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Legendary Member
Mad Doug's parents were a philosopher and a proctologist. They both told him it was important to understand the fundamentals of life.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Rz always gets unfeasibly excited before being disappointed when he hears of a BLT coming his way.

He lives in hope that one day, it really WILL stand for 'Big Lovely T*ts'.
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Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Mad Doug eats more Big D peanuts than anyone else in the pub.

Remembering a particularly unfortunate mis - hearing, Rz still cringes at the time when he asked for peanuts whilst he was visiting a Gay Bar with his mates.


Legendary Member
The Doctor sews bits of roadkill together to make frightening taxidermy projects. He is especially proud of the six-legged deer with a fox's tail and a badger's head.
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