RideLondon-Surrey 100 (2015) Anyone?

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Bexley, Kent
This is only the second sportive I have attempted (the first being Tour of Flanders) and I don't intend to do many more, if any. It was the opportunity to ride over this route, on closed roads and finishing on the Mall (hopefully!) that is the main appeal for me. I have ridden many audax rides and FNRTTC's and enjoy the stress-free and friendly atmosphere on those but I am hoping this will provide a different kind of experience. Of course I may enjoy it so much that I'll be applying again for next year!
Closed roads is the appeal for me too, although I'm actually looking forward to riding through the Blackwall Tunnel even more.


Über Member
Closed roads is the appeal for me too, although I'm actually looking forward to riding through the Blackwall Tunnel even more.

I am looking forward to this too, does anyone know what the route is from the Blackwall tunnel to the start, to my mind you would go straight up the A12 but as that is the 'actual' route it is not going to be possible.


One of the 64K
From memory last year it kind of wibbled West a bit and then went through traffic congested back roads, I also didn't see many sign posts, so maybe I was in the wrong place although the failure to signpost the river boat for the return journey East suggests not (everyone was complaining about that.) Definitely didn't do the A12.


Legendary Member
No, but according to the RideLondon website it will be signposted from the tunnel, so you're not likely to get lost!

plus, last year there was a stream of bikes to follow!

Make sure you know the location of your start area, that was the one aspect that was confusing last year with the "peleton" fragmenting in different directions


Legendary Member
Are the coloured areas well sign posted in the park? My friend is orange (aquatic), I'm green (velodrome)
From a recent recce, they are quite far apart with different entrances recommended. Same load time but I leave 18 minutes later


One of the 64K
There's what felt like a periphery road that goes round with all of the colours signposted, you follow your colour as the others disappear off and I found it a long ride (it took a lot longer to find my group than I'd expected) but easy enough to find. There were, however a number of people who were getting lost, I can only assume they didn't bother looking at any of the arrows on the signs and just rode and hoped. There was also at least one person in my area of the wrong colour who was going to ride with a mate. The marshals repeatedly told him to move to his own area, which he nodded agreement to and then did nothing. He rolled over the start next to his mate. The joy of a 'don't care' attitude and volunteer staff.


From a recent recce, they are quite far apart
From my trips to the park for the Olympics, Paralympics and numerous visits to the Velodrome, the aquatics centre and Velodrome are a good 10 minute walk apart but there are good sized roads between the two which will be full of cyclists and most likely signposted. There will also be a good scattering of marshals who will be able to help as well.


I've wondered this every year but why do people get excited about cycling through the Blackwall Tunnel? Is it just because you can't normally do it?


Legendary Member
Thanks. The magazine suggests you need to enter the park through the closest entrance which are far apart. We are staying 5 miles away in barking, hopefully the roads will be quiet and navigation easy


I didn't enter the park through the closest entrance last year as I was staying at the Premier Inn at Westfield and my baggage drop was about 200 meters from the door going the short route. If I had followed the instructions, it would have probably taken me 5 minutes to get there.


Active Member
All very positive this morning! Yes, I too am looking forward to closed roads and the Blackwall tunnel. Having never visited the Olympic Park, or cycled through Blackwall, I'm not sure how long it'll take me to get to my start point (yellow, near the Velopark). I'm in the 6 12 to 6 42 wave, I guess half an hour should be sufficient to to get from the drop off point at a leisurely pace?
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