Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Senior Member
I can only dream, as I certainly can't remember back that far.

Can you imagine a 7/8 year old kid on your back for the whole ride? You can.
Welcome to my world :biggrin: :biggrin:

:laugh: Well just give it time and I'm sure with the Triban you'll get back there eventually!

I forgot that I didn't actually need to put the weight in there as that's a calculation for the flat so it doesn't make any difference, it's still the same total power needed.
Back to the roots for me today. A very sedate 8 miles with Max round the country lanes very enjoyable and relaxing.
Sounds good. Don't know about you but I find I am in no hurry these days, in life or cycling. Life flies by quick enough.
In life yes, but when I am out on my own Cycling i always push push push, if that makes sense. So it's extra nice to go out just for a gentle ride with the eldest. I can't wait for his brother to come with us it should be even better, he's just to scatty on the road at the moment (6yrs).




Über Member
My second club ride today, 50 miles plus extra to get there and back, 62 miles in total.

62 miles in 4:00:18 at 15.5 mph

Very eventful ride, after about 10 miles we crossed a level crossing and 2 guys went down.
One was ok but the other hit the floor head first, thank god he had a helmet on.
He was knocked out cold and led across the tracks.
Fellow cyclechat member donnyjnk being first aid trained and ex military took charge of the situation and organized the guys moving the rider from the track and positioning him as safely as possible.
I made the 999 call and have to say the speed with which they turned up was amazing.
The guy soon came round and was whisked off to hospital for tests.
donnyjnk handled the whole situation with a huge amount of professionalism and impressed me hugely.
We continued the ride but as you might imagine the atmosphere was a little subdued.

Edit, I have just heard that the guy is out of hospital and other than a headache is ok and looking forward to next weeks ride, good news!


Über Member
I hope he is ok as well, do you know what made them go down?
The train track was at about 30 degrees to the road, the rails were wet and as soon as the front wheels hit them it was game over, 2 club members had previously done the same on the exact same crossing so I would think it would be one to avoid in the future.


Senior Member
Finally got out today after 3-4 weeks home being turbo bound lol.

Early club ride doing nearly 30miles. Went better than I thought, Turbo must be keeping me in shape. Very windy out today and had a few crosswinds at times either battering my face or nearly blowing me off the bike.

Glad you could get out mate. I know from personal experience this week how great it is to get out after a long time off the road. :biggrin:

My second club ride today, 50 miles plus extra to get there and back, 62 miles in total.

62 miles in 4:00:18 at 15.5 mph

Another metric century and a great average, very nice! Glad your clubmate is ok, that could have been nasty. A lot of people on this forum seem to hate helmets but I'd never go out without one personally.

First ride yesterday on the triban 3. 47 miles was going for maiden 50 but legs started shouting "enough, already" managed another "relaxing" 22 today. Loving my new steed. Loads of pb's.
Just wish the wind would knock it on the head for a bit.

I think you've probably set a record for average speed and distance on a maiden voyage on a Triban 3. Well done! :bravo:

Billy Adam

Senior Member
Glad you could get out mate. I know from personal experience this week how great it is to get out after a long time off the road. :biggrin:

Another metric century and a great average, very nice! Glad your clubmate is ok, that could have been nasty. A lot of people on this forum seem to hate helmets but I'd never go out without one personally.

I think you've probably set a record for average speed and distance on a maiden voyage on a Triban 3. Well done! :bravo:
Cheers, like I say can't wait for the wind to ease off. Happy days 8o)


Über Member
Another metric century and a great average, very nice! Glad your clubmate is ok, that could have been nasty. A lot of people on this forum seem to hate helmets but I'd never go out without one personally.

I have to agree with you and having witnessed that firsthand I now feel even more stongly.
The impact actually snapped the guys helmet, what it would have done to his head does not bear thinking about.

IMHO I would think in the 21st century it was time for legislation.
I have to agree with you and having witnessed that firsthand I now feel even more stongly.
The impact actually snapped the guys helmet, what it would have done to his head does not bear thinking about.

IMHO I would think in the 21st century it was time for legislation.
I agree, but there are plenty on here that would disagree.
I hope this doesn't turn into handbags at dawn thread !

Billy Adam

Senior Member
I have to agree with you and having witnessed that firsthand I now feel even more stongly.
The impact actually snapped the guys helmet, what it would have done to his head does not bear thinking about.

IMHO I would think in the 21st century it was time for legislation.
Totally agree. Seems silly that you have to wear a helmet on a moped which is limited to 30mph. But it's left to riders discretion on a bike which can reach higher speeds.
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