Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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i dont have a proper shoe for the weather btw yesterdays weather wasnt bad but my feet were so cold,i would have done more miles but had to turn back secoundly i feel alright this morning with no pain or anything untill i asked my girl to get me a double susage muffin meal at macD on her way back as i was hungry for it.TBH i regret immidiately after eating it lol wished i didnt order for it cos it kind of weak and slow me down.i havent had that in ages dont knw why i choose to have that for breakfast this morning...deffinately im hiting the road before 5pm even if its for jus a quick 10miles ride as i hate to not ride a day after a long ride...So i blame it on MACDONALDS LOL


Über Member
Managed to get another 10 miles in this morning, very cold, wet and windy but enjoyable, mileage isn't creeping up much but after a few months of either being too busy, ill or lazy to go out I'm just trying to do little and often at the moment and will try to up the mileage over the next month, I have a 40 mile sportive in March and a 95 mile in July so must try harder - at least one 25 mile ride next weekend.

Few lessons today too...

1 - I need some overshoes, I can handle cold feet but not wet
2 - the wind is as hard as, if not harder than hills, at some points today I swear I was going backwards!
3 - My first clipless moment was as embarrassing as everyone says, no damage to bike or me though and still haven't stopped laughing!


Über Member
Wickford so not a million miles from you. Once the weather picks up I've got some nice routes planned around the Rochford/Southend area.

Where do you tend to ride?


im diein for a cycling buddy i have been riding alone for close to a month now it would be nice to have someone to ride with btw i live at south church road southend a minute away from southend east train station though im kinda new here... i ride from southchurch to shoesbury and make a uturn at the round about close to shoesbury train station then to the sea side via shoesbury town up to the end of the sea side,then face chalkwell road to the end which lead to london road westcliff then from there up to the end of london road which is benfleet round about A13.. towards the end of that road there is a wicked 10% hill not sure if you knw where im talking about, boi that hill kills me but im gettin better now though i havent gone pass benfleet round about as i havent rode on the motor way before would like to carry on going up to pitsea or basildon or even further but as its only me im kinda scare :scratch:... when i find a buddy maybe we can do that together and ride up to dartford bridge and back if not will join a club but there seems to be only one club here (southend wheelers) which is roughly 10miles away from me..


Über Member
There are some really nice quiet roads just to the north of where you are around Rochford/Hockley you should try out and some nice hills going in and out of Rayleigh, I did this ride back in December and really enjoyed it.

Once the weather gets a bit better and I get bit more spare time I plan to get out your way most weekends so will happily meet for a ride or 2.


Über Member
Got out yesterday and did a good long run a fraction over 71miles. first 20 miles (or so ) on my own then a good social ride at a slower steady pace then a good blast home with some friends. Fitness was okay partly due to other exercise over the bad weather but that Saddle has me in tatters today :rolleyes:
guess I need to spend some time on the bike again


sure jus PM and let me knw and we can hook up some where i think i will change route and try the A127 towards london..wickford is along the A127 to A132 i think.
i dont have a proper shoe for the weather btw yesterdays weather wasnt bad but my feet were so cold,i would have done more miles but had to turn back secoundly i feel alright this morning with no pain or anything untill i asked my girl to get me a double susage muffin meal at macD on her way back as i was hungry for it.TBH i regret immidiately after eating it lol wished i didnt order for it cos it kind of weak and slow me down.i havent had that in ages dont knw why i choose to have that for breakfast this morning...deffinately im hiting the road before 5pm even if its for jus a quick 10miles ride as i hate to not ride a day after a long ride...So i blame it on MACDONALDS LOL
Fair enough on the shoes, what do you wear, also remember you also need rest days, for the body to recover. I am nipping out like you for a quick 10 miles or so, simple I have a busy week, and I want to keep my mileage ticking over.


i use a normal addias sneakers/trainers not sure of which cycling shoe to go for that wuld help for both winter slash summer weather as the better ones are pretty expensive


Well woke up this morning looked out the window and seen the rain :rain:also a text off my mate seeing if I was still riding the Audax. Hell yeah I was lol. Forecast for rutland was worse than Leicester. Completed although my Garmin had a hissy fit so had to restart so Strava is in 2 rides. Glad I got out, although I'm soaked, battered by the wind and cold I enjoyed the ride. Avg speed took a hit but having only ridden 30 miles (one ride out) in 5 weeks and the weather I am pleased.


Great ride Reece.
I feel like the fat bloater I am, having decided not to go out in this rain!
TBH the thought was ready in my mind to just stay in bed (I think a load did). But seeing as it was my 1st audax I wanted to do it.

The sight off 100+ people leaving the clubhouse at 8.30am and riding in a group (all be it for 1 mile or so lol) was brilliant.


Legendary Member
Well woke up this morning looked out the window and seen the rain :rain:also a text off my mate seeing if I was still riding the Audax. Hell yeah I was lol. Forecast for rutland was worse than Leicester. Completed although my Garmin had a hissy fit so had to restart so Strava is in 2 rides. Glad I got out, although I'm soaked, battered by the wind and cold I enjoyed the ride. Avg speed took a hit but having only ridden 30 miles (one ride out) in 5 weeks and the weather I am pleased.

Glad you got out and did it.
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