Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Reece, the roads have been icy the last few mornings going to work, but have been clear by evening time, assuming the Audax doesn't start too early, ice shouldn't be a problem, snow is forecast tomorrow, but if the roads stay wet I can't see it settling.

Enjoy your ride.
8.30AM star from the club house on Haynes Road just off Uppingham Road. This is the route planned

Oh and Wow! Just seen your mileage on the mycycling log sig, that is some great going, well done!

Dan Allison

Well-Known Member
Wasn't able to get out today as had to look after Daughter, (wife not feeling well) but after lunch seeing it so dry put the Mountain bike in the car with the weeride seat on, wrapped the daughter up well and off we went.
Good fun - wouldn't have been able to get out on a ride today if it wasnt for the seat!
Skived off work yesterday afternoon and got in a good 25 miles in decent weather. Out again this morning for another 20 miles. For the first time this year I ventured up hill into the Brecon Beacons. I struggled to get my 21 stone over the hills and the last 7 miles were into a cold north wind and a gradual up hill.

Averaged 12.5 which was disappointing. Beating Bowel Cancer confirmed my London 100 place this week so I need to knuckle down, lose weight and do much more up hill riding. The 7 months will pass quickly.

Better weather and lighter nights will no doubt help.
S.S.Westerly's here 6mph, besides it was colder the other week. Better weather, this is the U.K. it just doesn't happen. Well done on the rides Phil, keep at it, I have found recently that I have done some shorter more intense rides and this has helped me with the hills, I am not any faster, but climbing isn't the dread it was.
Not much to say about my ride today, other than it was a tad boring (flat) 37.5 miles @ 14.43mph, and it was only that speed because it was flat. (well most of it), one positive it's the first time I have gone nearly 40miles without a cig break.
I got a p.b but it was early on.

Climb to A1 Southbound Darrington.
guys do your elbow ache after a long ride?
They used to, and arms and wrists hands became numb, but it improved over time. Well done on the distance and time, thats still about my avg on a hilly run, mind not much better on the flat as today proved, I just feel happy when riding, because I know now there is nothing around here I cant tackle.
8.30AM star from the club house on Haynes Road just off Uppingham Road. This is the route planned

Oh and Wow! Just seen your mileage on the mycycling log sig, that is some great going, well done!
Have a good un Reece, I know even I am losing track of him.
ok thanx...
If you have some short steep hills nearby, try them a few times. It's what I did end of Dec/Jan, its improved what gears I can climb a hill in, I find it easier to get out the saddle and use a higher gear now, it hasnt improved my speeds over all I just seem to get up easier. The few hills there were today I was use 48/21 about 61 gear" when I started I had to use 38/28 about 35 gear ", admittedly they were only short and non to steep, but it's very rare these days I use the inner 26th ring, even the last climb home and it peaks about 11-12% I didn't go below 38/26.


North Carolina
guys do your elbow ache after a long ride?

Funny you should mention elbows. My right one is very swollen, I think it is from sitting with it resting on my desk so much and not bike related. My hands still get numb on any of my bikes from upright to drop bar. It has gotten better with time but it is happening.

Reece, good luck on your sportive. :thumbsup:

I took three days off riding, back out at it today. Weather, work, time, the normal excuses. :smile: Felt good getting back out today, even if it was just a slow ride on my townie.
35.1 miles this morning, average speed 16.1mph, very wet and very cold feet. 3 PBs' took one from 135th to 63rd place. My longest single ride and first time over 50km. Time for a cup of tea I think.

Well done to all those that have got out in this horrid weather, I don't envy Reece doing his ride today.
Well done on your first 50km ride, and the p.b's , I try and do either 30,40 or 50 Km's even if it means riding around the estate for a mile or two when I get back, mind that usually brings the avg sp down a little. I hope hes enjoying it.


35.1 miles this morning, average speed 16.1mph, very wet and very cold feet. 3 PBs' took one from 135th to 63rd place. My longest single ride and first time over 50km. Time for a cup of tea I think.

Well done to all those that have got out in this horrid weather, I don't envy Reece doing his ride today.

GOOD JOB mate :bravo: ...wish my turbo trainer is here already is due for delievery tomorrow i planed going out today but its raining,might go out later in the day if the weather change abit...
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