david k
- Location
- North West
That is very sad to hear.
Did you in your younger days wear a helmet when learning to ride a bike?
That is very sad to hear.
Did you in your younger days wear a helmet when learning to ride a bike?
As Martin Luther King said
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."
So you know what I am going to ask/say....
Isn't that hypocritical? Ok for you to ride a bike without but not your children.
Would you honestly deny your kids the very simple & safe pleasures of riding a bike if they didn't want to wear a helmet?
If one of them asked you if you wore a helmet when you was younger what would you say and how would you deal with that?
theres lots o things i did as a kid that we dont find acceptable these days such as standing in the middle of the car as my dad raced down the east lancs road at 80mph. i wouldnt let my kids do that either even though i did. if im a hypocrite then so be it
as they and i always wear a helmet it isnt an issue for any of us, just like putting on a seat belt
" improved design to increase facial protection"
they did not say it doesnt protect but that they want improved protection, therefore i maintain my initial view. As i saw your original post there was no question just a statement, i didnt see the need to respond as i didnt see a question and as i read it the post did not disagree with mine
So you are still claiming that the present non full face helmets provide facial protection?
With my own kids i ensure they wear a helmet, i have this view because of my belief that helmets are beneficial. By 'we' i mean society, theres many things society accepted years ago that they dont now, do you agree?
I used the 80mph purely as an example of things being accepted 30 years ago but not now.
because you say you are anti pro compulsion, and you say no discussion can take place regarding benefits of helmets without it relating to compulsion and anyone doing so is hiding the subject, therefore the only conclusion i can draw is that if you are against compulsion you are against anyone considering a helmet beneficial, therefore anti helmet
obviously to a far lesser degree than a full face helmet
Yes I agree with the above point, but I don't agree that society finds not wearing a helmet unacceptable. How do you come to the conclusion that society finds it unacceptable.
Yes I agree with the above point, but I don't agree that society finds not wearing a helmet unacceptable. How do you come to the conclusion that society finds it unacceptable.
Weird, inaccurate and above all still wrong!
The simple question was how correcting an erroneous claim was "anti-helmet" or because one "hates people who wear helmets"
This is simply a reiteration of your previous ramblings and lies.
Why is the concept that informing people of the pros and cons anti-helmet?
Now we are being accused that stating helmets don't offer facial protection relates to compulsion?
obviously to a far lesser degree than a full face helmet