Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Two short rides, and I thought i was doing well on the rides, turns out not so great, still I got 3 p.b's on the out to Wakefield, 6 2nd best times and 2 3rd's which out of 14 segments is ok.
On the way back I took a different rout and called in to see a friend, luck has it he lives at the top of a hill, just one problem I think this hill has the steepest gradient I have yet done (well it felt like it) short & sweet no my time really sucked, but I got up it I think it was 15% at one point. I knew it was steep but I didn't know it was that steep, any way as I said he lived at the top, excuse for a breather, though to be honest, I could have kept going. The rest of the ride i got 3 p.b's 5 2nd best times and 2 3rds, out of 17.

But what I am pleased with are the speeds through the sections are more consistently over 11mph the slowest was this Brown Cow to Ackworth water tower not the greatest of climbs by any means, but one I seem to struggle with, 112ft climb in 0.8 mile
Too true Nigel. Been chucking it down all afternoon and now the wind is picking up and blowing a gale :ohmy:

Have the mudguards sitting all ready to put on the new bike when it arrives. Keeps the worst of the wet from getting to me and the drivetrain.
Yea I was watch the weather some nasty winds you've been having, my eldest is in Glasgow, one in Edinburgh the other in Aberdeen (last two at Uni) eldest finish last year, so always keep an on the weather.


Well despite my great news yesterday I ended up catching a throat cold, which I desperately tried to cull. Not much time for rides today :sad: but managed to add an extra 5 mile and a tiny 5% hill to my commute tonight. was nackered before I started out and with the breeze today I was expecting to be grunting alot, but really enjoyed it - more so as the 5 mile where down , near abandoned country lanes... so nice! Not really gone for speed today, even when the winds been with me, just doing miles for the love of it. Having lost Monday to the throat cold, It's becoming a big challenge for me to reach 400 miles by Thursday.... I'm keeping at it but won't beat myself if I miss this time.

N1 on the great performance Nigel. That climb looks vaugley similar to my Crookbarrow Way
I regularly see a cyclist, as in full race clobber, slaughter that hill, as if it were not there :/ he always takes a drink at the bottom of the climb and goes steady till he's half/two thirds way up, then he's gone... I've tried a few times to see where but have yet to reach the top the hill in time to see :smile:


Go on, tilt your head!
I did my first 100km ride in two years at the weekend...was hard going getting used to being on a road bike. As a result of the ride I went to my LBS the following day and purchased some SPD pedals and I'm going to replace the rear cassette (11-25) with an 11-28 to assist until I grow some more hill talent lol.

Going to get a proper bike fit sorted too.
Well despite my great news yesterday I ended up catching a throat cold, which I desperately tried to cull. Not much time for rides today :sad: but managed to add an extra 5 mile and a tiny 5% hill to my commute tonight. was nackered before I started out and with the breeze today I was expecting to be grunting alot, but really enjoyed it - more so as the 5 mile where down , near abandoned country lanes... so nice! Not really gone for speed today, even when the winds been with me, just doing miles for the love of it. Having lost Monday to the throat cold, It's becoming a big challenge for me to reach 400 miles by Thursday.... I'm keeping at it but won't beat myself if I miss this time.

N1 on the great performance Nigel. That climb looks vaugley similar to my Crookbarrow Way
I regularly see a cyclist, as in full race clobber, slaughter that hill, as if it were not there :/ he always takes a drink at the bottom of the climb and goes steady till he's half/two thirds way up, then he's gone... I've tried a few times to see where but have yet to reach the top the hill in time to see :smile:
5% is a lot if not well, Andy, its similar Andy but its avg was 6.6% over 0.2 miles. but only 2/3rd's the height. I did in 2.18 some guy's done it in 58's shows just hoe poor I am at this lark. :blush:
It was this I was hoping to get back, Harwood Av Down missed it by 2's my avg speed was 24mph, compared with the 6.1mph going up the other hill over the same distance.:smile:
I did my first 100km ride in two years at the weekend...was hard going getting used to being on a road bike. As a result of the ride I went to my LBS the following day and purchased some SPD pedals and I'm going to replace the rear cassette (11-25) with an 11-28 to assist until I grow some more hill talent lol.

Going to get a proper bike fit sorted too.
Well done Joey. I had a 12-28 (and at one point 34) till I was getting better. Mind I also have a touring chainset rather than a road one. 48 th large ring


North Carolina
I rode another 15 miles today. Same route as yesterday and managed to knock another minute and a half off my PR time from yesterday. Didn't even have anyone behind me today. :rolleyes: The temperature was about 24c and the wind was not bad at all, after I got on the main part of my course. The price I will have to pay for the nice weather today, is that tomorrow, it will be warm again, there is a very strong chance of rain and possible isolated tornados. In January :ohmy:. Just crazy weather.

I will be watching the weather radar very closely before I go out tomorrow. I think I am close enough I can get all the miles in Thursday to get to my 400 for the month, if necessary....and I don't get blown to Oz.
I rode another 15 miles today. Same route as yesterday and managed to knock another minute and a half off my PR time from yesterday. Didn't even have anyone behind me today. :rolleyes: The temperature was about 24c and the wind was not bad at all, after I got on the main part of my course. The price I will have to pay for the nice weather today, is that tomorrow, it will be warm again, there is a very strong chance of rain and possible isolated tornados. In January :ohmy:. Just crazy weather.

I will be watching the weather radar very closely before I go out tomorrow. I think I am close enough I can get all the miles in Thursday to get to my 400 for the month, if necessary....and I don't get blown to Oz.
You will breeze it.
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