Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Über Member
Had to make the most of the sunshine this morning. Didn't realise it was as windy as it was ( can wind be omni-directional?) seemed to be in my face every which way I turned. Got a cateye velo 7 comp seemed to work ok. Slight difference between it and strava. Good motivator though.

You nearly rode past my old house Billy. Nice area. I am sure the wind changes to where ever you point you head! ;)

Billy Adam

Senior Member
You nearly rode past my old house Billy. Nice area. I am sure the wind changes to where ever you point you head! ;)
Pretty much my regular goto route. Start off here and then see where it takes me. Where snouts was your old place?


Über Member
Yeah, made it out for the first time this year, yes it was only the quick 8 mile circuit and yes I was a bit sweaty and puffy but it has been nearly 4 weeks, a bit slow at 33 mins but hopefully back out tomorrow for a longer run.
Good to see you back out again mate:bravo:

You are all making me very jealous!

Just got up after hard 12 hour night shift, but will be out tomorrow come hell or high water, though looking at the weather forecast I might have to eat my words!

I bet the wind brought your average speeds down, but I bet a few Strava segments with the wind you were like Gods!


Yeah, made it out for the first time this year, yes it was only the quick 8 mile circuit and yes I was a bit sweaty and puffy but it has been nearly 4 weeks, a bit slow at 33 mins but hopefully back out tomorrow for a longer run.

Heck of a wind round here earlier? did you escape that? Shame I couldn't get out Evesham way today, else we may have crossed paths. Family upset going on today :/ and I didn't want to go to far from home in case I was needed. Still got a few miles in, just not the 50 miles I wanted to do, not even half of it :sad:


yea it was windy here too but managed to do 26miles at 11.9 average btw its my 6th ride since i got my bike,2 rides last week before the snow and 4 rides this week thur fri sat n today..TBH my legs r killing me but i think i will b ok tmr mornin..what do you guys think shuld i take a break for a day or 2? or jus go out tmr n do like 10miles or less instead of nuffin?

Billy Adam

Senior Member
yea it was windy here too but managed to do 26miles at 11.9 average btw its my 6th ride since i got my bike,2 rides last week before the snow and 4 rides this week thur fri sat n today..TBH my legs r killing me but i think i will b ok tmr mornin..what do you guys think shuld i take a break for a day or 2? or jus go out tmr n do like 10miles or less instead of nuffin?
I've read, after a hard ride just go out for a gentle spin. Just keep your legs moving but hardly any pressure on the pedals. Seems to work.

Phoenix Lincs

Über Member
Sleaford, Lincs
I got out this morning too. It was the cross winds that nearly floored me. It was blowing me into the verge on my first third , in my face the second third, and I was fighting from being blown into the traffic the last section. That said, I was pleased to have got out (first time for a fortnight) and burn a few calories, even if I was saying "oh oh" out loud a few times :-)

Dan Allison

Well-Known Member
I got out this morning too. It was the cross winds that nearly floored me. It was blowing me into the verge on my first third , in my face the second third, and I was fighting from being blown into the traffic the last section. That said, I was pleased to have got out (first time for a fortnight) and burn a few calories, even if I was saying "oh oh" out loud a few times :-)

It no fun being forced into the verge or the other way for that matter! But like you say it was good to see the back of the snow and get out :smile:
Heck of a wind round here earlier? did you escape that? Shame I couldn't get out Evesham way today, else we may have crossed paths. Family upset going on today :/ and I didn't want to go to far from home in case I was needed. Still got a few miles in, just not the 50 miles I wanted to do, not even half of it :sad:
Almost half Andy.
yea it was windy here too but managed to do 26miles at 11.9 average btw its my 6th ride since i got my bike,2 rides last week before the snow and 4 rides this week thur fri sat n today..TBH my legs r killing me but i think i will b ok tmr mornin..what do you guys think shuld i take a break for a day or 2? or jus go out tmr n do like 10miles or less instead of nuffin?
Well done, Billy is right, but it also helps to take a day off too, it helps the damage repair.
For the record my 6th ride was 20.57 miles @ 10.78mph.
I got out into 10mph headwinds, as it turns out it was my most difficult ride to day because of the terrain. So again my avg speed is back down below 13mph, but there were a few steepish inclines, again most not long, but I am getting better at the longer ones, I am also finding it better out of the saddle to climb, on some. I got 7 2nd best times which considering the winds wasn't to bad, and 5 p.b's (2 of which are new segments so dont really count.)
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