Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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ok i guess will go out for a quicky tomorrow for atleast 8 to 10miles or even less and then a day off on tuesday as it gonna be a rainy day base on weather forcast and then back on saddle wednesday hopefully


Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.
My ride today felt like my first ever...I felt weak and tired following a back injury..and a westerly headwind didnt help much...a pityful 5 miles...


Über Member
My ride today felt like my first ever...I felt weak and tired following a back injury..and a westerly headwind didnt help much...a pityful 5 miles...

I don't blame you though. I rode about 1 mile from home in headwind earlier then turned back because I'd be riding about 7 miles in it before changing course. Pretty much knackers you out.


Active Member
Got back on after a few days off due to circumstances and weather. Had a great ride - about 20 miles - sunny but with a bit of headwind in places. Tried out the new NCN 23 which is great (but not a fast route as it was full of dog walkers) - they have almost finished the link up hockley viaduct which will be great.

Then went up Winchesters steepest hill. As I struggled up at 5 mph beetroot faced I was humbled to see a parent with a tag along going up the same hill! :ohmy:

Got to the top and stopped at the traffic lights and then found my legs suddenly didn't work when the lights turned green and I had to dismount and get to a flat bit!:laugh: Still it's more than I would have been able to do a few weeks ago.

Wifey was a bit surprised as a had a stack of jobs to do and I was only supposed to be bringing the bike back directly from work (which is about a mile and a half away). Problem is once I get out there I just want to keep going...

Get In The Van

Senior Member
West Lothian
with only 1 ride of 24 miles so far this year my outdoor stats are poor! however my turbo workouts have got a lot better with a noticable increase in my stamina and ability to ride at a harder level for longer periods, wether this transfers to the actual open road remains to be seen!:laugh:


Careful with that axle Eugene
My ride out today was hard work. Did a tour of Bredon Hill, clocking up 30 miles, but my average was well down, and I struggled for the last couple of miles, as I'd finished the trip out at just under 28 and added on a couple extra to make up the thirty. Still, the saddle and its closest companion are much better acquainted now so at least I'm much more comfortable. I just have to apply rule 5 and get the fitness back now!


North Carolina
Brian, nice to see you back out. Everyone else too!

Late start today, just got in my basic 10 mile cruise on my comfort bike today. I was trying to ride in daylight and took off quickly with my just my tennis shoes on my SPD-SL pedals, so I just left them on for the ride. It wasn't that bad. I wouldn't want to do it in wet weather or when I am pressing harder, but it is fine for a few miles to the store or somewhere I don't want to wear cleats.

I was just checking what we have scheduled for work this week and I think I may be able to get in 400 miles for the month still. I may have to do a little night riding to do it, which may not be so bad as temperatures for the next few days are suppose to be above normal.
I was just checking what we have scheduled for work this week and I think I may be able to get in 400 miles for the month still. I may have to do a little night riding to do it, which may not be so bad as temperatures for the next few days are suppose to be above normal.
59 miles Rocky, I am sure you can do it, just take it easy but just keep going, it what I did in Oct when I was 16 miles short of doing my first ever 1000km in a month, and Brain said to just go out and do it, thats after I had done 37.53 miles to mark my first 600 miles, so I did a total of 55.87 miles that day.


North Carolina
There is rain forecast here for Wed. but the temperature is supposed to be warm. I think I will get it even if it rains. I will probably do it 15 or 20 miles at a time. As of now, I am not working Tue(this could change if we get a bunch of calls), so I hope to get a decent amount in that day. A metric century would be a good way to end the month but I think I may wait on doing that for a couple of months. I want to lose a little more weight and make it easier on my butt before I try that. :smile:
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