RideLondon-Surrey 100 (2015) Anyone?

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Legendary Member
One tip re the route:

Between Kingston & Raynes park, you come up Coombe hill then down toward the A3.

The LH side of the road is uneven with repaired spots and ironwork, keep on the RH side for a smoother ride.
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I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Anyone done the Leith Hill descent in the last few weeks to comment on the state of the road? Any work done on it?


I didn't see any Mavic vehicles in 2013 (not to say they weren't there) but the HUBs and drink stations have mechanical support of some description.
They have a stand at the expo and the weekend is listed on their site (http://www.mavic.co.uk/events) but that obviously doesn't mean that they will be out on the road for us. Maybe the expo is to get our hopes up and the it is just the Pro's who get them :smile:

Got to admit, when Velothon Wales said their support would be provided by Halfords, I did get a bit worried :smile:


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
They have a stand at the expo and the weekend is listed on their site (http://www.mavic.co.uk/events) but that obviously doesn't mean that they will be out on the road for us. Maybe the expo is to get our hopes up and the it is just the Pro's who get them :smile:

Got to admit, when Velothon Wales said their support would be provided by Halfords, I did get a bit worried :smile:

Only vehicles I saw were emergency vehicles and a couple of bikes with cameramen on. Not that they seemed to film us scrubs unless we were former Olympic athletes, politicians or tv chefs...

If I do see one out I must resist the urge to stick my hand up and ask for a dérailleur adjustment while I ride..


Legendary Member
Stop stating this as fact.

30 minutes it took me last time at Newlands Corner to get through the queue to have a toilet break, and get a banana. Even if you dont want a toilet break, you still have to follow the queue round the system. Clearly you got there at a quiet time, but if you get there with hundreds of other people like I experienced in 2013 then yes, a massive queue is likely at Newlands. Especially with the added numbers of riders.

IMO the best thing to do if you want to avoid the chance of a big queue is to top up prior or after Newlands.

Or don't. let us know how you get on.

Unlikely at HC as it is far bigger a location to handle big numbers.

Sorry, but it is a fact that last time with a middle start, I experienced no long queues or delays at either Newlands or HC.

From my garmin activity record
My moving time was 5:46 and total stop time 32 minutes.

5 minutes at Hampton court - from leaving the road to restarting
8 minutes at Newlands - from leaving the road to restarting

IIRC i had a 7:30 ish start and was therefore at HC at 9:00 and Newlands at 10:30


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Sorry, but it is a fact that last time with a middle start, I experienced no long queues or delays at either Newlands or HC.

From my garmin activity record
My moving time was 5:46 and total stop time 32 minutes.

5 minutes at Hampton court - from leaving the road to restarting
8 minutes at Newlands - from leaving the road to restarting

IIRC i had a 7:30 ish start and was therefore at HC at 9:00 and Newlands at 10:30

I'm not disputing your experience. I'm saying stop saying there will be no issues at Newlands Corner as a matter of fact.

I also started mid time, and when I got there it was worse that this (I had a queue to even get to this part) -


I had to queue for 5 minutes just to get to the point of parking the bike. Then queued for the toilet, then had to shuffle along with everyone else down the bottom of the barriers end, and back to find the nearest available spot to get some water.

In 2013 Newlands took half an hour by itself, I stopped for 2 mins to get water at HC, and didn't stop at the 3rd HUB. 3 mins chatting to friends at a turning after Box Hill. Total stoppage 35 mins, 85% of which was NC.

HC has separate entrance and exits, has an open design to the table, and comes after 35 short flat miles or thereabouts - its unlikely to have queues. Newlands is an obvious bottleneck having the same entrance and exit, and being at the top of the first of the "big" three hills.

People may well find it quiet, they may find it horrendously busy, or they may find it somewhere in between. YMWV.

Personally I'm staying on the left side of the road and carrying straight on down the hill.
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Sorry, but it is a fact that last time with a middle start, I experienced no long queues or delays at either Newlands or HC.
The 'I' is the important bit. People need to make their own mind up about if it will be busy or not rather than taking just one opinion.

Everyone's experience is valid at the end of the day.

Also, bear in mind that last year people dropped out and I expect quite a few wanted to get around rather than stand around getting even more wet (if that was possible). The numbers are even greater this year and if it is sunny, who knows, everyone may decide the want to stop at Newlands making it worse than 2013.


Active Member
I didn't stop at all last year, made it around on just two bottles. Might have had something to do with the 4 or 5 bottle's worth of rain I must have swallowed!


WAy down under
Thanks, sorry I asked :whistle:

I'm aiming to take enough food with me and just stop if necessary for water but good to know previous experiences. I'm sure a lot depends on timing.


Legendary Member
For those who have not ridden the route:

Sawyer's hill in Richmond park is the first marked hill and is deceptive - draggy and long and very open on both sides, it does not feel steep but it is easy to go into the Red Zone without intending to.

The stretch from Hampton Court bridge to Walton, looks and feels flat, but is in fact following the river up stream and long stretches are false flat with a 1-1.5% grade.
(Significance of 1.5% grade? it requires approx double the power output to keep the same speed as on 0% grade)
Again, it is easy to work too hard keeping the speed up with the bunches.
The stretch from Hampton Court bridge to Walton, looks and feels flat, but is in fact following the river up stream and long stretches are false flat with a 1-1.5% grade.
I ride this quite often, and have never noticed it. It seems very flat to me. And to strava. And RideWithGPS says 26m climb over 6.1 km, which makes it about 0.04%. What makes you think there is such a climb there?

@PK99 this wasn't meant to be an attack - it's a genuine question. Ignore the response below
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