RideLondon-Surrey 100 (2015) Anyone?

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Legendary Member
Left hand side, quite near the gutter as I recall. I think it was around some road furniture.

In fact, I think it's here - photo taken in may, and it's worse now.

@vickster does that look right to you?

(I'd still expect it to be fixed next weekend)
It's rather closer to the lights than that I think. I was trying to avoid it and I was only a few cars back. I was in the middle of the lane and pointed it out to a driver wanting to get into the left as she was behind a few cars waiting to turn right
It's right by the pavement but biggish so keep out
Rather than having a sly dig after CarlP's post

It really wasn't meant to be a dig; you'd asked me twice for a response - the least I owed you was a response explaining why I wasn't responding. If you see what I mean.
Matches my assumption. I guess I just underestimated the size of my demo. Which is cool, I don't really think I'm a sportive rider.


Sorry, did someone say something about a pothole ;) :smile:

It is surprising what you have to do before you even register at ExCel. So far I need to:
  • Replace my front tyre
  • Clean my bike
  • Replace the cleats that have been having on by a thread after they got trashed at Velothon Wales. Damn those proper(ish) hills.
  • Buy gels and drink stuff
  • Plan and load the route from the hotel to the start on my Garmin
  • Work out how I'm going to fit everything in a smaller racksack as the one I took last year didn't fit to well in the drawstring bag. Yeah, found that out at the bag drop :whistle: Before some smart arse says I should have checked ^_^ it had fitted in bags before.
  • Probably loads of other stuff I haven't thought of yet!


Über Member
Sorry, did someone say something about a pothole ;) :smile:

It is surprising what you have to do before you even register at ExCel. So far I need to:
  • Replace my front tyre
  • Clean my bike
  • Replace the cleats that have been having on by a thread after they got trashed at Velothon Wales. Damn those proper(ish) hills.
  • Buy gels and drink stuff
  • Plan and load the route from the hotel to the start on my Garmin
  • Work out how I'm going to fit everything in a smaller racksack as the one I took last year didn't fit to well in the drawstring bag. Yeah, found that out at the bag drop :whistle: Before some smart arse says I should have checked ^_^ it had fitted in bags before.
  • Probably loads of other stuff I haven't thought of yet!

I have to do all of the above apart from clean bike and replace cleats, oh and I am not going from your hotel you will be glad to hear. Hopefully travelling light enough not to need a rucksack.


Legendary Member
Sorry, did someone say something about a pothole ;) :smile:

It is surprising what you have to do before you even register at ExCel. So far I need to:
  • Replace my front tyre
  • Clean my bike
  • Replace the cleats that have been having on by a thread after they got trashed at Velothon Wales. Damn those proper(ish) hills.
  • Buy gels and drink stuff
  • Plan and load the route from the hotel to the start on my Garmin
  • Work out how I'm going to fit everything in a smaller racksack as the one I took last year didn't fit to well in the drawstring bag. Yeah, found that out at the bag drop :whistle: Before some smart arse says I should have checked ^_^ it had fitted in bags before.
  • Probably loads of other stuff I haven't thought of yet!

I have to do all of the above apart from clean bike and replace cleats, oh and I am not going from your hotel you will be glad to hear. Hopefully travelling light enough not to need a rucksack.

Bike cleaned and checked.check
Tyres checked.check
Hotel booked. check
Food/Drink. check
Paperwork checked.check.

All we have to do is get there, we (the fragrant Mrs P and I) are going up on Friday and staying three nights coming back on Monday. We are cycling up from Didcot to Stratford during the day, chilling /sight seeing Saturday, doing the ride Sunday, cycling home Monday. Sorted-Bosh-Tuesday.


Something I forgot. Plastic bags to put my spare clothes in just in case in rains and some bright spark decides it is a good idea to put all the bags on the ground to get soaked again :cursing:


Legendary Member
Sorry, did someone say something about a pothole ;) :smile:

  • Buy gels and drink stuff

wait till you register - some VERY cheap offers last year


wait till you register - some VERY cheap offers last year
That's what I'm considering as I think SiS did something like a 5 for 3 deal last year. I say SiS because High5 normally ends up with me hoping their is a portaloo close by :sad:


Oh, I wouldn't be replacing anything on my bike (including tyres) a couple of days before a long ride. You don't want to discover you've fitted a duff component on the actual ride.

On the upside, 100 miles isn't really a long ride.
I've currently got a couple of leafs in my tyre that I put in there after fixing a puncture to stop the inner tube coming through a hole about 2-3mm long!

Still think I shouldn't replace it :smile:

Edit - That was about 2 weeks ago so the leafs have probably seen better days!


Why do you need to buy gels. I understand they give them out, you'll presumably stop somewhere before you need it just before Wimbledon :smile:
They give out High5 ones and based on past experiences when I was running, they will make sure I need to stop quite a few times before Wimbledon if you get what I mean ;)
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