Dear Mr Pro-compulsion, (if indeed anyone actually is… I've lost track of who thinks what and have skipped to the end).
I wear a helmet when cycling because I believe that in a limited set of circumstances it's probably beneficial. Also it saves me from hitting my head on low branches, and gives me something to fix my lamps to when off-road cycling at night. (Which no doubt you'd make illegal too?)
If parents want to make their kids wear helmets then they should do so. After all, it's their kids. Young kids may well be wobbly on 2 wheels and their softer skulls more vulnerable. I don't think we really need to bother Parliament and the police with it though. If you want to wear a helmet, feel free to join me in doing so. After all, you and I are well-informed enough and old enough to make up our own minds, aren't we? Just like those who choose not to, in fact!
If you really want to make the world better for cyclists, surely there are better things to concentrate on? After all, helmets are only helpful in a limited set of circumstances. Forcing people to wear them (and fining people who don't comply) will only reduce the number of cyclists. Imagine if it were illegal to use a 'Boris Bike' in London unless you owned a helmet but not a bike. Or if there was a big locker full of second-hand greasy sweaty ill-fitting helmets that you had to pick from before you could ride. Reducing the number of cyclists would make things worse for various reasons:
1 - more pollution for us to breathe as would-be cyclists take the car instead
2 - fewer people with experience of cycling means more motorists with no understanding of our needs
3 - drivers who know and love someone who cycles will be more respectful/careful of cyclists
4 - greater lobbying power and representation
I slipped on some ice while walking once and hit my head. Shall we make walking without a helmet illegal, only below a certain temperature, or shall we just settle for outlawing winter? It begs the question, should there be a minimum amount of tread on a shoe? Only in bad weather?
I'm sick of the nanny state banning everything that they either don't like, don't understand or think might be dangerous. We had enough of it under
Nanny Blair and I really don't think that we need another piece of legislation to make cyclists' life more difficult. If cycling is so dangerous maybe we should ban it totally? Or at least only allow people with driving licences to cycle? The very idea that all risk can be eradicated is utterly ludicrous. The world is no safer as a result - we just have a population who refuse to take any responsibility for themselves any more. Being pro-compulsion would appear to me to be the result of being so sure of yourself and your cut'n'paste statistics that you consider yourself qualified to tell others what's good for them and force them to obey. What's next? Number plates for cyclists? Full kevlar suits? Stabilisers even for adults? Wearable air bags? (Don't laugh – they really do exist for motorcyclists with deep pockets).
Seriously, I'm glad you agree with me that helmets are a good idea, but you really ought to consider shoving your megalomaniac pro-compulsion stance up yer seatpost.
I was so pleased when, after the last helmet thread got out of hand, these threads were given their own
wastebin sub-forum. I can't believe I've clicked on a link that dragged me back in. I promise not to darken these doors again!