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All uphill

Still rolling along
Roger lives in a big fish tank; he says we all will soon. He has a little song about it that goes like this:

" This is the dawning of the age of aquarium, age of aquarium".


Hello decadence
Uppers has just realised that the greatest ever song about tortoises was recorded 40 years ago this year.....................

Turtle Eclipse of the Heart.


When he was once asked if he was on a see food diet Rog replied, 'nah, I don't like fish.'

True story, a young girl who I used to work with, she wasn't the sharpest tool in the box, once gave me that reply.

All uphill

Still rolling along
Poor Rocky was feeling heavy and old. He wanted to lose weight and years so he went to a mass age parlour.


Hello decadence
Not many people know this, but Steph has lived on Mars for years………..

mind you, all that sugar has taken a toll on his teeth.

All uphill

Still rolling along
Rocky shouted out in class that he wanted to live on another rock orbiting the sun.

His teacher said "Planet".

Rocky replied " Of course I'll planet. Got to build a rocket for starters".


Hello decadence
Uppers has been caught by his neighbour attaching a rocket engine to a deer - indeed he was reported to the RSPCA for this despicable behaviour...

Shame on him for trying to make a quick buck.
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