Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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My second club ride today, 50 miles plus extra to get there and back, 62 miles in total.

62 miles in 4:00:18 at 15.5 mph

Edit, I have just heard that the guy is out of hospital and other than a headache is ok and looking forward to next weeks ride, good news!
Well done on the century, and glad to hear hes ok.

Finally got out today after 3-4 weeks home being turbo bound lol.
About time we saw you back on the road, well done on the times.

First ride yesterday on the triban 3. 47 miles was going for maiden 50 but legs started shouting "enough, already" managed another "relaxing" 22 today. Loving my new steed. Loads of pb's.
Just wish the wind would knock it on the head for a bit.
it's wasn't too windy when it was snowing, again well done on the times.

I can only dream, as I certainly can't remember back that far.

Can you imagine a 5 stone child on your back for the whole ride? You can.
Welcome to my world :biggrin: :biggrin:

The current child is getting smaller with each ride though.
As James says, it will go, just do as much as you can.
As for me today, 31 miles @ 13.14mph but it ranks as my 2nd most difficult ride including the 100km I did in Nov. it has to do with height climbed per mile (or avg grade, uphill, over all grade is zero as I start and end at home) today it was 1.3% or 68.48ft per mile, I have done steeper but over like 4-10 miles. first half I had a head wind of up to 10mph but it was more gusty than constant, than mainly tailwinds for the 2nd half apart from the last few miles, but to be honest I didn't really find it much of a problem apart from being blown around a little.
Things I was pleased with, gear inch has increased again but cadence is down, this is due to the hills, and whilst speed hasn't increased it hasn't fallen and considering the increase in elevation gained I think I am finally making some improvements.
I am also finding I am actually recovering whilst going uphill, and climbing on the 48th front chain ring, not the more difficult climbs mind, also the lowest i used was 38/26 which is I think 38.4" which i think means i could get away with a double now.
Best bits were I might be last but this was incredible steep for me. avg grade 9.7%
p.b.'s here
though they are downhill bits.
6 2nd's and 3 3rd's
This is worth a mention and this as it was into that headwind
You will never get 100% consensus on anything, some people have no problem driving without a seat belt or using a mobile or even drink driving.
One of those, the truck I drove didn't have one fitted, but I agree they save lives as do helmets.
As for driving I was quite highly trained, so I had quite an idea what people should and possible would do, (not 100% agreed) but this has carried over to my cycling, it is something that I am considering now my speeds are higher, but my biggest fear is getting dragged under a truck, though I give them plenty of room when they need to make wide turns ect. some dont quite give the same curtsey when over taking, though most do.


Cheers Nigel. I had to get out whatever the weather today.

Got my first audax next Sunday. It's a 100km ride that a member of the club organises. Just hoping the wind dies down for it lol.


Active Member
23 miles today - farthest I've been. Struggled on last 10. first part of ride was to Stockbridge and involved Winton hill which is a mile long 6% climb. You know that its going to be tough when they've actually called it " xxx hill". Constant headwind for first bit which drained me. will take food next time as I think I was bonking. Still enjoyed being out though.


Über Member
I have just been looking at all my rides on Garmin Connect I have done 3 below 20 miles, 10 in the 20's, 6 in the 30's, 5 in the 50's and 2 in the 60's but none in the 40's how strange is that?

Billy Adam

Senior Member
One of those, the truck I drove didn't have one fitted, but I agree they save lives as do helmets.
As for driving I was quite highly trained, so I had quite an idea what people should and possible would do, (not 100% agreed) but this has carried over to my cycling, it is something that I am considering now my speeds are higher, but my biggest fear is getting dragged under a truck, though I give them plenty of room when they need to make wide turns ect. some dont quite give the same curtsey when over taking, though most do.
I drive a HGV for my sins, and since starting to ride again it's good to see it from both sides. But what a lot cyclists forget/don't know is blind spots. Once you're along side a lorry on the nearside you're invisible for about the first quarter of the truck. So I for one won't under take a truck if I can help it.


30miles done on saturday my tighs was really killing me after that as its my first 30miles ride plus it was windy and not a flat road and then another 10miles yesterday,weather was nice sat and sun but very windy..
I have just been looking at all my rides on Garmin Connect I have done 3 below 20 miles, 10 in the 20's, 6 in the 30's, 5 in the 50's and 2 in the 60's but none in the 40's how strange is that?
Probably just the routes you do, mine tend to be up to 30 and I usually have to do a few laps around the estate to make them over 30.


Über Member
Went to work, ride was ok, and felt good but the cold air must have sent my cough off, so rode home again at lunch. Afternoon of hot chocolate and kick ass movie so isn't all bad.

Some nice rides going on there guys. :thumbsup: Seems after the snow people are really back into it.

Weather has been pretty good to ride in so kinda disappointed not to be out there putting in some miles. :sad:
Been a bit blustery here today, only nipped out to get a new gear cable, as I am going to put the original 52/40/30 chainset back on, with one exception I am changing the rear 26 to a 28 that will keep 1st on the middle ring about the same as same 40/28 as opposed to 38/26 38.4" opposed to 37.6" so it's a little lower, but the 30/28 is not as low as 26/26, but I haven't been using that on anything but really difficult bits, and then not recently, so should be ok.


Über Member
Been a bit blustery here today, only nipped out to get a new gear cable, as I am going to put the original 52/40/30 chainset back on, with one exception I am changing the rear 26 to a 28 that will keep 1st on the middle ring about the same as same 40/28 as opposed to 38/26 38.4" opposed to 37.6" so it's a little lower, but the 30/28 is not as low as 26/26, but I haven't been using that on anything but really difficult bits, and then not recently, so should be ok.
I should think 30/28 would be fine for anything unless you are off to the dales of pennines.
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