RideLondon-Surrey 100 (2015) Anyone?

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Food supplies on the route are the best I've seen on a sportive!
Unless they give you the squits!

But then for me it's not a race...except to beat the broom wagon :whistle:
Here we go again. All this talk of food and the word 'race' had to make an appearance didn't it :rolleyes:

At the end of the day, everyone has different needs food wise and quite frankly, it is rude to assume that just because you don't need a lot, everyone else should be the same.


One of the 64K
Exactly how big is the bag then? Was planning to bring some spare clothes and the plastic container containing my dinner the night before and a book - staying at my uncle's flat whilst he's away and want to keep down the cooking/washing-up.
Bigger than a plimsoll bag but smaller than a dustbin liner.
It's one of those toughened 'not quite rucksack' plastic bag affairs, I think some posh clothes shops use the same profile for their bags. The rope/string draw string things. I believe I fitted a daysack in mine OK. Sounds like you shouldn't have an issue. You get it when you register anyway so you can check your options. You stick one of your notrace numbers on it from the pack, to prove it's yours.

Hugh Jarce

New Member
Hoping to cycle to start over Tower Bridge.
Info states Tower Bridge will be closed 5.30 AM onwards - does anyone know if it will be closed for motor
vehicles only but open to Cycles and Pedestrians ?


Bexley, Kent
At the end of the day, everyone has different needs food wise and quite frankly, it is rude to assume that just because you don't need a lot, everyone else should be the same.
Rude? Really? It's probably rude of you to assume I don't "need a lot". I can tell you right now, I'll probably have two sandwiches.


Legendary Member
Rude? Really? It's probably rude of you to assume I don't "need a lot". I can tell you right now, I'll probably have two sandwiches.
If you like proper sarnies, there's a cafe off the high street in Dorking that does monsters :biggrin:


South Coast
Is there an opportunity to get some water at the start?

I cant remember from 2 years ago & was abit late so had to hurry through!


It's probably rude of you to assume I don't "need a lot". I can tell you right now, I'll probably have two sandwiches.
Again, it was a general comment aimed at those making those comments.

You quoted me
Doesn't mean the whole post is dedicated to you.

Hopefully this thread will get back on track soon rather than people continuing to have a pop at others at every opportunity.
Is there an opportunity to get some water at the start?

I cant remember from 2 years ago & was abit late so had to hurry through!
Advice I have heard from another event: bring an extra bottle of water to the start. Just a 1.5 or 2 litre bottle from the supermarket. Use it while waiting, and when you are close to the start, dispose of it. If there's no bin, just put it in a corner - no really littering as they'll be clearing the area anyway. That means you start hydrated and with full bottles, without faff. Should be much less than a pound.

As long as you can work out a way to carry it.


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Where did I say you didn't? That part was a general comment at those making comments about other peoples food needs and what should and shouldn't be needed etc.

Don't bother @sleaver, I think some just want to start an argument.

What are the queues like at the food stops?

The first at Hampton Court was wide open and easy to get in and get out. The one at Newlands Corner was like Aldi at Christmas. Can't even remember remembering location / looking at the third HUB - if it was Box Hill my guess as it was very busy with people (as you would expect) would be a wide berth unless you like congestion / queues / wasting time. I didn't bother stopping at the 3rd HUB back then, and I won't this year. Would rather be a little more prepared with my own needs.

There are plenty of mini water stops around the course to fill up with water.

All the above based on 2013's ride.
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