im guessing at 16 as thats when people start having the ability to form their own judgements, i will cross that bridge as they may mature sooner
how will i cross that bridge? not sure, i guess it will happen naturally, our relationships are very strong and supportive, we have no issues and wont have. do you feel this would be difficult?
Having children myself and one of them past that age, then yes it will be difficult. Teenagers have their own way's of dealing with the world. Do you think your child will listen to you when he's in his/her teens and accept everything you say? Scenario for you. Your child is 15 he wants to go out on his bike, but without a helmet as all his friends do not wear one, hi is under a lot of peer pressure from his friends. Do you let him go out and ride and be happy or do you have a row about having to wear a helmet or not and alienating your child.
As I said, this is a scenario.