RideLondon-Surrey 100 (2015) Anyone?

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I put 7 and a half and have got a 7.54 start so...

I dunno!



This is part of the Duckworth Lewis method. The DLM is one of the most fiendish piece of maths in the world which, I think, also includes the waxing of the moon and sacrificial virgins...

I believe that there may be a more difficult method being used on Ride London ^_^


I believe that there may be a more difficult method being used on Ride London ^_^
Yeah, it is called the "Organise a ride, which is probably a logistical nightmare, where 25,000 like minded people can do what they enjoy doing" method ^_^
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Which will be done any way by putting the faster riders first. If they take your approach and say for example put some slower riders in earlier groups, they will then start to fall back and create the bottlenecks by being caught by the riders of the same or better ability.

How will riders 'of the same ability' catch someone half an hour down the road?! If you set a massive group off of similar abilities they will just form a massive peleton which would be dangerous. However if you mix the groups up they will fan out. Here is an example, two groups of 35 riders, 20 riders aiming for 4hrs, 10 aiming for 4.5hrs and 5 aiming for 5 hours, separated by 30 minutes. The first 20 will never be caught so will ride as a group of 20. The 10 aiming for 4.5hrs will only just be caught at the line by the second groups fastest riders so will also not get too big. no group from the second group will be able to catch similar or better riders and will only just catch the category below them but because of the weighting these groups will never get to big. Obviously for Ride london it will be a bit more complicated. This is the process they use, I remember an interview a couple of years ago discussing this very thing. It is very similar to how traffic keeps moving on a motorway, different cars travelling at different speeds, congestion normally occurs when they start to travel at the same speed.


This is the process they use, I remember an interview a couple of years ago discussing this very thing.
Have you got the link?

It is very similar to how traffic keeps moving on a motorway, different cars travelling at different speeds, congestion normally occurs when they start to travel at the same speed.
So the variable speed limit, that limits cars to the same speed to help with congestion, is actually a load of rubbish?

A smart motorway (formerly managed motorway) is a section of motorway in Great Britain which uses active traffic management (ATM) techniques to increase capacity by use of variable speed limits and hard shoulder running at busy times. Benefits include smoother traffic flows, more reliable journey times, fewer road traffic collisions, and reduced noise and harmful vehicle emissions.


Legendary Member
I've got to make up 18 minutes to catch up my mate who is 10 years younger than me and 30 kg lighter! I do have rather longer legs and bigger quads which give a bit of an edge even with the dodgy knees :ohmy:
...I'm hoping however she will wait for me before we get to the first incline in Richmond park (preferably with a syringe of epo, Alfa, beta, darbepoetin, I'll even take biosimilar, I'm not fussy :biggrin: )

Where actually is a good place for her to wait within the first 5-10 miles say?


Where actually is a good place for her to wait within the first 5-10 miles say?
From memory, people are literately waiting at the side of the road, probably from only 100m past the start, before your even out of the park.

Just look on YouTube for videos of the start and you'll see what I mean.

Edit - Just remembered that they said somewhere that there are two start funnels which go down different carriage ways of the main A road once your out of the park and you can't (well they say don't) cross over. So depending on where they join and if you and your friend end up in different funnels, just after the start may be the best place.


Legendary Member
She's spoken to someone we know who did it last year and again this and she has said to get a few miles out. Given our late start times, I think we should get away from the initial mayhem and out of the city if possible. I need to look at the route, but perhaps Chiswick?

I'd like to get warmed up and she isn't planning to do the whole route so if she loses a bit of time, it's not an issue. That said she may stop me going off too fast so don't want to go too far on my own chasing her!

But cheers


It's a bit more complicated than that...

This is part of the Duckworth Lewis method. The DLM is one of the most fiendish piece of maths in the world

Nah - it's an elementary bit of regression with an exponential transform.

I have a mild intellectual interest in his they allocate times. I have a more prosaic practical interest in whether the weather will be better than last year and whether our legs will cope!

I've recently relooked at last year's times. Despite not being hugely quick (typical moving average on long rides of 12mph or so we covered the first 17 miles in just over an hour.


Legendary Member
OK, this is the BBC and it's over a week away, but they are saying 22deg for the 1st in London and 19 in Dorking, with light cloud but no rain...so fingers tightly crossed (especially as I've bought a small tube of factor 30 to stop me ending up like Rudolf as I did on Saturday)!

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