened that my daily commute is worse time wise than when I rode single speed on studded tires :eek:


Über Member
Well woke up this morning looked out the window and seen the rain :rain:also a text off my mate seeing if I was still riding the Audax. Hell yeah I was lol. Forecast for rutland was worse than Leicester. Completed although my Garmin had a hissy fit so had to restart so Strava is in 2 rides. Glad I got out, although I'm soaked, battered by the wind and cold I enjoyed the ride. Avg speed took a hit but having only ridden 30 miles (one ride out) in 5 weeks and the weather I am pleased.
Great stuff mate, I was on nights so didn't do club ride today but was not as bothered as I would have been if the weather had been better.
Did you have to join join Audax UK to enter?

I would be interested to hear how you found the whole experience.


Legendary Member
Slightly grateful that the garmin ran out of charge today as although I enjoyed a quick ride today, it was not quick at all!(not an epic ride,forgot to charge it this last week!)
Other Than my short distance loop my speed is on the decline. In part I think it's a conscious decision not to push on my commutes and save myself for better and longer rides. even so my journey to work ( inward route, a merge 5 miles with approx 300ft elevation) is getting ridiculously slow for me. I'm making around 12 mph avg on this, I know I can and have made 15+mph. I have increased my monthly mileage a bit since last year from around 300miles to 400 miles last month (going for 500 this month). I'm feeling physically better for it, good clear lungs and I have alot more energy and appetite (a big problem for me in the past, on my first metric century I struggled to eat half a cheese sandwich!) just feeling a bit disheartened that my daily commute is worse time wise than when I rode single speed on studded tires :eek:

Might be a noddy comment, but are your tyres at the correct pressure? I slow down severely if I forget to pump them up now and again.


Great stuff mate, I was on nights so didn't do club ride today but was not as bothered as I would have been if the weather had been better.
Did you have to join join Audax UK to enter?

I would be interested to hear how you found the whole experience.
I had to pay a one off charge of £3 aswell as the £4 entry fee as wasn't a member. I imagine if I start doing a fair few ill join for £19 but never seem to local to me.

This one was organised through Audax UK by a club member of ours. The experience (not including weather) was good.

Clubhouse opened at 8am cards laid out. Grabbed card and got to the start point. 8.30am we all set off and group soon split. We had two check in points and one info point. First check in point was a cafe at rutland water, got my stamp and a cuppa tea. Next was the info point. Basically had to answer an observational question. Last check point was another cafe and straight in and out do stamp.

All in all an easy and well organised event. Can't comment if they are all like this.

4weeks and I've got my first sportive!
My track pump has blow it seals so I'm only managing to get 70/80psi in my tires (25's). New pump due for delivery on Monday.
Mine did too. Cant afford a new yet, so have to manage with my mini pump, though i dont think it ever effects my speed.
Weighed myself today 79.5Kg (12 1/2 st) so I reckon I have lost 6.7Kg (just over a stone) since Aug.
I didn't ride far today far today though I got 5 P.B's. all them basically climbs but wind assisted and all part of the same stretch of road ( I just turn of it at different points or come on to it at different points)
This is the longest stretch womersley to east hardwick turn I cut the time for the 3.6 miles by 2'44" increase in speed from 12.1mph to 14.3mph.
Bank Wood Climb not much on this one over the last time I rode it 2" but this stretch I used to only manage between 10-11mph it was 12.8mph today.
Bank Wood to Moor Ln a minute quicker in crease from 12.2mph to 13.8mph
Darrington A1 to Marlpit Ln Lights. I have a quicker time posted on strava for this one though its wrong, I could never have done 17mph back in Sept (mobile phone gps for you) when I started I used crawl at 11mph if I was lucky and a lot of times slower than that and have to stop before the lights. 5" quicker a jump from 13.4 to 13.9 mph.
But I think this was my fav
The Coach House To Swanhill it's not much but 20" quicker.
But overall avg speed over the 13.8 miles was only 13.5mph, but having said that the wind was against me for 2/3rd's the way round, east. ES Easterly's ..
Sunday 10th
Well woke up this morning looked out the window and seen the rain :rain:also a text off my mate seeing if I was still riding the Audax. Hell yeah I was lol. Forecast for rutland was worse than Leicester. Completed although my Garmin had a hissy fit so had to restart so Strava is in 2 rides. Glad I got out, although I'm soaked, battered by the wind and cold I enjoyed the ride. Avg speed took a hit but having only ridden 30 miles (one ride out) in 5 weeks and the weather I am pleased.
Well done Reece, more so because of the weather.


North Carolina
Nice work Reece getting out for the Audax.

I just did another 15 or so miles on the townie. I didn't get any KOM's or PB's but something better. I found 12 unused CO2 cartridges on the side of the road. ^_^


Über Member
Good ride today quite cold and a bit of wind but much less than we have had.
The wind was a North Easterly which is not the norm so was fast on the usual slow bits and vise versa.
36.9 miles in 2:14:22 at 16.5 mph

I did the same ride at the end of November in 1:22:42 so over 8 minutes quicker.
Glad to get a decent average speed again after a few poor ones.
I thought this was because of the winds we've had for a couple of weeks and this kind of proves it.
Working on my technique again, managed to get nice and low into the wind which helps a lot.

Billy Adam

Senior Member
Pumps. I have two bike pumps floor (stirrup in old money) and a small one I take out with me. Both are the schrader type valves. I've heard that you can turn the inner valve ends around and hey presto presta. Is this right.
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