RideLondon-Surrey 100 (2015) Anyone?

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One of the 64K
All very positive this morning! Yes, I too am looking forward to closed roads and the Blackwall tunnel. Having never visited the Olympic Park, or cycled through Blackwall, I'm not sure how long it'll take me to get to my start point (yellow, near the Velopark). I'm in the 6 12 to 6 42 wave, I guess half an hour should be sufficient to to get from the drop off point at a leisurely pace?

This was me last year -
  • Start Area: Green
  • Wave:B
  • Wave Load opening time: 06:20
  • Wave Load closing time:06:50
  • Start Time:07:20

I believe I was dropped off around 05:40 in Blackwall Lane with an intention to arrive at Green at 06:20 I know between faffing around in traffic North of the river (it really was very congested thanks to the closed roads) a very quick drop off of my bag and then a slow cruise around the periphery road following signs I arrived just after 06:50, which really surprised me, and left me a bit anxious. Not that they cared particularly. I also passed half a dozen people fixing punctures, including a couple in the Blackwall Tunnel, and I'm not sure it'd even got soggy at that point.

It all came good in the end, and the wait for 07:20 seemed to take forever but nonetheless I think I'd be looking to start it all earlier if I was riding again this year.


Über Member
Is starting earlier possible? I'm travelling up with a mate and he has about an hour earlier start time than me so I will be milling about for a while. Would really rather just get going


The organisers say no, but there is noting stopping you chancing it and seeing if a marshal will let you in. You've probably got more chance of this working if you are in the same coloured start as the numbers are coloured.

You can however start later I think, so if you are both in the same colour start, just have an extra hour in bed and your mate can then start with you.


Über Member
Sunny Surbiton
I am looking forward to this too, does anyone know what the route is from the Blackwall tunnel to the start, to my mind you would go straight up the A12 but as that is the 'actual' route it is not going to be possible.
At the bottom of my Transport Options Booking Confirmation email there's a link.
"Your cycle route to the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park from each official drop off location will be marked with arrows to make your journey to the start venue as easy as possible. "


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Did a hilly ride today thru How Lane to Box Hill, and it was one of those days where you don't feel at it at all, and your legs feel like lead, and you can't seem to maintain any energy on the lumps, but when you get home you find you've hit some PBs or 3rd best times up those said lumps. Very strange.


Is starting earlier possible? I'm travelling up with a mate and he has about an hour earlier start time than me so I will be milling about for a while. Would really rather just get going
They do not allow you to change your start times and are even advising people who want to ride together, but do not start at the same time, to pull over after the start and wait.


Über Member
That brings another question. Where is the official timed start? Is there space to pull over and wait before you go over the timing mats? I know it's not a race but would hate for him to get a distorted time because he was hanging around for me!


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
That brings another question. Where is the official timed start? Is there space to pull over and wait before you go over the timing mats? I know it's not a race but would hate for him to get a distorted time because he was hanging around for me!

If your friend uses a Garmin or other recording device and he's pulling over at the start just get him to start his Garmin as and when you meet. At least that time will be correct, even if the official chip time is distorted.


It's a bit more complicated than that...
I've been reading this thread with increasing bemusement. I haven't said anything because I believe in letting everyone enjoy cycling in their own way. If you really do find that this is the way you enjoy your cycling, well, good luck to you. But honestly, the more I read about gels and queues and time slots and cutoff times and overtaking and warnings about individual potholes and bends in the road, the more I personally feel motivated to get up from my computer, go get on my bike, and just cycle somewhere -anywhere - up a hill, to the coast, or just to the pub - just enjoying the freedom and simplicity of being on a bicycle. Each to their own ... I hope you have a great time. Please come back after the event and reassure us that you actually enjoyed it.
If it's any reassurance, after last year both of us bought an official souvenir top "because this is the only time we'll do this sort of thing".

Within a week I'd resolved to enter the ballot again because I enjoyed myself so much. A week or so later so did @rvw. And a year later, with next to no dedicated prep we're going to be there on Sunday with two ballot places and one bike.

It's a real giggle. Closed roads, supporters cheering you on (the big charities all have official cheer points) and - with luck - a fine day. And there's a nice medal at the end.

We may have a gel with us just in case but I'm expecting to be what the audaxers call a "full value" rider, among the cycling equivalent of the fun-runners and people in fancy dress.
If your friend uses a Garmin or other recording device and he's pulling over at the start just get him to start his Garmin as and when you meet. At least that time will be correct, even if the official chip time is distorted.
Never worry about the official chip time, it doesn't allow for coffee stops, always go by strava moving time. :becool:
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