Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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North Carolina
That is getting in some good rides. I can only imagine what you will do the rest of the year.
That is getting in some good rides. I can only imagine what you will do the rest of the year.
I am currently doing 5 1/2 miles less per day when out, then I did last year, but I think they are more intensive, certainly I can climb better, i have better flat speeds, I just look at the strava sections and for the most part there are more more mid teens than last year, so far if I have it right the rides are some 20% more difficult per mile than the 6 months last year with just under 1/2 mph increase, though its difficult to compare avg's, because a lot of my first couple of months were quite poor, lots of stops, these days I can do 30 miles non stop, I couldn't do that back then, let alone the hills I am doing, they arn't much we really dont have big climbs, but I am doing more climbing than I did, and whilst I might be struggling the bike is geared that i do get up, should I start to flag, which is often still, like that one on Tuesday, I couldn't have even dreamed about that when I started, let alone enjoy the fact of getting up it, it just so happened my mates garage is at the top, and it was him I went to see, otherwise I would have continued, again something I could not have done, I used to have to stop upto 3 times just doing a 10 mile ride. I suppose this year I should get a little faster, I also still carry quite a bit of weight in my bag, I did take it off to get the K.O.M. back on Monday. I can accelerate better, though 30's seems my limit flat out, I am then beginning to hurt.
So all in all I have to say I am pleased so far. So if any newbies are reading this, dont give, it does come, and this group gives lots of inspiration, and whats more they miss you if your away.
Sorry if its a bit long winded.


North Carolina
I am finding the going uphill part getting easier as well. I still need a lot of work but standing and climbing is becoming easier and, even better, so is sitting and climbing. I agree, It just takes time.
Extended my loop to a 11.55 miles this morning in the sunshine, but oh was it windy and some of the worse crosswinds I have encountered. Did it in 48 mins, so the average of 14.3 mph wasn't so bad. Also a nice steep hill which went down to 6mph, still I will be ready for it next time!
I shouldn't worry what speeds you get up them, just getting up some is an achievement.
I am hoping yo get out later, got to wait in till the O/H gets back from Sheffield, so it might be late. Mind I think I might have to take some miles of my total, as I will be going backwards.^_^
did 4miles yesterday and a quick 10miles today might go out for another ride later in the evenin...10miles in 43mins is slow isnt it?
No, 13.95mph avg, and if you have the winds that are kicking about, I would say well done (well, well done anyway) I only managed quicker on 28 days last year (and not much quicker) out of 111 days. and 6 out 17 so far this year.
...10miles in 43mins is slow isnt it?
No, not in my books.


North Carolina
I just got in a few minutes ago. I got in 18 miles on the Rain Unit since the roads were wet, but it did not rain while I was out. The wind was 15 to 25 mph (the worst is supposedly yet to come) so I stayed in town with narrower streets and trees closer to the streets. It made the wind not nearly as hard to deal with. The 3 speed and wind combination worked me pretty hard, it was a good hard workout.

I am going to minimize the benefits of it by going to McDonald's a little later on, and eating a couple of big burgers and a large Mocha Frappe. :biggrin:


No, 13.95mph avg, and if you have the winds that are kicking about, I would say well done (well, well done anyway) I only managed quicker on 28 days last year (and not much quicker) out of 111 days. and 6 out 17 so far this year.

another 8miles this evenin,i was thinkin that was slow but after readin from u guys i feel happier beside its was very windy and road wasnt flat


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