Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Legendary Member
Well, gave my new Forme Longcliffe its maiden voyage this morning and managed to come off it on a stretch of ice. Luckily saw the ice and thought I could ride very slowly over it but the bike just shot from under me so quickly it was unreal. No harm done other than a gouge out of the pedals which were old ones anyway and the teeniest of scrapes on the brake just behind the hood. Oh, and a wee scrape on my knee. Lol

Felt weird being back on a road bike after spending so long on the Dawes and to be honest, it wasn't any faster. Will persevere though and give the road bikes a good try this year and hopefully start feeling more comfortable and at ease on them.
Well, gave my new Forme Longcliffe its maiden voyage this morning and managed to come off it on a stretch of ice. Luckily saw the ice and thought I could ride very slowly over it but the bike just shot from under me so quickly it was unreal. No harm done other than a gouge out of the pedals which were old ones anyway and the teeniest of scrapes on the brake just behind the hood. Oh, and a wee scrape on my knee. Lol

Felt weird being back on a road bike after spending so long on the Dawes and to be honest, it wasn't any faster. Will persevere though and give the road bikes a good try this year and hopefully start feeling more comfortable and at ease on them.
Sorry to hear about the spill, glad both of you are ok,
That looks like a very nice improvement to me. I am getting better on them now as well. I have been working more on uphill parts, trying to keep my minimum speed above a certain speed. I am noticing an improvement there. It is feeling easier. I am standing while climbing more now. I guess I mean more like, rather than sit and pedal thru the inclines, I get up and accelerate on them now, even shifting to a higher gear to do them. I still have a lot more getting into shape to do but I think if I were to start pushing for quicker times I could probably do better than I have done before. However a lot depends on the wind direction and even how I feel on a particular day. I am getting lighter and I think I am maybe faster than I have been since I started back riding.
When I set off, I think what the f am doing this for again, but usually by about 10 miles I am ok.


Senior Member
Well, gave my new Forme Longcliffe its maiden voyage this morning and managed to come off it on a stretch of ice. Luckily saw the ice and thought I could ride very slowly over it but the bike just shot from under me so quickly it was unreal. No harm done other than a gouge out of the pedals which were old ones anyway and the teeniest of scrapes on the brake just behind the hood. Oh, and a wee scrape on my knee. Lol

Felt weird being back on a road bike after spending so long on the Dawes and to be honest, it wasn't any faster. Will persevere though and give the road bikes a good try this year and hopefully start feeling more comfortable and at ease on them.

Sorry to hear that Mo. Glad you're ok and there wasn't too much damage to the bike.
I think this illustrates it a little better. I have been redesigning my spread sheet, the old became to cumbersome.

speed v elev.JPG

and if the other data is right I have gone from 235V.A.M. to 409
I am looking forward to the weekend and getting out, if it rains ill get wet and if its windy I will just have to pedal harder.

Well it was sunny and chuffing windy with a real windchill effect, but no rain. I reversed the 12 mile loop I did the other day, a bit slower at 49 mins but I did enjoy it.

Time to get the baby wipes out again.


Über Member
Very sunny today, so flu not withstanding decided to pop out on my road bike for a little pootle. Didn't start off well, from leaving my flat and carrying my bike down the stairs, the front wheel fell off and bounced merrily down the stairs before clattering into the exit door. It seems one of the threads is buggered (not quick release, solid axles). Nipped up stairs for my spanners and tightened up as best I can, and seems ok after a vigorous shake.

Did 3 miles before cough started playing up and returned home. Fresh air probably did me good but doesn't feel like it right now! :laugh:


Senior Member
Well done for getting out everyone. I did my training loop but oh dear lord, did my legs hurt. Not since I first started cycling have they hurt anywhere near as much as they did today. I'm not sure whether it's

A. The SPDs
B. Still getting back to fitness after being ill
C. The wind
D. 3 ride in 3 days

I think it's mostly A & D but a little bit of the others too. It's been a long time since I did rides on consecutive days, let alone 3 in 3 days and using the SPDs just feels like I am using different muscles and it's almost like learning to cycle again. Average heartrate is the lowest I've ever recorded on the road simply because I could just not push my legs hard enough!

It's not going to rain tomorrow and it's a shame to waste the day but I think a rest day is needed!
Well done for getting out everyone. I did my training loop but oh dear lord, did my legs hurt. Not since I first started cycling have they hurt anywhere near as much as they did today. I'm not sure whether it's

A. The SPDs
B. Still getting back to fitness after being ill
C. The wind
D. 3 ride in 3 days

I think it's mostly A & D but a little bit of the others too. It's been a long time since I did rides on consecutive days, let alone 3 in 3 days and using the SPDs just feels like I am using different muscles and it's almost like learning to cycle again. Average heartrate is the lowest I've ever recorded on the road simply because I could just not push my legs hard enough!

It's not going to rain tomorrow and it's a shame to waste the day but I think a rest day is needed!
Two P.B.'s and a 2nd out of of 5 segments, cant be bad.
Well done for getting out everyone. I did my training loop but oh dear lord, did my legs hurt. Not since I first started cycling have they hurt anywhere near as much as they did today. I'm not sure whether it's

A. The SPDs
B. Still getting back to fitness after being ill
C. The wind
D. 3 ride in 3 days

Assuming the SPD's are adjusted right I will put my money on C and D.


Senior Member
Two P.B.'s and a 2nd out of of 5 segments, cant be bad.

Ah but they're a bit misleading. One pb is down to the unusual north westerly wind, one is because some guy was behind me and I didn't want him to overtake me because I knew there was a long downhill bit after that which he would hold me up on (unfortunately he did overtake and did hold me up) and the second place is because that's a segment I never normally ride, it's the shortest way home and I normally take a 2 mile diversion but today I was just too knackered!

Assuming the SPD's are adjusted right I will put my money on C and D.

I think they're adjusted right, they're not causing me pain, just causing my legs to ache. I think it might be because my feet are locked in a certain position whereas with the toe clips I could move my feet around to a certain extent. C and D are definitely huge factors though. It doesn't look like the wind is going to die down any time soon either. :sad:

When I speak to non-cycling people they just don't understand how big a factor the wind is. If it's blowing a gale they sort of get it, but days like today when there is only really a breeze they don't. 14 mph has a huge effect though. This is the amount of power you need to maintain 15mph on the flat if you're 13 stone like me:
5mph winds: 94W
10mph winds: 183W
15mph winds: 317W
20mph winds: 503W

This is why I'm glad I have my heart rate monitor now. It's the only true measure of how much effort you've put in, there are way too many variables out on the open road.
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