Should I, she, or we pay this private companies parking fine?

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Pale Rider

Legendary Member
Yeah, so he either pays £45 (£22.50 if taps up his mate) or takes the chance on paying either £90 or nothing. Sounds a lot like gambling to me.

It will be interesting to see which way it goes, if this is the route he decides to go down.

He's already ruled out the £45 option pending some legal advice/further inquiries, thus it's either £90 in a few weeks, or £90/nothing in a few months.

The £90 stake has already been made.

I'm not scaremongering - I'm offering sensible advice. If he follows your advice are you prepared to help him submit all the legal paperwork and pay any dues when he loses? much are you prepared to lose in this case? Your car? Your TV? Your laptop?

It is scaremongering because there is no realistic way for this matter to reach bailiffs.

Accy can settle any county court judgment made against him which is an end to it.

That you don't understand the process is further evidenced by your second 'point'.

Accy is the respondent, he doesn't have to submit any paperwork, there isn't really any he can submit.

If he receives a county court summons, it would be polite and good housekeeping for him to ring the court to tell them he does plan on attending to defend the action.

There's nothing else he can do before the start of the hearing, although he would be wise to make a few brief notes for himself as an aide memoire as to the points he wishes to make.


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
He's already ruled out the £45 option pending some legal advice/further inquiries, thus it's either £90 in a few weeks, or £90/nothing in a few months.

The £90 stake has already been made
He's got until 2 September to decide about the £45, and then another 2 weeks after that to decide about the £90. I hope he keeps us informed.


Legendary Member
Accy - one more thing, and then I'll not contribute any more - who do you trust on CC to give you decent sensible advice? Have a good think and then act accordingly.

He shouldn't listen to me, the only advice I ever give is, if it is a red ring it will rub off, if it is a green ring it will drop off.


It may have been a High Court judge who passed judgment in Beavis

Err, nope. It was the Supreme Court on what seem to be similar facts (I acknowledge that Beavis overstayed by 56 minutes v Accy's 30 mins but unlike Accy may have used the shops on the retail park). Beavis lost at first instance, in the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court.

@Pale Rider, you're encouraging @Accy cyclist to pursue a risky course of action when he has a way out of this at nil cost to himself. Is that kind or helpful to him in any way?


Legendary Member
Here's the plan.

Accy should pay the charge now while it's reduced rate, and chalk it up to experience.

Then he should plot revenge.

He should buy a cheapo car from the local paper, don't register it, park it wrongfully in dozens of bays administered by this company, and then drive it to the scrappy.

The parking firm will pay the DVLA dozens of times to get the keeper details, and won't earn a penny in return.

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
Err, nope. It was the Supreme Court on what seem to be similar facts (I acknowledge that Beavis overstayed by 56 minutes v Accy's 30 mins but unlike Accy may have used the shops on the retail park). Beavis lost at first instance, in the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court.

@Pale Rider, you're encouraging @Accy cyclist to pursue a risky course of action when he has a way out of this at nil cost to himself. Is that kind or helpful to him in any way?

So he lost in all three of the higher courts.

The point about judges deciding cases not laws still stands.

At the time, I formed the impression Beavis may have been taking a lend with his parking, although I can't recall the ins and outs.

Nor would I ever push one of these cases any further than the county court.

But if you think risking a county court judgment for a modest sum which you can pay if you have to is too much of a risk for a private individual then we will have to agree to disagree.

As an indication of the underhand and threatening tactics used by the parking companies, at least one started sending out letters clearly designed to look and read like a genuine county court summons, including using the distinctive yellow paper the Court Service used for the document at the time.

Having established they had no intellectual property over the colour of the paper, the Court Service wrote to the Solicitors Regulatory Authority telling them they took a dim a view of their documents being impersonated.

The Court Service only discovered what was going on when staff received a number of calls from members of the public asking about their 'summons'.

Which proves such tactics do work.

Pragmatically, as I posted earlier, there is some attraction for Accy in the £22.50 option.

Salty seadog

Space Cadet...(3rd Class...)
This is why i'm not just going to pay it like some on here would do. These firms rely on compliance for their profits. If they issue 100 of these 'invoices' and 90 of those receiving them comply and pay without question then they are happy. Is it in their interest to chase up the 10 who don't pay up?
Like i said earlier i'll ask the Citizens Advice when i see them on Thursday what they suggest. It's not about the money either. £22.50, even £90 isn't a problem.

To my mind you are long overdue your comeuppance.

Salty seadog

Space Cadet...(3rd Class...)
Seriously, about a month or so later he sold the car (A Ford Red in colour Cougar, K Reg') and it's now to be seen being driven around town! The dodgy neighbour has an old Jaguar,registered in August 1991...i know because i looked it up online. I checked about a month ago to see if it was 'road legal'. The MOT was due to run out on the 12th of August. I can see the car but not the reg' plate from my flat. When i go out soon i'll write down the reg' number then check it when i get back home. I bet he hasn't had it MOT'd. In fact it hasn't moved for weeks so i'm 99.9999999% sure he hasn't!!

Well I guess he feels the rules don't apply to him. Let it go.
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