RideLondon-Surrey 100 (2015) Anyone?

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Active Member
There's one more notable climb: the ascent to Newlands Corner. Probably some where between Box Hill and Leith Hill in difficulty.
Of the three, I found Newlands the easiest because my leg were still relatively fresh. In fact on that basis I would put it into fourth place behind Wimbledon Hill!

The only significant thing is that Newlands does hit you when you least expect it to as there is nothing significant to warn you about it.


Senior Member
@sleaver @w00hoo_kent thanks so much for replying - sorry I've not been around though... I think basically my plan is to stay far far left and not make any sudden moves.... I did also think I could do as you suggest and start out with the fast lot and then find somewhere to have an early break to drop down the pack to the less speedy ones. My start time is 0721 and I think I was misfiled as I must have put at least 8hrs down as my estimated time - I'm under no illusions that I'm quick! I am also woefully underprepared and have only done 1 training ride of about 60 miles - the distance was no bother but I am shocking at hills. I'm not too proud to walk though! :smile:


Legendary Member
@sleaver @w00hoo_kent thanks so much for replying - sorry I've not been around though... I think basically my plan is to stay far far left and not make any sudden moves.... I did also think I could do as you suggest and start out with the fast lot and then find somewhere to have an early break to drop down the pack to the less speedy ones. My start time is 0721 and I think I was misfiled as I must have put at least 8hrs down as my estimated time - I'm under no illusions that I'm quick! I am also woefully underprepared and have only done 1 training ride of about 60 miles - the distance was no bother but I am shocking at hills. I'm not too proud to walk though! :smile:

Sorry - start time is 0621 - very badly misfiled!!

I could be mistaken, but i thought that earlier start time were for the faster riders, so they had a clearer run.


Active Member

imagine the chaos if the slower riders started first and were caught from behind

It's not quite as simple as that, there will be a mixture of riders in each wave with the earlier waves favouring the faster riders but not exclusively so. They will want them to fan out along the route and create a steady stream past the choke points rather than several peletons of a a few hundred riders in each. Imagine the accidents if you had every single rider wanting to beat 4.5 hours all descending leith hill at the same time!


They will want them to fan out along the route and create a steady stream
Which will be done any way by putting the faster riders first. If they take your approach and say for example put some slower riders in earlier groups, they will then start to fall back and create the bottlenecks by being caught by the riders of the same or better ability.

At the end of the day though it is a sportive designed to be fun, a challenge and a good day out with like minded people. So rather than picking apart the organisation and where people should or shouldn't be starting, lets all enjoy it for what it is and offer encouragement where it is needed.
Well, except that above someone estimated 8 hours and is starting at 6.20. @vickster estimated 7 (and a bit?) and is starting just before 9.


I'm not saying what they said isn't true, but can anyone truly remember what time they estimated? I know I can't remember what I put.


Legendary Member
Well, except that above someone estimated 8 hours and is starting at 6.20. @vickster estimated 7 (and a bit?) and is starting just before 9.
In a moment of optimism when I was less crocked than now back in August 2013 (about the time when I was getting my best Strava times) :wacko: I'm still hoping for a moving time of around 7 hours, we shall see!
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