RideLondon-Surrey 100 (2015) Anyone?

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No, I meant you should have replaced it two weeks ago
Yes mum :smile:

and done at least one long training ride on it
It happened on my last long ride ;)

And never ride very far on a front wheel or tyre that might fail.
That's why I'm changing it ^_^ When it happened though, I had to get home.

Failures at the front can be catastrophic
It was at the front and while it didn't cause me to crash, it was on a downhill section. The tube didn't 'burst' but it was a rapid(ish) deflation rather than a slow puncture.


I saw that, edited my post. Do you really think you'll need gels before Wimbledon. I have one in the bag, but never needed and plan not to as I can't swallow them based on a trial at a cycling show. Jelly babies and flapjack for me, and a sandwich stop somewhere
Humans don't normally have enough carbohydrates in them to fuel us for that distance and everyone is different in what they require energy wise or how they get it. For example, your not using gels but your Jelly Babies and sandwich will be doing the same as a gel would for me.

I may not need to use what I take either, I didn't at Velothon Wales but it is better to have them than not :smile:


I will also have flapjacks and I have always put empty wrappers/packets in my jersey pockets since day one of cycling :smile:


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
I'm going in armed with Nakd bars for the first 30 - 40 miles and High5 Gels via my awesome Salomon Hydrapak (no faffing with sticky packets or fingers) and a banana for the hills. The rather awesome @themosquitoking will be meeting me at THAT bend after Box Hill to swap over water bottles, Hydrapaks, Nakd bars and a Welsh Cake to munch right there while I regale stories of adventure / catch my breath / throw up.

That's the plan if it doesn't rain. If it does I may have to detour to Carshalton to get my stuff...


Legendary Member
I'm going in armed with Nakd bars for the first 30 - 40 miles and High5 Gels via my awesome Salomon Hydrapak (no faffing with sticky packets or fingers) and a banana for the hills. The rather awesome @themosquitoking will be meeting me at THAT bend after Box Hill to swap over water bottles, Hydrapaks, Nakd bars and a Welsh Cake to munch right there while I regale stories of adventure / catch my breath / throw up.

That's the plan if it doesn't rain. If it does I may have to detour to Carshalton to get my stuff...

What a faff!

Food supplies on the route are the best I've seen on a sportive!


Legendary Member
What a faff!

Food supplies on the route are the best I've seen on a sportive!
I'm thinking a BLT sarnie from Sainsburys on Dorking high St personally and maybe a bag of crisps

But then for me it's not a race...except to beat the broom wagon :whistle:


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
What a faff!

Food supplies on the route are the best I've seen on a sportive!

I only eat what I am used to, and I'm used to High5 gels, Nakd bars and Sainsburys bananas...

Anyway what's so faffy about stuffing 4 bars, a banana and a rubber hydrapak in the back of your pockets?
What a faff!

Is this a 100 mile ride on a mild day around London, or the transcontinental?


Bexley, Kent
I'm thinking a BLT sarnie from Sainsburys on Dorking high St personally and maybe a bag of crisps

But then for me it's not a race...except to beat the broom wagon :whistle:
I'm with you. Salt and Vinegar flavour crisps I find most suitable for a bike ride. I've never really understood the gels and energy bars thing. If I get hungry, I stop at a shop and buy a sandwich and my stomach usually thanks me for it. And a nice cup of tea. Then have my dinner when I get home.


Legendary Member
Actually maybe @jefmcg can hand me the sandwich as I go past Sainsburys on Dorking High Street. I will need to stop to eat though as the lettuce can get caught in the throat, what an ignominious end, death by iceberg :ohmy: It would be like the Titanic all over again :biggrin: They could make a film about me, but I'd rather George Clooney :wub: than Leonardo Di Caprio :thumbsdown:


Legendary Member
I'm with you. Salt and Vinegar flavour crisps I find most suitable for a bike ride. I've never really understood the gels and energy bars thing. If I get hungry, I stop at a shop and buy a sandwich and my stomach usually thanks me for it. And a nice cup of tea. Then have my dinner when I get home.

2013 the WI were selling tea & cakes at Box Hill Village Hall.


I'm staying in a hotel too, I have no plans to take anything with me that cant fit in the kit bag, which I assume will be the same size as the one I was given last year, my large saddle bag and tri bag

For SIS, this should provide what is needed. Fresh bottle too
Exactly how big is the bag then? Was planning to bring some spare clothes and the plastic container containing my dinner the night before and a book - staying at my uncle's flat whilst he's away and want to keep down the cooking/washing-up.
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