Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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North Carolina
Had several inches of snow here again. Spent half an hour at the end of my dog walk helping push cars that were sliding everywhere, BMW,s being the worst!

In anticipation of more wet, mucky weather to come I had a bit of an impulse n+1 moment and pressed buy on one of these hoping it will make a reasonable winter trainer as it is supposed to take mudguards.

Sharp bike Mo! Very nice. :thumbsup:


Legendary Member
Good job I got my 500 miles done yesterday, came off it this morning and knackered the forks, will be bike less for at least a week at a guess, really need to get a second (and third) bike
Great excitement here in Evesham the rain is washing the snow and ice away :dance:
The Sun is now out so planning first ride of the year tomorrow morning (have both boys today) fingers crossed.


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Not been on bike since a week or so before Xmas.

Either its been raining (pretty much non-stop December) or there's been ice on the road or heaps of salt or I've been otherwise engaged and now we have about 5 inches of snow.

Frustrated and if I am to be honest a bit disillusioned.


Legendary Member
Certainly frustrating spokeydokey. Although I have a good exercise bike I haven't been able to force myself to use it so my fitness on the bike is going to be nearly back to square one when I get back to it :sad: Just have to take it easy and try and enjoy being out again without pushing too hard the first few rides.

Billy Adam

Senior Member
Not been on bike since a week or so before Xmas.

Either its been raining (pretty much non-stop December) or there's been ice on the road or heaps of salt or I've been otherwise engaged and now we have about 5 inches of snow.

Frustrated and if I am to be honest a bit disillusioned.
I was starting to feel like that too. But getting out again blew all that away. Just got to grab the chances to get out when you can.


Senior Member
Not been on bike since a week or so before Xmas.

Either its been raining (pretty much non-stop December) or there's been ice on the road or heaps of salt or I've been otherwise engaged and now we have about 5 inches of snow.

Frustrated and if I am to be honest a bit disillusioned.

I feel the same, I feel like I am doomed with my cycling. The snow has finally melted today but to add injury to insult, I am sick. :sad: I have been since Tuesday night. I was hoping I'd be better by the weekend but like all viruses thesedays it seems to be hanging around forever. The person I caught if off and had it for 10 days now. I tried my turbo trainer last night but it just made things worse.

It's going to be very windy tomorrow but not raining so hopefully I can get out as it's been 15 days since I last had a ride on the road. If I can't then it's unlikely I'll be able to get out during the week as it's hard to fit work around a ride, especially as it's constant rain forecast for the rest of the week. :sad:
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