Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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North Carolina
Still quite strong winds out today but I was determined to do my first decent ride since I was ill and I did - 28 miles:

Whilst I was off the road because of the snow/ice/illness I put some SPDs on the triban as I had time to get used to them on the turbo trainer. Hoping to start and finish this month well. I knew I'd be behind my ticker (below) until the clocks went forward but I don't want to get so far behind I can't catch up!

That was a very nice ride.

To me, working on the turbo is more difficult than road riding. You still have plenty of time to catch up. The year is young. I haven't gotten used to writing 2013 on documents yet.
(sorry, there is that gotten word again, ;). I used it just so I could ask: Is the word forgotten used in the UK? Just curious.)


North Carolina
Temperature is 4 c here today and sunny but the wind is from the north at 15 - 25 mph. That might not sound too bad to some people but if it wasn't the first day of the month I would not go out today. Since I want to get at least a start on a short month, I am going for it. On an east-west route. :dry:
Temperature is 4 c here today and sunny but the wind is from the north at 15 - 25 mph. That might not sound too bad to some people but if it wasn't the first day of the month I would not go out today. Since I want to get at least a start on a short month, I am going for it. On an east-west route. :dry:
I would be tempted to stay in.


Senior Member
That was a very nice ride.

To me, working on the turbo is more difficult than road riding. You still have plenty of time to catch up. The year is young. I haven't gotten used to writing 2013 on documents yet.
(sorry, there is that gotten word again, ;). I used it just so I could ask: Is the word forgotten used in the UK? Just curious.)

Me neither, I've had to scribble out 2012 a couple of times! And yes it is used.

Temperature is 4 c here today and sunny but the wind is from the north at 15 - 25 mph. That might not sound too bad to some people but if it wasn't the first day of the month I would not go out today. Since I want to get at least a start on a short month, I am going for it. On an east-west route. :dry:
That's pretty strong, I've found that anything about 7mph has a negative effect on my average speed. A 25mph headwind is hard to keep going in!
Sorry to hear about the funeral Brian - my condolences.



Über Member
The rules state that if it's just a headcold, go out and ride ;) but if it's in your chest then stay home. My sympathies though!

Bad cough, tight chest and high temp. Did go out this morning on the bike to get supplies in then a 3 hour hot bath and a few hours sleep and feel vaguely human. Meant to be riding with a couple of people on Sunday, will see how it goes. :thumbsup:


Senior Member
Bad cough, tight chest and high temp. Did go out this morning on the bike to get supplies in then a 3 hour hot bath and a few hours sleep and feel vaguely human. Meant to be riding with a couple of people on Sunday, will see how it goes. :thumbsup:

Fingers crossed :smile:


North Carolina
I hope you all start feeling better soon.

I got in 12 miles 10 miles, it was breezy and cool but not bad after I got going. I didn't realize my timer was not on until about two miles into the ride. :huh:

I took a little different route to take advantage of trees for windbreaks but there was a lot more traffic. It was nice getting out and stretching the legs. I did more spinning than usual to stay a little warmer. If I can just figure out how to mount a Kleenex dispenser and trash can on my bike, this cold weather stuff wouldn't be bad at all.
I hope you all start feeling better soon.

I got in 12 miles 10 miles, it was breezy and cool but not bad after I got going. I didn't realize my timer was not on until about two miles into the ride. :huh:

I took a little different route to take advantage of trees for windbreaks but there was a lot more traffic. It was nice getting out and stretching the legs. I did more spinning than usual to stay a little warmer. If I can just figure out how to mount a Kleenex dispenser and trash can on my bike, this cold weather stuff wouldn't be bad at all.
I have done that a few times. i dont leak as much as i did.:smile:
This is an interesting chart, I have missed the weeks that dont matter the first is wk 32 last year, around about the time i got my first cadence comp, (Aug) the avg gear length was 57.68" but I only climbed 29.9ft/mile today was 57.63ft/mile with 58.47" gear length.
This wks avg is 55.41ft/mile with 57.07 gear" now whilst my speed is down a touch, I think that marks an improvement, cadence is down as well.
gear in.JPG


North Carolina
That looks like a very nice improvement to me. I am getting better on them now as well. I have been working more on uphill parts, trying to keep my minimum speed above a certain speed. I am noticing an improvement there. It is feeling easier. I am standing while climbing more now. I guess I mean more like, rather than sit and pedal thru the inclines, I get up and accelerate on them now, even shifting to a higher gear to do them. I still have a lot more getting into shape to do but I think if I were to start pushing for quicker times I could probably do better than I have done before. However a lot depends on the wind direction and even how I feel on a particular day. I am getting lighter and I think I am maybe faster than I have been since I started back riding.
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