sorry didnt mean that, just meant 'things'
but back to your point, i dont find it acceptable although i didnt wear a helmet when i was young, this doesnt make me a hypocrite as tthere are other examples, if you follow me
im not saying all people agree with me, just that im not a hypocrite
No sorry I don't follow you.
You specifically said that society finds it unacceptable. This is not true.
You now change it to ' things' are not acceptable. This is true.
Do you agree that society do not find non helmet wearing not acceptable?
It was ok for you to not wear a helmet but not your children, that is hypocritical what ever way you look at it.
What happened when you was young and was cycling that you now feel the need to force your children to wear a helmet and would deny them the simple pleasures of riding a bike if they didn't want to. Do you find cycling a dangerous activity? Do you think it's right to portray to your kids the same.
Fully understanding that it's not an issue with your kids but at what age will you allow your children to make their own decision as to whether they want to wear a helmet or not?