Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Über Member
You were still quicker, than me lol.
I've got 5 or 6 years on you, don't know how much difference that makes?
I would also think my bike though only a ribble with a alloy frame would be a little quicker than your Viking which if I remember correctly is also sporting panniers;)
So all things being equal you may in fact relatively speaking be quicker than me lol.


Über Member
As naff as the weather was going out, it improved a little coming back, so avg sp improved from 10.8mph to 13.6mph but overall quite poor even by my standeds.
However on the positive I got 5 p.b's and 2 2nds, though one was only a matter of continuing along a section instead of stopping for I cig where I normally do.
This is probably the best Aberford Road Short Climb
You are off the last Strava page so your climbing is definitely getting better.:thumbsup:


Been feeling a bit off colour, despite my great health news... managed a few rides though , this on Sunday...the garmin and I had a big fall out this day. It refused to give me any turn directions but was more than happy to scream at me when I was off course. Gave up on it and followed road signs instead!
and feeling better today I made a lunchtime effort for this short ride,
feeling like summer with my shades on!
47.1 miles today (two trips one of 25.4 and one of 21.7) most I have done in a day, plus 7 pbs on strava and both trips over 15mph. 9 more miles to hit 700 for the year. To see I am pleased with myself is an understatement.
Please tell me you had no wind in your neck of the woods.

Great achievement.
Yeah, no wind here today. I have the coach parked up here so I am technically at work so only a quick 8 mile circuit incase the phone rings (30mins).
Also great excitement here as I wore my bib tights last worn in 1991 ! I was surprised how comfortable they are with no gel padding. I don't know if it would be the same after 20 or 30 miles though.


Über Member
My usual 22 miles before nights route

22 miles in 1:24:43 at 15.6mph

The overall time today was meaningless the center of Doncaster was like a car park and I'm not going down the inside of a lorry for anything:excl:
As the old saying goes "it is better to be late in this life, than early in the next"

Virtually no wind so managed to get in some good strava segment improvements

Hills are definitely my weak point so was pleased to improve my average speed up this one, from 11.3mph to 14mph

This one is right next to it and in effect is the long run down the other side and I improved my speed from 18.3mph to 23mph

I have been working on riding on the drops and still find it strange but the difference it makes when riding fast is quite amazing.

I think the comparison between the times above illustrates this, both were in benign weather, for both I was trying hard the only difference was my riding style.

I have still got a bit too much frontage to ride for long distances on the drops so will have to drop another stone or so but I am now up to 33lb total loss so another 14lb or so should be doable.

Off to bed now to get a couple of hours before my 12 hour night shift:wacko:
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