Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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North Carolina
I needed to do some tweaking to the seat on my rain bike. I had plenty of daylight left and it wasn't raining so I went for another 10 miles to get to 400 miles for the month and on the Strava Base Mile Blast. I am now in 10,906th place!!! :wahhey:

It has been fun getting the work in during January. Mother Nature was a big help this first month for me. I know not everyone feels the same way. :tongue: There have been some very nice rides in the bad weather by a lot of you here, much more difficult than what I did.
a near 14mph average over 10 miles is a good result. I think both my rides, , today came in lower, though I was not intending to make haste;)
3 p.b.'s as well Andy well done.
I needed to do some tweaking to the seat on my rain bike. I had plenty of daylight left and it wasn't raining so I went for another 10 miles to get to 400 miles for the month and on the Strava Base Mile Blast. I am now in 10,906th place!!! :wahhey:

It has been fun getting the work in during January. Mother Nature was a big help this first month for me. I know not everyone feels the same way. :tongue: There have been some very nice rides in the bad weather by a lot of you here, much more difficult than what I did.
Well do Rocky, I couldn't get out, so you will beat me this month. :cheers:


Senior Member
Well done for getting out Brian. I just did pretty much the same thing, 9 miles, got rained on a little bit and when the wind picked up I was struggling just to keep going.

Still, it was my first ride on the road for 3 weeks because of snow/ice/illness so I'm just glad to have gotten out.


Über Member
Its official I am now a STRAVASS***E

"Choosing a Strava Segment due to favorable winds"

I am on nights tonight so always only do 20 miles or there abouts.
After watching the voluptuous Carol:wub: deliver here forecast on BBC breakfast I decided my average speed would not be good today so for a change decided to have a go at 3 down wind strava segments.

The whole ride is pancake flat so the wind was the only factor and I wanted to see what sort of difference it made.

Segment 1 2.7 miles 6th/57
simon hames Jan 31, 2013 26.0mi/h 170bpm 326W -
Segment 2 1.2 miles 7th/98
simon hames Jan 31, 2013 27.1mi/h 171bpm 361W -
Segment 3 2.7 miles 5th/32
simon hames Jan 31, 2013 22.9mi/h 163bpm 251W - 7:06

After the 3rd segment I started my return journey at times I felt violated, it was as hard doing 15 into the wind as it was doing 25 with it.:heat:
My segment times into the wind would make an in infirmed geriatric blush:blush: ( if they could work out how to switch the garmin on and figure out that interweb thingy)

21 miles in 1:18:24 at 16.1 mph

Overall I would think that the wind reduced my average speed by close to 2mph but I can't say for sure as I pushed hard on the down wind segments so was already knackered when it came to the hard up wind leg.

3 top 10 finishes so got to be pleased with that especially the one where I was 7th out of 98^_^


Well had a day off work (was decided yesterday) and was planning my first ride out in a fortnight. Woke up this morning to rain and howling winds so decided to spend time with my lad and take him to the museum instead.

Just done a 45 minute turbo session though to make up for it.!

Need to get out as I have my first audax on 10th Feb. It's the clubs audax of 100km and goes out to Rutland water so has a few good hills thrown in! Can't wait.
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