Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Legendary Member
I try and avoid that, to tempting to call it quits, besides I dont like riding round the estate, brings an already poor avg sp down more.

I can't quit, I was on my way to work.


North Carolina
Nice and sunny bright mornings make you just want to get out on the bike and do even more miles. :thumbsup:

I feel that way too. I just hope I have as much extra time to ride when the weather improves as I did this month. I am thinking my mileage is going to go up some when riding conditions improve. Much warmer at night too, makes it more pleasant to ride at night for me.
As I say I cant see what difference it makes, much colder I would agree, but whilst the roads arn't icy I can't see the problem, I just struggle to go out anytime, ok once I am out, apart from Friday mornings, and that to some is late.


North Carolina
I just got in from 14 miles. It was nice to get out after missing yesterday. The roads were still wet and in the shade there was still ice on the sides. Traffic was light so I had no problems.

I took the rain unit since the roads were wet. The old Raleigh steel frame with fenders. I am not sure why it is exactly, but steel frame bikes seem to really ride nice. The more I get this bike dialed in for me, the more I like it. (that cheap ass chain guard is coming off tonight, I hit it with my heel and it bends and the pedal starts hitting it, I ride the next quarter of a mile kicking it and people driving past think I am crazy :blink:)
The old Peugeot steel frame is the same way, rides really nice, but the frame on it is never going to fit me.
I hope one day to get to ride a carbon fiber bike and see what all the hoopla is about. :bicycle:
I just got in from 14 miles. It was nice to get out after missing yesterday. The roads were still wet and in the shade there was still ice on the sides. Traffic was light so I had no problems.

I took the rain unit since the roads were wet. The old Raleigh steel frame with fenders. I am not sure why it is exactly, but steel frame bikes seem to really ride nice. The more I get this bike dialed in for me, the more I like it. (that cheap ass chain guard is coming off tonight, I hit it with my heel and it bends and the pedal starts hitting it, I ride the next quarter of a mile kicking it and people driving past think I am crazy :blink:)
The old Peugeot steel frame is the same way, rides really nice, but the frame on it is never going to fit me.
I hope one day to get to ride a carbon fiber bike and see what all the hoopla is about. :bicycle:
I remember my Gitane back in the early 80's it seemed more comfortable than this ally Viking, but then that could just be the Viking.
Well done.


Legendary Member
As I say I cant see what difference it makes, much colder I would agree, but whilst the roads arn't icy I can't see the problem, I just struggle to go out anytime, ok once I am out, apart from Friday mornings, and that to some is late.

We are talking about biking into work, when it is warm and sunny it is much easier to do further miles than when it is cold, wet and dark when the shorter more direct routes are taken.
Yeah, made it out for the first time this year, yes it was only the quick 8 mile circuit and yes I was a bit sweaty and puffy but it has been nearly 4 weeks, a bit slow at 33 mins but hopefully back out tomorrow for a longer run.
14.5mph is quicker than most of my rides Brian, well done.
We are talking about biking into work, when it is warm and sunny it is much easier to do further miles than when it is cold, wet and dark when the shorter more direct routes are taken.
I see your point, but what I remember of last summer, it was wet and windy for the most part, ok I havent data for June/July but wind speeds avg. aug on wards, 2.41mph, 4.87, 4.37, 4.04, 4.85, temps, 18.7c, 15.5, 11.1, 8, 5.5, 4.6, (ok they are mainly day time temps, rain 1mm, 0.6, 0.0, 3.2, 2.0, 1.8, these are records for when I was actually out in the areas I rode.


Well-Known Member
I managed to take the mountain bike into work in the van on Thursday. I cycled home having to take a slightly longer route as the back lanes were still covered with ice and snow. First time riding at night and after a few minutes I didn't really feel the cold. Only slightly exciting bit was when the front light failed about 4 miles from home! From behind I was lit up like a Christmas tree :smile: luckily the light of the moon saw me home safely. Not something I would want to happen again. The ride back into work the next morning was nice - clear, sunny and could see the ice :smile: the legs felt it though!! 30 miles in total so I was really happy with that.


Über Member
Probably 18 ish miles done today. Was going to be my first strava ride with cheap 2nd hand phone but it decided Sunday is its day of rest so did bugger all. Second longish ride on my Falcon Road bike, and it was pretty horrible to start with. My hands were killing me from mile one. No matter where I put them, drops or hoods, pain right across my palms. Had me stopping practically every mile. Took about 6 miles for it to start to wane, after a little saddle adjustment which I am not sure helped, but might have been coincidental.

Once I got out into the open roads the wind was killing me, straight up the valley with high gusts, but persevered and got used to it. Sun was out, roads were dry and ice/snow clear and all in all once got into the rhythm it was a very pleasant ride. Need to sort out the brakes though as they are absolutely pants. Not sure if its the new (old pads but brand new if that makes sense) pads need bedding in more or the heavy old rims.

Climbing the big hill home was different. Harder low gear than on my MTB but the rolling speed of the tyres helped a load. Baled out to catch my breath by riding up a side road half way up, and back down and rejoined the hill. Didn't stop, but needed a breather.

Peeing down with rain now so looks like timed it just right. :thumbsup:
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