Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Über Member
Out today shopping so haven't got on the bike. Passed two large groups of club riders both seemed to be having some wind issues. Hopefully forcast is correct and I can get out and about for a decent ride.


Über Member
20 miles done. It was great to get out on the bike but it was hard work after 12 days off and a strong wind.

And I passed the 1,000 mark on Strava :biggrin:


15miles done today at average of 10.5mph my first ride wiv a computer, yesterday 8miles the day before 10miles or more last thursday was my first ride i guess done roughly 8/10miles and the day after was roughly was defferent dont knw if its bcos of the computer or the weather as todays weather has been the best since my first ride or mayb far im happi and feel gud n cant wait till when i start doing 30miles non stop,hopefully will get there..
15miles done today at average of 10.5mph my first ride wiv a computer, yesterday 8miles the day before 10miles or more last thursday was my first ride i guess done roughly 8/10miles and the day after was roughly was defferent dont knw if its bcos of the computer or the weather as todays weather has been the best since my first ride or mayb far im happi and feel gud n cant wait till when i start doing 30miles non stop,hopefully will get there..
You will sooner than you think, just keep putting the miles in, but you do need rest days for the body to recover.
Apart from my first ride and short commutes, most of my rides have been 20+ miles since I started in June, however the first rides wern't fast and frequent stops, I can do 30+ with out stopping though I do general stop about half way, or the top of hill sometimes. I am not fast even now compared with some, but I avg about 13.5mph, yesterday was slow but it was half a commute and to be honest, I just couldn't get going, but I had just done 140 miles in the previous 5 days.
So just keep at it, you will get fitter and stronger (though its not about strength).


You will sooner than you think, just keep putting the miles in, but you do need rest days for the body to recover.
Apart from my first ride and short commutes, most of my rides have been 20+ miles since I started in June, however the first rides wern't fast and frequent stops, I can do 30+ with out stopping though I do general stop about half way, or the top of hill sometimes. I am not fast even now compared with some, but I avg about 13.5mph, yesterday was slow but it was half a commute and to be honest, I just couldn't get going, but I had just done 140 miles in the previous 5 days.So just keep at it, you will get fitter and stronge
r (though its not about strength).

thnx and i agree is not about strength to me its abt more training and determination...cheers


Legendary Member
Terrible about the bike, great you are ok. I hope you are able to get it sorted without much trouble.

Good luck bribing negotiating with the OH for a back up bike. :thumbsup:

Cheers, still peeved off about it, and my side is now hurting. I might use our lasses bike next week, it is a Dawes that is heavier than my car, but at least I will still be riding, though not very far!


Legendary Member
Dang and there's me thinking I'll have sometime to catch you up.

You'll catch loads up. I will be lucky if I get forty miles in all next week.

Decided to buy the Specialized Allez Elite, though not sure how long I will have to wait for it.


North Carolina
The house I worked at yesterday had a few older bikes in the basement. I asked the guy if he rides and he said he was afraid of the narrower country roads with cars flying down them, so he doesn't ride anymore. One of his bikes was a very nice looking Older Dawes (early 80s..I think he said).

He said it was heavy. I noticed he had some sort of gel seat on it. I was standing by his work table and noticed a Brooks saddle sitting on the table, it was in great condition. I mentioned not using the Brooks then asked if he wanted to sell it. I have been wanting to try one and thought I would ask. He said you must ride a lot, but told me he wanted to keep it as it was the stock seat for his old Dawes.

Riding the heavyweights gives you a little more of a workout ! It also makes it less fun to want to go out riding as well.:sad:

I switch up which bike I ride quite often but always prefer my light racing style bike.
You'll catch loads up. I will be lucky if I get forty miles in all next week.

Decided to buy the Specialized Allez Elite, though not sure how long I will have to wait for it.
I don't know pretty s****** trying to catch up some what last week, it's a tall order me getting 500 this month. 13 hrs riding. Last time I did that on avg was oct when I did 1000km


Legendary Member
I don't know pretty s****** trying to catch up some what last week, it's a tall order me getting 500 this month. 13 hrs riding. Last time I did that on avg was oct when I did 1000km

I went a bit mental last week, I did 142 miles commuting. I don't think I will have many 500 mile months, though I am determined to do one 622 mile month so I can claim a 1000km month.
I went a bit mental last week, I did 142 miles commuting. I don't think I will have many 500 mile months, though I am determined to do one 622 mile month so I can claim a 1000km month.
Thats a lot commuting, though I did 163 since Sunday upto Friday, and another 20 on the Friday, Saturday making it 183 in just over the wk. the 163 made it the 4th best ever week


Legendary Member
Thats a lot commuting, though I did 163 since Sunday upto Friday, and another 20 on the Friday, Saturday making it 183 in just over the wk. the 163 made it the 4th best ever week

I go a bit mad on the commuting every now and then. Thursday and Friday mornings I did 24 and 25 miles, both routes taking me back past my front door after around 16 miles.
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