Well, the cranks have come off at last.
And now that I've got them off and had a closer look, the evidence is stacking up that the bike's drive train problems seem to have been caused, at least in part, by the forcible freeing of a jammed chain. The gouges on the inner chain ring can't have been caused by anything else, I don't think.
The cranks are fine bar the odd scuff. Chainrings are a little worn but not massively so. They weren't too gunky either, and the superficial rust has been mostly taken care of with some Barkeep's Help. Have given them a light coating of oil after. Am not doing much more to the crankset as this will likely be replaced at some point, but it's good to go back on. The only real casualty at this stage was the plastic guard on the outside of the big ring - it simply disintegrated when I removed the screws holding it in place.
Next step is tackling the very stiff and grumbly bottom bracket.
The lockring was only on finger tight, as I discovered when wiping away the oil and goo from the spindle - it's one of those that has three equidistant slots btw. I haven't removed it yet, as I don't want anything falling off (or out) that shouldn't. And I still need to read up on how to open / remove / service a square taper BB.
But given how hard the spindle is to turn, I'm fully expecting some kind of metallic carnage inside.
P.S. The fact that the lockring was loose was serendipity, as my LBS didn't have the right tool to undo it.