RideLondon-Surrey 100 (2015) Anyone?

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Über Member
Sunny Surbiton
It has rained the last 3 Sunday's in a row!

What was the crap last line by Andi McDowell from "four weddings" ...'is it raining? I hadn't noticed'. Maybe I've been lucky, but it either hasn't rained on me or I didn't notice. :rolleyes:


Active Member
I'm doing this ride. My first Sportive and I'm nervous as hell.

I've trained quite well and am now at 60 miles, but I'm slow and managing about 12.5mph average for that. I'm going to put in another 60 miler and then attempt 75 miles in a week's time. If I can't manage that I'm very concerned that I will fail on the day. I'm a big guy and cramp has been an issue towards the end of my longest rides.

Grateful for any tips/words of wisdom.

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Legendary Member
I'm doing this ride. My first Sportive and I'm nervous as hell.

I've trained quite well and an now at 60 miles, but I'm slow at am managing about 12.5mph for that. I'm going to put in another 60 miler and then attempt 75 miles in a week's time. If I can't manage that I'm very concerned that I will fail on the day. I'm a big guy and cramp has been an issue towards the end of my longest rides.

Grateful for any tips/words of wisdom.


1. Dont be nervous, its a friendly ride mostly and its not a race.
2. Ride at your own pace, and do not go off to fast in the first twenty miles, pace yourself.
3. Drink plenty of fluids, perhaps with some hydration tabs in your water, that should help with cramp.
4. Take some food with you, snack little and often.
5. If you can make sure your bike is set up correctly.
6.Wear padded shorts with not underpants.
7.Slap a lot LOTS of shammy cream on your sit bones
8 Enjoy the day, its great fun...even when it's p1$$ing down.


It's a bit more complicated than that...
9. You can go a lot faster in aggregate on closed roads than on open roads - you're not constantly checking for traffic and stopping at junctions.
10. You only need to go at 11.something mph, or slower if you've got an earlier start.
11. The cream (Sudocrem is fine) goes all over your genitals, not just on your sit-bones.


I've trained quite well and an now at 60 miles, but I'm slow at am managing about 12.5mph for that. I'm going to put in another 60 miler and then attempt 75 miles in a week's time. If I can't manage that I'm very concerned that I will fail on the day. I'm a big guy and cramp has been an issue towards the end of my longest rides.
If you mean your going to do the 75 mile ride the week before, I would possibly advise against that. Really you should be tapering now so that your legs are rested before the big day. If your up to 60 miles, maybe try the 75 mile ride this week.

How hilly have your rides been and have you ridden any of the three hills before? Box Hill is the easiest followed by Newlands Corner. Leith Hill is the on that has a bite to its bark but you have a nice downhill section to look forward to the other side?

What is your start time? As mentioned, the maximum time applies for the last wave, so the earlier your start is, the more time you have.

Isn't cramp caused by low levels of salt? If so, try and manage your salt intake such as adding something to your drinks as suggested above, although try and practice with what ever you use as you may suffer from unwanted stomach movements otherwise.

8 Enjoy the day, its great fun...even when it's p1$$ing down.
+1 :smile:


Kilometre nibbler
My hints:
1) Don't try anything new. Ride in your usual gear, on your usual bike. Use your usual food/drink. Don't try out anything new on the day of the ride, it might turn out not to suit you.
2) Relax and enjoy. The closed roads will speed you up a bit. The event athmosphere will speed you up a bit. And your starting point of 12.5mph is not slow.


South Coast
Dont be tempted to go off too fast! I did this at a sportive at the beginning of the year and the second half of the ride was hell!
Better off starting slow and finishing strong at the end!


Active Member
Thats for all the replies, some great advice.

I live in the Cotswolds so I'm used to lots of rolling countryside. I certainly won't have faced anything like Leith etc but if I can't get up them I'll just walk up them!

I've been focussed on the hydration and nutrition stuff while I'm out and I think that has helped. The cramp, unfortunately, is likely due to fatigue - I'm asking my legs to do a huge amount of work!

My start time is 8:20, so I will be one of the last waves to go out, which is a shame. If I had no time limit I would be more confident and relaxed about it. The fact I'm doing it for charity and have a sense of responsibility on me has only worsened my trepidation!



Legendary Member
Thats for all the replies, some great advice.

I live in the Cotswolds so I'm used to lots of rolling countryside. I certainly won't have faced anything like Leith etc but if I can't get up them I'll just walk up them!

I've been focussed on the hydration and nutrition stuff while I'm out and I think that has helped. The cramp, unfortunately, is likely due to fatigue - I'm asking my legs to do a huge amount of work!

My start time is 8:20, so I will be one of the last waves to go out, which is a shame. If I had no time limit I would be more confident and relaxed about it. The fact I'm doing it for charity and have a sense of responsibility on me has only worsened my trepidation!


You still have plenty of time to get round, I'm leaving ten minute before you it's plenty of time. Where abouts in the Cotswolds do you ride?


One of the 64K
Dont be tempted to go off too fast! I did this at a sportive at the beginning of the year and the second half of the ride was hell!
Better off starting slow and finishing strong at the end!
This is really worth repeating again and again, the miles from the start to pretty much Hampton Court are silly fast and it'd be really easy to get swept along. Leading up to the 86 miles last year I was sitting somewhere between 15 and 17mph average on my training rides. Even with the drizzle from the start I was still on something like 22mph average after 10 miles out. I wasn't hugely worried because I knew Leith & Box were missing from the route, but considering how tough I found Wimbledon it was probably touch and go if they'd been in. The general speed on good closed roads is something I just hadn't experienced and the ease of just falling in to the pace that seemed right with those around you (and plenty were blasting past at that pace) just made if feel the thing to do. So I'd suggest take some advantage of it, but keep in mind what's still to come, once you get in to the more rolling stuff things start to get a lot more normal pace wise.
the miles from the start to pretty much Hampton Court
Further than that, the first real hill is up to Newlands Corner, then you have about 60km with climbing, then another 50km home. OK, and a bit of a climb in Richmond Park and in Wimbledon on the way home. If you are used to the Cotwolds, you will find the terrain easier than you are used to.

Oh, and don't try rehydration tabs for the first time on the ride; they make me nauseous.


Legendary Member
Thats for all the replies, some great advice.

I live in the Cotswolds so I'm used to lots of rolling countryside. I certainly won't have faced anything like Leith etc but if I can't get up them I'll just walk up them!

I've been focussed on the hydration and nutrition stuff while I'm out and I think that has helped. The cramp, unfortunately, is likely due to fatigue - I'm asking my legs to do a huge amount of work!

My start time is 8:20, so I will be one of the last waves to go out, which is a shame. If I had no time limit I would be more confident and relaxed about it. The fact I'm doing it for charity and have a sense of responsibility on me has only worsened my trepidation!


There are some much bigger hills in the Cotwolds than Leith!


Active Member
You still have plenty of time to get round, I'm leaving ten minute before you it's plenty of time. Where abouts in the Cotswolds do you ride?


I live between Cirencester and Cheltenham but spend most of my time riding around Bibury, Fairford, Lechlade etc.
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